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I wish I had been there to see this.....


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Article about the wrap up session in training camp


I would have loved to have seen this:


Finally, a mouthpiece flew into the air upon contact. It belonged to linebacker Michael Okwo, whose collision with running back Kevin Jones left more than his own tongue wagging.


A few minutes later, safety Mike Brown tossed running back Adrian Peterson to the ground as Peterson was close to running out of bounds and Brown clearly was running out of patience.


A veteran picks his spots to make statements. Brown picked that particular patch of grass


KJ must have hit Okwo like a Mack Truck to knock his mouthpiece out. I liked what I saw in Forte last week and like what I am hearing about KJ. Could be a dynamite duo!

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I would have loved to have seen this:


KJ must have hit Okwo like a Mack Truck to knock his mouthpiece out. I liked what I saw in Forte last week and like what I am hearing about KJ. Could be a dynamite duo!


Sounds a lot like the olden days... We may not win every game but if we're kicking major ass out there, it'll be fun to watch on Sunday.

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Mike Brown is a BEAR.


Article about the wrap up session in training camp


I would have loved to have seen this:




KJ must have hit Okwo like a Mack Truck to knock his mouthpiece out. I liked what I saw in Forte last week and like what I am hearing about KJ. Could be a dynamite duo!

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Sounds a lot like the olden days... We may not win every game but if we're kicking major ass out there, it'll be fun to watch on Sunday.


Used to be, even if we lost, the team knew they played us days later as their list of players injured was long. Recently, it seems like it is our team that ends up feeling the pain for days/weeks after a game.

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I am just excited to have some life in the backfield this year; all these guys (Forte, Jones & Wolfe) have something to prove and they are not afraid of hard work either! I never liked ced's lack-luster style.


Lackluster? Hell man, he was a complete douchebag. Maturity level of a 10 year old. I'm glad as hell he's gone and hope he never works again in the NFL.

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