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Well, we're 2 pre-season games into the new season and we seem to have more questions than we may have initially thought...


I also have noticed an abundance of "I told you so's" and "don't be negative's" flowing quite heavily. Heck, I'm personally guilty of both things to some degree! I was one of many who claimed that we shouldn't go so heavy after OL in the draft. While I thought we would make splashes in FA (Faneca), I was still sure the OL wouldn't be that much of an issue. Man, was I wrong! I've already posted about eating my plate of crow... Also, I've been quite harsh on the management and coaching staff. While I still am unsatisfied...I'll simply curb my complaints so I don't come off so darn negative...espcially given that nothing will be done until after season ends.


With that all said, given everything that's already happened in the past...what can we do now?


1. I think we need to desperately seek out FA linemen. Bentley needs to be called ASAP.

2. I'd to see the coaches just pick the darn QB already.... Why not say, "given what we've seen and how last season ended, we're giving the nod to Kyle Orton. We'd like to see improvement in his play, but we feel he gives us the best opportunity to win." I just don't see either guy doing much one way or another in these next 2 pre-season games to make a darn difference at this point.

3. Let's utilize ALL our TE's... Granted Clark has an injury and that could change the landscape a bit, but let's involve all 3 guys. They all seem to offer something special and different. Can we even try our new rookie beast TE at FB on a few select plays? He blocks well, and can catch. Maybe we can "Fridge" him up the middle once or stice?


While I won't lie and say we're going to the SB this year...I am still very excited to see this team play! I want to see the D regain their supremacy! I want to see our yourng RB establish himself, I want to see our TE's become the best in the league, I want to see Hester grow as a WR and keep scoring return TD's like they're going out of style, I want to see Kyle turn the corner and become a servicable NFL QB, and I want our team to play smart and hard! In all honesty, if I just get my last wish, regardless of the outcome of games, I will be on some level, happy. Playing smart and hard is a testament to both coaching and playing.


Let's go Bears!

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1. The fact that Bentley has not signed with someone leads me to believe that he is either not healthy or he wants too much money.

2. Lovie will name the starting QB before Thursday's game.

3. Of the 2 FBs, keep the one that is the best blocker. I could care less if he can catch a pass. We need a blocker.


Peace :dabears

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While I won't lie and say we're going to the SB this year...I am still very excited to see this team play! I want to see the D regain their supremacy! I want to see our yourng RB establish himself, I want to see our TE's become the best in the league, I want to see Hester grow as a WR and keep scoring return TD's like they're going out of style, I want to see Kyle turn the corner and become a servicable NFL QB, and I want our team to play smart and hard! In all honesty, if I just get my last wish, regardless of the outcome of games, I will be on some level, happy. Playing smart and hard is a testament to both coaching and playing.


Amen to that. Lots of us act like we're entitled to championship caliber football each season and unless we get it, we're going to stomp all over the place like spoiled brats and cry our eyes out. As a Bears fan in the 70's, I recall having nothing to get excited about other than Doug Plank and Walter Payton.


All of the things you mention above are reasons for hope and, more importantly, reasons to enjoy the season, even if we end up with a disappointing record. I choose to have a little faith and see us taking a step back toward 2006 and not repeating 2007. I openly admit I could be completely wrong. I've never seen the fun in wringing my hands and going with the whole "whoa is me" routine. Be a kid for a minute and believe in Santa! In about three weeks, before the game starts, we're going to be 0-0. Better than about half the teams in the league by that time. Until I see it play out on the field, why not dream big?


If we can shore up the line, I see no reason it can't happen. I believe in our coaches and the organization as a whole. That hasn't always been the case for me but I've seen enough to say I don't think we're being led astray by a bunch of dopes. Again, if our line is brought up a notch or two, our running game and defense should be better than last year. If we name Orton the QB, it won't be exciting football but we should see consistent, boring, fewer mistakes, offense. Fine with me!


I have a Vikings fan buddy. He's looking at this season as a glass half full. Why? His QB is unproven at best and is already hurt. His defense can't stop the pass. His team hasn't done shit since he was in grade school and hasn't ever won a Superbowl. He isn't the type to openly crow but if he were, I'd remind him that but for a career long field goal by Ryan Longwell, our team records would've been exactly the same for 2007! Sure, they've got a better O Line than us but most of the other aspects of the team favor the Bears. He gets to be optimistic, so DO I!!! :)

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While I won't lie and say we're going to the SB this year...I am still very excited to see this team play! I want to see the D regain their supremacy! I want to see our yourng RB establish himself, I want to see our TE's become the best in the league, I want to see Hester grow as a WR and keep scoring return TD's like they're going out of style, I want to see Kyle turn the corner and become a servicable NFL QB, and I want our team to play smart and hard! In all honesty, if I just get my last wish, regardless of the outcome of games, I will be on some level, happy. Playing smart and hard is a testament to both coaching and playing.


If all comes about that you mentioned in the paragraph above, we will be a SB contender, win our division, and go deep into the playoffs. Therefore, I hope you are granted your wish.

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So true!


Heck in in the Wanny years...I would just watch certain elements...like Trace Armstrong and Raymont Harris and get some enjoyment out of it! While I don't want the team to settle for anything less than championship calibur play...I know it's not always possible. I just want that to be the goal. I want to see improvement. (And improvement from last season hopefully shouldn't be all that difficult!)


The Bears are all about running and D. And this season will probably be that times 10. I think we just all hope the O line can get a little better with some kind of help from the outside...


Amen to that. Lots of us act like we're entitled to championship caliber football each season and unless we get it, we're going to stomp all over the place like spoiled brats and cry our eyes out. As a Bears fan in the 70's, I recall having nothing to get excited about other than Doug Plank and Walter Payton.


All of the things you mention above are reasons for hope and, more importantly, reasons to enjoy the season, even if we end up with a disappointing record. I choose to have a little faith and see us taking a step back toward 2006 and not repeating 2007. I openly admit I could be completely wrong. I've never seen the fun in wringing my hands and going with the whole "whoa is me" routine. Be a kid for a minute and believe in Santa! In about three weeks, before the game starts, we're going to be 0-0. Better than about half the teams in the league by that time. Until I see it play out on the field, why not dream big?


If we can shore up the line, I see no reason it can't happen. I believe in our coaches and the organization as a whole. That hasn't always been the case for me but I've seen enough to say I don't think we're being led astray by a bunch of dopes. Again, if our line is brought up a notch or two, our running game and defense should be better than last year. If we name Orton the QB, it won't be exciting football but we should see consistent, boring, fewer mistakes, offense. Fine with me!


I have a Vikings fan buddy. He's looking at this season as a glass half full. Why? His QB is unproven at best and is already hurt. His defense can't stop the pass. His team hasn't done shit since he was in grade school and hasn't ever won a Superbowl. He isn't the type to openly crow but if he were, I'd remind him that but for a career long field goal by Ryan Longwell, our team records would've been exactly the same for 2007! Sure, they've got a better O Line than us but most of the other aspects of the team favor the Bears. He gets to be optimistic, so DO I!!! :)

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Amen to that. Lots of us act like we're entitled to championship caliber football each season and unless we get it, we're going to stomp all over the place like spoiled brats and cry our eyes out. As a Bears fan in the 70's, I recall having nothing to get excited about other than Doug Plank and Walter Payton.


All of the things you mention above are reasons for hope and, more importantly, reasons to enjoy the season, even if we end up with a disappointing record. I choose to have a little faith and see us taking a step back toward 2006 and not repeating 2007. I openly admit I could be completely wrong. I've never seen the fun in wringing my hands and going with the whole "whoa is me" routine. Be a kid for a minute and believe in Santa! In about three weeks, before the game starts, we're going to be 0-0. Better than about half the teams in the league by that time. Until I see it play out on the field, why not dream big?


If we can shore up the line, I see no reason it can't happen. I believe in our coaches and the organization as a whole. That hasn't always been the case for me but I've seen enough to say I don't think we're being led astray by a bunch of dopes. Again, if our line is brought up a notch or two, our running game and defense should be better than last year. If we name Orton the QB, it won't be exciting football but we should see consistent, boring, fewer mistakes, offense. Fine with me!


I have a Vikings fan buddy. He's looking at this season as a glass half full. Why? His QB is unproven at best and is already hurt. His defense can't stop the pass. His team hasn't done shit since he was in grade school and hasn't ever won a Superbowl. He isn't the type to openly crow but if he were, I'd remind him that but for a career long field goal by Ryan Longwell, our team records would've been exactly the same for 2007! Sure, they've got a better O Line than us but most of the other aspects of the team favor the Bears. He gets to be optimistic, so DO I!!! :)


Come on man...we've hardly asked for championship football consistently over the last 20 years. Sure, we've been upset quite a bit, but at this point I feel that we do deserve a much better product consistently. We should expect up and down years, but there have been far too many down years over the last two decades. The one thing I do agree with is optimism. Nobody thought the Giants would do it last year, why not the Bears this year? The D/ST is enough to carry the team through, and Eli's numbers last year looked VERY similar to Grossman's the year before last when the Bears were in the SB.

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Come on man...we've hardly asked for championship football consistently over the last 20 years. Sure, we've been upset quite a bit, but at this point I feel that we do deserve a much better product consistently. We should expect up and down years, but there have been far too many down years over the last two decades. The one thing I do agree with is optimism. Nobody thought the Giants would do it last year, why not the Bears this year? The D/ST is enough to carry the team through, and Eli's numbers last year looked VERY similar to Grossman's the year before last when the Bears were in the SB.


2007 was bad. But it wasn't a collapse like we saw in the era before our current management. Going into the season the hope was Rex would take a step up and the D would remain healthy. If that happens, we're back in the playoffs and have as good a chance as anyone. It didn't.


I agree with you about Eli/Grossman but I think Eli was more consistent. Looks like we're getting Kyle anyway.

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I have a Vikings fan buddy. He's looking at this season as a glass half full. Why? His QB is unproven at best and is already hurt. His defense can't stop the pass. His team hasn't done shit since he was in grade school and hasn't ever won a Superbowl. He isn't the type to openly crow but if he were, I'd remind him that but for a career long field goal by Ryan Longwell, our team records would've been exactly the same for 2007! Sure, they've got a better O Line than us but most of the other aspects of the team favor the Bears. He gets to be optimistic, so DO I!!! :)


I think Minny fans have plenty to be optimistic about. Sure, they could tank, but their team is looking pretty good right now.


- QB - Yea, Jackson is unproven, and frankly, just doesn't look very good, but w/ an OL and ground game he has in front of him, he doesn't have to be great. Hanie would probably do well in that offense :)


- Defense can't stop the pass - That was true last year, but at the same time, they went out and traded for one of the league's premier pass rushers. Maybe that doesn't translate into good pass defense, but I think the real point is, they recognized a weakness, and were aggressive trying to fix it.


- Also, while their pass defense may or may not be improved, they also had the best run defense in the game. If you have an elite run game and run defense, I think you have plenty of reason for hope.


Minny may suck. I don't know. But I absolutely see why a Minny fan would be optimistic right now, especially w/ the rest of their division either looking flat out awful, or going through the sort of soap opera as we saw (and loved) in GB.

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Personally, I see little that can be done for this season beyond simply hoping players really step up. What I think we should be focusing on at this point is future seasons.


- We have a lot of talent at WR and TE. Development of these players is crucial to our future success.


- Same w/ RB.


- On the OL, I just don't see them coming together this year, but maybe we can develop a few players for the future. Beekman/Oakley and Barton come to mind.


- I doubt our QB of the future is on the team. We should put loads of resources into the QB position, and prepare to add a QB next year.


- Defense is solid now, but (a) we can work on aspects of our scheme that may have held us back in the past and (B) we should try to get some of our younger players additional reps for the future. Steltz, Payne, Graham, McBride, Williams, Anderson, Harrison.

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If you have an elite run game and run defense, I think you have plenty of reason for hope.


We have an elite D and a running game that may just surprise you.


BTW, do you realize what that Vikings elite running game produced the second half of the season? AP played in 6 games and averaged 50 yards per game. 3.8 per carry. He added only an average of 10 yards receiving.


I know he was hurt but he was fairly healthy when we played him the second time and he looked pretty human in that game. A lot of teams thought that. And his running style will always make him susceptible to injury. Vikings fans may have a lot to look forward to but they also have a lot to worry about, IMO.

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We have an elite D and a running game that may just surprise you.


We had an elite D. We hope it is again. And even when elite, were we very good against the run?


As for our run game, if they are good this year, yes that would be a surprise. I like Forte, and even Wolfe, but simply question the OL.


BTW, do you realize what that Vikings elite running game produced the second half of the season? AP played in 6 games and averaged 50 yards per game. 3.8 per carry. He added only an average of 10 yards receiving.


But AP wasn't their only RB. While AP struggled in the 2nd half, they also had Chester Taylor who did pretty darn well himself. In the 2nd half, I think they rushed for under 100 yards only a couple times


for example, in one game AP struggled (14 carries for 3 yards) Taylor picked up the slack gaining 101 yards. In another, AP struggled w/ 36 yards on 11 carries, while Taylor rushed for 83 on 10.


Minny was the #1 run team in the league, and it wasn't even close. 2,600 yards. 5.3 avg. 164.6 ypc. 22 TDs. They led the league in every rushing category. Sorry, but they were elite.


I know he was hurt but he was fairly healthy when we played him the second time and he looked pretty human in that game. A lot of teams thought that. And his running style will always make him susceptible to injury. Vikings fans may have a lot to look forward to but they also have a lot to worry about, IMO.


If AP were their only RB, I too may have some questions, but he is part of a running tandem, w/ a former 1,200 gainer to split carries w/. As much as you might try to take away from them, the numbers really kill your point.

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If AP were their only RB, I too may have some questions, but he is part of a running tandem, w/ a former 1,200 gainer to split carries w/. As much as you might try to take away from them, the numbers really kill your point.


AP is what makes them "elite" in most people's minds. And what I'm telling you is he was very average for the last half of the season. Being this is his second year, he ought to be the man. If he's splitting time with Chester the Molester this season, something went wrong. This isn't like Benson/Jones. He's supposed to be an every down back. And if he is, I'd worry about his ability to stay healthy and about his fade last year.


That said, I'd take him on the Bears or my fantasy team right now. I'm not bashing the guy, just pointing out something many people don't realize. Your point is well taken.

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Now that Orton has been named starter, we don't stop there. I'd meet with Orton and ask him were his confidence lies in both players and plays. Then I'd solidify that by naming all starters at skill positions. At this point, if they want to salvage, I'd play the starters for 3/4 of the next game and at least half of the last game. We need continuity on the OL and if we risk injury at this point to do so, so be it. I would be working really hard to find a way to bring in a solid OG. I don't think there is any way JA is going to be able to pull a LT out of his ass. IMO - it's too late for that type of scenario.


Lastly, I tell the team to buckle up for a weekly grind, nothing will come easy, but make them remeber who they just got beat up by. That's the Bear footall I love.

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AP is what makes them "elite" in most people's minds. And what I'm telling you is he was very average for the last half of the season. Being this is his second year, he ought to be the man. If he's splitting time with Chester the Molester this season, something went wrong. This isn't like Benson/Jones. He's supposed to be an every down back. And if he is, I'd worry about his ability to stay healthy and about his fade last year.


That said, I'd take him on the Bears or my fantasy team right now. I'm not bashing the guy, just pointing out something many people don't realize. Your point is well taken.


I know many feel they have an elite run game due to AP, and frankly, I laugh. To me, it is simple. They have an elite run game due to their OL. Before AP, they added Chester the molester (that never gets old:)) and had a damn good run game. He is average, but behind that OL, he was damn good. AP is a damn good RB (though I agree w/ you on injury concerns) but behind that OL, damn good becomes HOF.


It is like Jason's sig. Great OLs, like Minny, make an average RB good, good RB great, and great RB HOF.


If AP went down w/ injury in game one, I would say they still have a great run offense, as an average RB like Taylor can look great behind that line.

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name='nfoligno' date='Aug 18 2008, 11:49 PM' post='44412']

I know many feel they have an elite run game due to AP, and frankly, I laugh. To me, it is simple. They have an elite run game due to their OL. Before AP, they added Chester the molester (that never gets old:)) and had a damn good run game. He is average, but behind that OL, he was damn good. AP is a damn good RB (though I agree w/ you on injury concerns) but behind that OL, damn good becomes HOF.


It is like Jason's sig. Great OLs, like Minny, make an average RB good, good RB great, and great RB HOF.


If AP went down w/ injury in game one, I would say they still have a great run offense, as an average RB like Taylor can look great behind that line.


Agreed in general with a question. What do you think losing AP would do their overall offense? IMO - you lose a little on a fledgling passing game and overall explosiveness of the offense. I would say they would have decent run game, not great.

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Agreed in general with a question. What do you think losing AP would do their overall offense? IMO - you lose a little on a fledgling passing game and overall explosiveness of the offense. I would say they would have decent run game, not great.


Split the difference. Very good.


Honestly, I may be very much in the minority, but I think T.Jackson will even have a pretty good year. Not great, but I think he will have a pretty solid year, and far better than many expect. Last year, he had a couple REAL bad games, including the one against us. In 2 games, he threw 7 of his 12 picks. W/o that, he wasn't that bad for a young, developing QB. And Minny bought Berrian, who could very well become a favorite target for TJ. And their other young WR, Rice, didn't explode onto the scene, but did seem to develop later in the year.


I just look at Minny and GB, who are both entering the season w/ unproven QBs, like us. The difference is, both of those teams have solid to elite OLs, solid to elite run games, and solid at minimum, WR corps. The league has plenty of bad QBs, but IMHO, few QBs are so bad that they would fail in such positive circumstances.

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