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Kevin Jones

Da Bears 88

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I think this is a great point. Jones was brought in to get carries. He has gotten very little. I realize Forte has been very productive but if the Bears are going to be good all season long they will have to protect Forte. If they don't, Forte will hit a big time wall and our offense will really be spinning. Hopefully the Bears are leaning hard on Forte early in order to give Jones a little more time to get to 100% and at that point we'll see Forte get a couple lighter games (15 carries with Jones getting about 15-20).


And Brian, I won't say it again, the personal attacks stop right here. You disagree with a thread, state why, don't throw the poster under the bus.

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He needs to get more carries because I'm worried Forte will start to break down a little by the end of the season. I'm sure he's in excellent shape and all but its always good to have 2 reliable backs to carry you into the playoffs. It might be a Cedric Benson/Thomas Jones kinda thing. Cedric started picking it up later in the year and got more carries and eventually he and Jones became a good tandem in the playoffs. Kevin Jones and Matt Forte together are better than Thomas Jones and Cedric Benson IMO so I see no reason why it wouldn't work. Give it time.

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It makes sense to use him, he's freaking good! He's only a few years removed from his last 1000 yard season, and he was in a shitty offense for running backs so its not like he's reverted to sucking, they just don't use running backs in that offense.


I'd like to see a formula similar to Thomas Jones and Cedric Benson a few years ago with Forte getting a little more carries than TJ. I'd say once Matt hits around 10 carries or so, let Kevin Jones step in for about 5 carries or so, enough to where you give Forte a break but you don't take him out of his rythmn. I'd like to see Forte average around 20-25 carries and Jones atleast 12-15, sometimes more, depending on who's more effective. Lovie is going to find out that later on if he neglects KJ its going to bite him in the ass because Forte could hit a rookie wall if you don't use him sparingly. What's the point of having two good reliable backs if your only going to use one?! Throw some trickery into our offense. Put both of them on the field at the same time. Use Forte as a WR and KJ as a running back. Get creative! Figure it out!

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What pisses me off even more is that it looks like our freakin' fullback is getting all of KJ's carries. In power situations, I still trust Forte. But, if you're not going to give it to Forte, at least give it to KJ.


Yeah and Kevin Jones is twice the size of any fullback. Have you seen the size of his arms?! Dude puts Thomas Jones to shame..

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3 carries yesterday for KJ. Unbelievable how stupid this team is.


Yes, Forte is the real deal. But, for the love of god use KJ more!


He has only 4 carries the last two weeks. :shakehead

So take out the hot hand in Forte and use Jones? Doesn't exactly make sense to me.


Jones' lack of playing time should not be something to be complaining about now, as there has been no reason yet to take away carries from Forte.


Just a stupid, stupid reason for you to piss and moan about. My god, get a grip.

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Kevin Jones missed much of training camp waiting for his knee to heal. He's only been rehabbing for 9 months. I don't think the Bears should be forcing him to take carries right now and the fact Forte is doing so well means we don't have to. I didn't even expect him to get into a game until the middle of October. The fact he can contribute 3-6 carries a game is a plus right now.

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