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Kyle Orton


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I'll admit, I was one that thought Rex got the bad end of the deal when he was told it was an open "fair" competition for the starters role. I thought he should of had a shot last year against a weaker Detroit team to rebound. Since that is in the past, I've gotten behind Kyle Orton. After two games, I still stick behind Kyle even though the bench K.O. is starting to drift.


Heres what I've seen in Kyle so far:



-Kyle has the upmost respect from his teammates. He was voted team captain by his teamates which Rex never was.

-Kyle seems to "get" what it takes to be a QB. He can read a defense and make the necessary adjustments which I don't recall seeing Rex doing that at all.

-Kyle is conservative with the football and takes what is given which is usually the "1st tier"(haven't heard that enough)

-Kyle has better pocket presence and either steps up or rolls out to avoid pressure, Rex just back pedaled and threw off his back foot.

-Kyle is 6-4 and seems to have better vision to make quicker reads and throwing screens. Rex at 6-0 had trouble throwing the screen and only seemed to have good vision when the WR was 15 yds down field or more.



-Kyle accuracy past 15 yards has been pretty bad, as the season passes, teams will figure out how to take advantage of this weakness. I hate to see his completion % on those pass plays

-Even though I'm glad he's doing it, his audibles or check outs have caused some confusion for the team and have resulted in broken plays (penalties) or failure to succeed.

-Kyles turnover potential. He's been praised so far to not turn the ball over, but the balls have all bounced his way so far. Theres been potential for 6 INT's that have been dropped (counting in my head) , a botched snap, and a strip which he fell on so far. That luck is bound to break.



Kyle seems to have a lot more SHINES than DIMS and looks like he can take this job and progress with it. Rex could be more successful right now b/c it does seem the line is greatly improved and we have a running game, which I think Rex is more deadly when he has play action working for him, BUT I don't want to even see Rex behind center at all. I think Kyle will improve week by week in his DIMS as he gets more reps under center. His timing on the deep throws will improve since all he did in TC and Preseason was dink and dunk. His audibles will improve after he learns what works and what don't. The audible is a part of the game I've been waiting for in CHI for a while and Kyle seems to have taken something from Peyton Manning on opening day. The turnovers will always be a part of the game, but if Kyle sees that he could very well have 6 INTS and 0 TD's and learns from that he should be able to continue on his low turnover ratio.


As I look forward, I hope the Bears and Bear Fans can keep the patience with Kyle Orton. If he can continue to progress, we can have a decent servicable QB for some time. He doesn't have the flash or cannon that Rex does, but he has the smarts to work around those defeciences and that so far has put us in position to win 2 tough games this year, even though we ended up losing one of those. :dabears

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Great post and I whole heartedly agree. I was a big supporter of Rex but feel he should have moved on after the season. I am hoping that Kyle plays all 16 games and progresses. If he does not we need to draft a QB or go get a FA. The only way Rex should play is Kyle completely melts down or is hurt.


Peace :dabears

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Sorry, him passing barely over 150+ yards a game won't cut it in the NFL.


I have no patience with his noodled arm at QB.


Sorry for not drinking his kool aid.


Hate the guy or not, Rex is a hell of alot better QB than him.

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Great post and I whole heartedly agree. I was a big supporter of Rex but feel he should have moved on after the season. I am hoping that Kyle plays all 16 games and progresses. If he does not we need to draft a QB or go get a FA. The only way Rex should play is Kyle completely melts down or is hurt.


Peace :dabears

I'm hoping his noodle arm is back where it belongs and that's called the bench.

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Sorry, him passing barely over 150+ yards a game won't cut it in the NFL.


I have no patience with his noodled arm at QB.


Sorry for not drinking his kool aid.


Hate the guy or not, Rex is a hell of alot better QB than him.


Well considering that his stats are better then Brady's in his first 2 game I would hold judgement on Orton untill the season is over. Who cares if 150 with 0 intS? Your take on Rex is absolute obsession. You need to look at the bigger picture. You blame Orton for the loss to carolina iam sure. But considering he had the passes completed that were funbled you really have no idea what his final numbers would have been. With continued drives he could have well went past 300 yards in passing if the drives would have continued. so your view is obscure.

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IMHO I really don't like either one of our QB"S but I give you this Grossman can throw better deep throw with more accuracy than Orton. Yes Orton stands in the pocket and all the other things he does but when Rex throws deep a few times teams seem to back out of the *8 man in the box and Rex loves to throw the play action pass to the TE something we need the most in the red zone.

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Well considering that his stats are better then Brady's in his first 2 game I would hold judgement on Orton untill the season is over. Who cares if 150 with 0 intS? Your take on Rex is absolute obsession. You need to look at the bigger picture. You blame Orton for the loss to carolina iam sure. But considering he had the passes completed that were funbled you really have no idea what his final numbers would have been. With continued drives he could have well went past 300 yards in passing if the drives would have continued. so your view is obscure.


Tom Brady? You are comparing Kyle Orton to Tom Brady? Tom Brady, the HOFer who was hurt after playing part of about one quarter of one game? That's the Brady you're referring to?

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Sorry, him passing barely over 150+ yards a game won't cut it in the NFL.I have no patience with his noodled arm at QB.


Sorry for not drinking his kool aid.


Hate the guy or not, Rex is a hell of alot better QB than him.


Yeah, especially against the Colts in Week one right? We're doomed by a qb that throws for 150 to 175 a game with no turnovers. Instead, we should be watching a guy that throws for 200 to 250 with 3 to 5 turnovers, what will we do????

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Sorry, him passing barely over 150+ yards a game won't cut it in the NFL.


I have no patience with his noodled arm at QB.


Sorry for not drinking his kool aid.


Hate the guy or not, Rex is a hell of alot better QB than him.



....and Rex's usual 3 TO games won't cut it in the NFL, either.


They both suck about equally. You need to wake up and realize that Rex will never be anything special in the NFL.

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....and Rex's usual 3 TO games won't cut it in the NFL, either.


They both suck about equally. You need to wake up and realize that Rex will never be anything special in the NFL.



My only question is in 2009 who will Hanie be competing against in preseason for the starting QB position?


My guess would be Simms. We draft a QB in 3rd or 4th round.


Rex & Kyle? Will either be on our roster next year?

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Brady Now? Of course not bonehead. Brady first 2 games, look it up.

I don't know if you're comparing Orton to Brady's first two games this year (which he didn't play) or Brady's first two starts ever (next to Orton's 19th and 20th starts). Either way, that is...wow. I award you no points, may God have mercy on your soul, etc, etc.

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My guess is that Orton stays as a solid #2. We hold onto Hanie and let him compete. And we draft someone...hopefully higher than 3rd. I can stomach another OL high, but in R2, we better get a QB!


I swear I'm almost of the mindset we draft #1 QB every year until we bloody get it right. But, I know I'm just venting.


My only question is in 2009 who will Hanie be competing against in preseason for the starting QB position?


My guess would be Simms. We draft a QB in 3rd or 4th round.


Rex & Kyle? Will either be on our roster next year?

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I disagree that when Rex connects deep, defenses back off some.


In both '06 and '07, we have seen Rex connect w/ Berrian (among others) deep, but it has never seemed to alter how defenses play us. IMHO, that is because (a) though it happens, it doesn't happen on a consistent enough basis to make defenses alter their plans and (B) defenses believe Rex crumbles under pressure, and thus the best way to beat Rex is w/ tons of pressure. You may get beat deep a couple times, but at the end of the day you come out ahead because most of what Rex does under pressure is not good.


No argument Rex throws a better deep ball. Frankly, I am not sure who would make that argument. But the argument I would make is, w/ Rex, we don't have many opportunities to throw the deep ball. IMHO, Orton has helped make the OL look good. If Rex were under center, we would see a ton more blitzes and Rex would get killed. What good does a stronger arm do for a QB on his back?


Orton needs to improve his deep game, w/o question, but there is still no question in my mind we are better off with him than Rex. IMHO, if Rex were our QB, our OL would look awful.


IMHO I really don't like either one of our QB"S but I give you this Grossman can throw better deep throw with more accuracy than Orton. Yes Orton stands in the pocket and all the other things he does but when Rex throws deep a few times teams seem to back out of the *8 man in the box and Rex loves to throw the play action pass to the TE something we need the most in the red zone.
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My take.


Rex is a better quarterback than Kyle, but not in this offense. Rex cannot have success in this offense because it isnt fit for his style of play, so I think of the two, Kyle is the better choice for now. However, Orton is a backup quarterback. I was more than willing to see if he had improved his deep game this offseason but he hasnt. Now that the secret is out on Forte, he is going to start seeing 8 man fronts and they are going to force Orton to beat them, which he cant. Also, if we ever get behind and need to score quickly, Orton simply cant do it. His inability to throw a deep ball is really going to start making it easy for teams to scheme against us defensively. My conclusion is, neither of these guys is the solution. Maybe its Hanie? Who knows, either way, we need to draft a guy or go after a free agent because Orton isnt gonna cut it. Considering our defense and running game is looking good and we are contenders at least in our division, Id like to see us make a play for Garcia, all we need is a 2 year stop gap and he might be just that. Having a guy who just wont lose games isnt gonna cut it anymore, we need someone who can win them if necessary.

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I disagree that when Rex connects deep, defenses back off some.


In both '06 and '07, we have seen Rex connect w/ Berrian (among others) deep, but it has never seemed to alter how defenses play us. IMHO, that is because (a) though it happens, it doesn't happen on a consistent enough basis to make defenses alter their plans and (B) defenses believe Rex crumbles under pressure, and thus the best way to beat Rex is w/ tons of pressure. You may get beat deep a couple times, but at the end of the day you come out ahead because most of what Rex does under pressure is not good.


No argument Rex throws a better deep ball. Frankly, I am not sure who would make that argument. But the argument I would make is, w/ Rex, we don't have many opportunities to throw the deep ball. IMHO, Orton has helped make the OL look good. If Rex were under center, we would see a ton more blitzes and Rex would get killed. What good does a stronger arm do for a QB on his back?


Orton needs to improve his deep game, w/o question, but there is still no question in my mind we are better off with him than Rex. IMHO, if Rex were our QB, our OL would look awful.

We also appear to have a better running game now. Like him or not, I dont see how anyone can say Rex isnt one of the best deep passers in the league. he can throw seams and deep outs as good as anyone in the league. His arm wasnt in question, it was his decision making.

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I really see no problems with your take. I don't agree that Rex is better. But, let's let sleeping dog lie.


I think we do need to address the situation in the draft. I like Hanie and want him competing for the job with whoever we draft fairly high. I wouldn't mind Garcia as a shop keeper. But, before we do that, I'd like to see a little more games from Orton. I do think he can be a great back-up depending on what transpires.



My take.


Rex is a better quarterback than Kyle, but not in this offense. Rex cannot have success in this offense because it isnt fit for his style of play, so I think of the two, Kyle is the better choice for now. However, Orton is a backup quarterback. I was more than willing to see if he had improved his deep game this offseason but he hasnt. Now that the secret is out on Forte, he is going to start seeing 8 man fronts and they are going to force Orton to beat them, which he cant. Also, if we ever get behind and need to score quickly, Orton simply cant do it. His inability to throw a deep ball is really going to start making it easy for teams to scheme against us defensively. My conclusion is, neither of these guys is the solution. Maybe its Hanie? Who knows, either way, we need to draft a guy or go after a free agent because Orton isnt gonna cut it. Considering our defense and running game is looking good and we are contenders at least in our division, Id like to see us make a play for Garcia, all we need is a 2 year stop gap and he might be just that. Having a guy who just wont lose games isnt gonna cut it anymore, we need someone who can win them if necessary.

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My take.


Rex is a better quarterback than Kyle, but not in this offense. Rex cannot have success in this offense because it isnt fit for his style of play, so I think of the two, Kyle is the better choice for now. However, Orton is a backup quarterback. I was more than willing to see if he had improved his deep game this offseason but he hasnt. Now that the secret is out on Forte, he is going to start seeing 8 man fronts and they are going to force Orton to beat them, which he cant. Also, if we ever get behind and need to score quickly, Orton simply cant do it. His inability to throw a deep ball is really going to start making it easy for teams to scheme against us defensively. My conclusion is, neither of these guys is the solution. Maybe its Hanie? Who knows, either way, we need to draft a guy or go after a free agent because Orton isnt gonna cut it. Considering our defense and running game is looking good and we are contenders at least in our division, Id like to see us make a play for Garcia, all we need is a 2 year stop gap and he might be just that. Having a guy who just wont lose games isnt gonna cut it anymore, we need someone who can win them if necessary.

Which is why I say take the chance on trading for Quinn. That way, we can use our potential top 15 pick on an OT or OG and start rebuilding the offense with young guys.

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