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This entire coaching staff needs to get the axe


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the only middle ground I would see if he tries to implement it over the course of a few years like Cower's replacement is doing with the Steelers now. But still, I don't like the idea of hiring a coach to run a system he isn't specialized in.


Besides, why are we even talking about this? Lovie isn't going anywhere after this season. And I am comfortable with Lovie as our HC with Babich as our DC as long as we get ourselves an offense.

Don't kid yourself. Step back and look at what has happened the last two games. The team has gone into the 4th quarter with leads and lost both times. And allowing Greise over 400 yards passing, think about that! Some D, eh?

I know that the O has far too many 3 and outs and fails to get more that 3 pts. when we do get into scoring position, but let's face it, we are not overwhelming anyone with our D this season. And those of us that thought we could win games with solid ST play and strong D are losing the Kool Aide.

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Don't kid yourself. Step back and look at what has happened the last two games. The team has gone into the 4th quarter with leads and lost both times. And allowing Greise over 400 yards passing, think about that! Some D, eh?

I know that the O has far too many 3 and outs and fails to get more that 3 pts. when we do get into scoring position, but let's face it, we are not overwhelming anyone with our D this season. And those of us that thought we could win games with solid ST play and strong D are losing the Kool Aide.



Agreed...The Bears have the problem of every other team in the city....finishing...


someone said in another thread that we can't even start either...well we had leads in each of the past 2 games, just can't stick it out....

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Simply put, this is yet another game in which the coaches had a severe impact on the outcome of the game. They timid, no-balls strategies cause and allow complacency, not to mention emboldening the opponent with all sorts of energy and momentum.



The offense did better this game, but simply put, Turner has not fully learned his lesson. He still doesn't understand how to call a game, and all too often his calls are predictable. A shotgun pass on third and short is a horrible call, and then to go to the same formation on another third and short is basically telling the opponents, "Hey, we know it didn't work last time, so we'll definitely run in this formation." It just seems like he doesn't really understand how to keep an opponent off balance. Sooner or later Turner has to be held accountable for how bad the offense is.



Simply put, there are no adjustments whatsoever. It looks good early on, but eventually the other team finds out how to adjust, and once again hurts the Bears. First of all, the DL needs to mix it up more. When the opponent's QB knows the Bears' DEs will just rush around the edge, it's easy for the OTs to adjust, and it's easy for the QB to step up. Do you think Griese would have had that many attempts if heat was coming up the middle? With a QB like Griese, prone to throw erratically under pressure, it's ridiculously obvious that you have to put heat on him, hit him, and press the WRs. Griese will make mistakes, and for the most part he did. But the last few drives were pathetic, with four man rushes happening over and over, and Griese sitting back hitting guys in stride. Speaking of hitting receivers in stride, can someone tell the DC to STOP THE DAMN SLANT PATTERN?!?!



I don't even want to mention his name. He's liable for the others, and neither the OC nor the DC makes any adjustments. The Bears constantly seem outmatched, and nearly the only time the Bears seem to be ahead of the other team is when the Bears' special teams are involved.


If there are not major improvements, this entire staff needs to get the axe.

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How exactly does Babich keep his job? With Rivera we were tops, now 2 years later we're a joke. I can undertand the cheap Bears not wanting to get rid of Lovie, but Babich needs to be bounced harder than a superball off the Sears tower...


Hiring Bill Cower would be basically conceding the next 2+ years as we would have to retool our entire defense, and not to mention, we already have to rebuild our entire O.


The way I see it is the only person(s) getting fired is Ron Turner and most of his assistant coaches, but that's only if we miss the playoffs and the offense shows no progress. If we miss the playoffs, I think Lovie Smith and his coaching staff would have one more year.

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The way I see it is the only person(s) getting fired is Ron Turner and most of his assistant coaches, but that's only if we miss the playoffs and the offense shows no progress.


Agreed AND PLEASE make the new OC someone with NFL offensive experience, PLEASE!!!



If we miss the playoffs, I think Lovie Smith and his coaching staff would have one more year.



Assuming Lovie does NOT pull a Dickie-J and makes staff changes, IMO, he should stay 2 more years and build a SB contender or be fired.

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Agreed AND PLEASE make the new OC someone with NFL offensive experience, PLEASE!!!


Assuming Lovie does NOT pull a Dickie-J and makes staff changes, IMO, he should stay 2 more years and build a SB contender or be fired.


There is one possibility if we make a change immediately. Many if we wait until after the season is over.


If we truly feel R Turner is the problem with the Offense, and wanted an immediate change in mid-season, the only option I see would be Pep Hamilton, as he knows the Offense's playbook and schemes. We can not change the playbook midseason.


If we wait until the end of the season there will be many options from staffs beeing dismantled.


So if we make the change midseason, we would be giving someone inexperienced the reins to the offense.


If we wait until the end of the season, and our offense continues to play as it has (again, assuming the main problem is Turner) then we waste another year to make another run at the SB.


Is there really a good alternative?

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The offense did better this game, but simply put, Turner has not fully learned his lesson. He still doesn't understand how to call a game, and all too often his calls are predictable. A shotgun pass on third and short is a horrible call, and then to go to the same formation on another third and short is basically telling the opponents, "Hey, we know it didn't work last time, so we'll definitely run in this formation." It just seems like he doesn't really understand how to keep an opponent off balance. Sooner or later Turner has to be held accountable for how bad the offense is.


I disagree w/ numerous playcalls too, but in the end, I think our problems on offense are far more simply about talent. The reality is, our offense simply is not very talented.


I mentioned this in another thread, but I do give Turner credit for an adjustment that seemed to work well. In the 1st half, Orton was getting killed. At that time, we were sending out max weapons, and keeping only the OL back to block. In the 2nd half, Turner was keeping additional blockers back and using fewer weapons in routes. In that 2nd half though, Orton had a bit more time, and thus WRs were able to run their routes. The result was 8 catches by the Wrs in the 2nd half, after only 1 catch in the 1st.


Simply put, there are no adjustments whatsoever. It looks good early on, but eventually the other team finds out how to adjust, and once again hurts the Bears. First of all, the DL needs to mix it up more. When the opponent's QB knows the Bears' DEs will just rush around the edge, it's easy for the OTs to adjust, and it's easy for the QB to step up. Do you think Griese would have had that many attempts if heat was coming up the middle? With a QB like Griese, prone to throw erratically under pressure, it's ridiculously obvious that you have to put heat on him, hit him, and press the WRs. Griese will make mistakes, and for the most part he did. But the last few drives were pathetic, with four man rushes happening over and over, and Griese sitting back hitting guys in stride. Speaking of hitting receivers in stride, can someone tell the DC to STOP THE DAMN SLANT PATTERN?!?!


Preaching to the choir here. We are loaded w/ talent on defense, particularly in the front 7, yet we simple don't see the results. IMHO, that is because of coaching. I salivate at the idea of Phily's coaching staff having our personnel.


You talk about wanting to see us do more rushing up the gut, but I saw that a lot. Problem is, that is all we did, and thus it was predictable and easier to cover. Basically, despite how good our DEs are, opponents can put their OTs on an island, as they only need to use our DEs momentum to block them clear of the pocket, since they know we are going to rush outside. That leaves three interior OL, plus often an additional blocker or two for the gut, where we always seem to send our LBs.


Case in point is how effective we were the few times we did blitz from the outside. I recall urlacher once, and DM 2 or 3 times late in the game, blitzing outside, and all were effective. Griese was forced to basically get rid of the ball. It worked, IMHO, because we simply did the unexpected.


As for the slant patterns, we are easy game for those so long as our DBs play 7-10 yards off the LOS. It is simply too easy for a WR to run 3-5 yards and cut accross. Our DBs will always be out of position and tailing the WR. You would like to have a LB there underneath, but we are blitzing our LBs because our DL is ineffective on their own. If you are facing Steve Smith, or even Joey Galloway, I can at least a bit understand the DBs playing soft, but who on TB or Carolina (w/ those two out) warrant such respect?


I don't even want to mention his name. He's liable for the others, and neither the OC nor the DC makes any adjustments. The Bears constantly seem outmatched, and nearly the only time the Bears seem to be ahead of the other team is when the Bears' special teams are involved.


I mentioned this, but I think Turner has made adjustement and done decent, but the reality is, we simply lack talent on offense. On defense though, we have too much talent to be looking like this. Especially since we are running Lovie's defense, much of the fault has to lie w/ him.


If there are not major improvements, this entire staff needs to get the axe.


Agreed, but do you see that happening?

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We have a great defense and good running game. I think he would fit in quite nicely.


I know you would be a fan of his hidden zone blitzes


Sorry Dude I have yet to see a great defense. The only ones playing at previous levels are Briggs and Peanut. The rest need a kick in the ass. Harris and Url have disappeared. Dusty has shown what we expected. So to say they are great is a huge over-statement.

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If there are not major improvements, this entire staff needs to get the axe.


Agreed, but do you see that happening?


Sadly, no.


The Bears' haven't had a legit head coach or offensive coordinator in eons, a guy who's innovative and really understands the X's and O's of the game...and I doubt they'll start now.

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