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Eagles @ Bears 9-28

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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  GrizzlyBear said:
But to say he has been terrible? Thats plain wrong.

For how good he's supposed to be, yes, he's been terrible.



Anyways, here are my stat line predictions:


Orton 13/25, 176 yards, 1 TD, 3 INT

Forte 23 carries, 87 yards, 7 catches, 44 yards, 1 total TD

OL- gives up 5 sacks


Eagles 31-17

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On a poitive note, Orton has posted a better QB rating than the opposing teams' QB in his last 6 straight games. Unfortunately, I have to agree Orton is probably in for it this game unless Turner gets really clever about how to handle the Philly pressure. The streak will probably end with McNabb at QB, but then we wouldn't have to play the games on Sunday if all this was definite.


I imagine that once the season starts, players get their best workouts from actual game time rather than practice (the starters anyway). Maybe last weeks' endurance test (they failed) gave the Bears' D a good enough workout to be in slightly better shape for 4 quarters tomorrow. I'm scared about how opposing offenses will exploit us if they figure out the 2 min. offense wears us down quickly.

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