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Everyone is saying that the clock didn't start running until after Matt Ryan threw the ball. The comcast guys are saying the clock didn't show up on the last play either. Something smells fishy.

I am not happy with the clock guy either, however, our 3rd down defense sucked all day long. We did not sack Ryan all day. This loss is entirely on the defense.


Peace :dabears

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I am not happy with the clock guy either, however, our 3rd down defense sucked all day long. We did not sack Ryan all day. This loss is entirely on the defense.


Peace :dabears

Definitely. That was the play that won it for the Falcons but that was not what cost the Bears the game. Anytime you give up 3rd and longs you'll get burned eventually.

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Everyone is saying that the clock didn't start running until after Matt Ryan threw the ball. The comcast guys are saying the clock didn't show up on the last play either. Something smells fishy.


the OLine #$%& us and Mike Brown #$%& us. He sucks and needs to retire because his injuries have taken their toll and he is not half the player he used to be.

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Word is the Bears are protesting the clock. What if they win the protest? What happens?


If anything, they'll get an apology from the league, but the result of this game will not be overturned. Even if it's completely obvious that the outcome of the game would have been different, it won't be overturned (like how it was obvious San Diego would have beaten Denver if Cutler's "incompletion" had been correctly ruled a fumble). The wrong call was made in that case, the league recognized it and apologized, but the outcome was still the same.

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I don't believe that Mike Brown lost us this game... Sure he was the "visible" one that stood out at the end, but throughout the game you must blame the corners and the D-Line.


Did anyone not see the Tommie Harris retarded fumble?


I've never seen such low key pass coverage in my life. Ugly game from a defensive viewpoint.

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Azumah saying that the CB screwed up and should of went with the receiver as soon as he got behind him. If they throw it to the flat in front of him, the guy isn't going to do any damage. I don't blame Brown at all. He has to be back in case that is where the receiver goes, for the TD.

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Azumah saying that the CB screwed up and should of went with the receiver as soon as he got behind him. If they throw it to the flat in front of him, the guy isn't going to do any damage. I don't blame Brown at all. He has to be back in case that is where the receiver goes, for the TD.

Hamilton absolutely sucks. As soon as Peanut went out of the game, they picked on him. I would much rather see McBride in there.


Peace :dabears

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I don't believe that Mike Brown lost us this game... Sure he was the "visible" one that stood out at the end, but throughout the game you must blame the corners and the D-Line.


Did anyone not see the Tommie Harris retarded fumble?


I've never seen such low key pass coverage in my life. Ugly game from a defensive viewpoint.


yeah Tommie Harris sucks, what else is new?

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There is the video. freakin pisses me off. Atlanta should have lost the game.


Video does say it all.


Throughout the whole game though the clock guy was messing up. There were times the clock would run for 0:04 and they would have to reset it back up by the 4 seconds. I saw it a couple times throughout the game. Didn't know it was that delayed on the final possession. I thought it was an awfully long 0:06

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So Corey is our only healthy CB besides Hamilton? Not good. I was pissed for a moment at coaches putting Tillman in there when he wasn't ready (obviously, since he readily reinjured it) since I usually never want the coaches to put a guy back in too quickly for exactly that reason, and I typically just trust what the coaches tell us, albeit cynically, but then I realized that with all these injuries, what can you do? In a perfect world...

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we should have kicked deep and took our chances with special teams...but everything is hind sight


i agree but not in hind sight.


gould has been putting the ball close to if not ON the goal line on his deep kickoffs. the clock starts when the returner first touches the ball. with 11 seconds in the game there are two possibilities on a deep kick:


1. the returner downs the ball with a fair catch or kneel at the spot of reception, in the endzone it goes to the 20, to give his offense the last shot (2 plays at best) to win the game deep in his own territory.


the odds are extremely unlikely to move the ball 40-45 yards in 11 seconds and still have time to kick a field goal even with 2 timeouts.


2. the returner goes all out to score in a do or die situation.


to run 100 yards is nearly impossible in a situation such as we were in. the odds are verrry high against doing so. if he goes all out strictly for the zone he more than likely gets tackled with time expired. in fact i can't even remember the last kickoff return for a td against chicago.


so... if he goes for or is forced to revert to field goal position in his return and he receives the ball on the goal line, he has to run 60-65 yards (35-40 yard line of chicago) just to down the ball to set up for a field goal.


the fastest 50 yard dash in history was run by ben johnson in 1988 at a time of 5.15 seconds. so even a world class runner on a STRAIGHT fast track would take about 6 seconds to run 60 yards.


if there is a football player running through traffic that can run 60+ yards in less than 11 seconds in football gear i would like to know who it is.


so that leaves the squib... falcons return man fielded the ball around the 30-35 yard line and ran 8-10 yards to around their own 45 yard line in 5 seconds. you just put the other team in a position to make one doeable 20 yard pass (rather than forcing a hail mary most likely out of any qb's range) and a timeout/out of bounds in 6 seconds. close but obviously not impossible.


STUPID call lovie!!!


end of game, end of story.

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If Tommie stays down on the ball earlier in the game instead of trying to get up and run with it and fumbling himself causing a double change of posession. Result if he stays down we have the ball and snuff out a FG (which is what we lost by). Actual result they get a brand new set of downs, forcing the D to have to hold them in the red zone again after sucessfully doing so. They did in fact hold them to a FG but could have surrendered a TD which would have put this game out of reach. As pointed out in several other posts our 3rd down defense and offense hurt us. The D coulnd't get off the field. They held them on 1st and 2nd down but let them off the hook on 3rd and long. We made Matt Ryan look like a freaking all star yesterday. Not taking antying away from Ryan I thought he was the most pro ready QB coming out in this past draft, and the kid has skills, but we made him look better than he was. On offense we weren't very good at converting our 3rd downs. I only got to see the first half so I can only comment that far till I watch the second half.


All in all this was a game the Bears should have won. Poor play in many areas caused this game to come down to a last second FG and yet another W turned into an L because we didn't finish. Once an accident, twice a coinsidence, thrice a pattern. We have played 6 games thus far and in those games three games we dominated from begining to end, two games we dominated for 3 quarters and choked at the end, and one game we played like crap but got a lead and then choked that away. This team deserves their record or do they?

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Is it possible the clock was really at 6.8 or 6.9 and that just reads "6" on the TV?

The clocks on the TV and the field are not the official clock. An official on the field (backjudge I think) maintains the official time. They talked about this on the SCORE last night.


Peace :dabears

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You who are blaming the clock guy or Hamilton as the ones who failed the Bears, look at the whole game and what was happening. The Cover 2 defense is venerable to the short pass and Ryan nickel and dimed us the entire day and exposed the Cover 2 for its weaknesses as the NFL World knows it. The interesting fact is that with Babich as defensive coordinator, the Bears have lost I believe seven of the last nine games in which the Bears lead in the fourth quarter. I know that we did not lead until the last eleven seconds of the game however, going into a prevent with the Cover 2 with as poorly as the defense was playing shows how susceptible the Cover 2 defense is. With Ron Rivera as the defensive coordinator the Bears lost only one game in 25 leading in the fourth quarter. Plus the fact that people wanted McBride or Vasher or Tillman in there, the three of them were suffering from injuries. Coaching lost this game and nothing else and to blame anyone except the coaches for their lack of management of the game are fools. Even Tom Jackson on ESPN with Chris Berman in their Two Minute Blitz noted that the coaches mismanaged the final 11 seconds and noted some other areas that the coaching staff failed as well.

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