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Facts about Obama


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(1) Obama's good friend, unrepentant Weatherman terrorist Bill Ayers, whose terrorist group committed so many acts of terrorism that even included deadly bombings, held one of Obama's first fundraisers in his (Ayers') home.


(2) As board members for the Woods Fund, Obama and Ayers raised $75,000 for Palestinian spokesman and fundraiser Rashid Khalidi, who was a spokesman for the PLO.


(3) Hamas has endorsed Obama for president.


(4) Libyan master terrorist leader and dictator Moammar Gadhafi supports Obama for president.


(5) North Korean dictator Kim Jung-il supports Obama for president.


(6) Marxist Nicaraguan strongman Daniel Ortega, leader of the infamous Sandinistas, has endorsed Obama for president.


(7) Obama and his wife belonged to the Trinity Church racist hate group for 20 years. That group now endorses Obama for president.


(8) Obama says he will meet with terrorist leaders as president to negotiate (surrender?).


(9) Jodie Evans of the anti-military Code Pink hate group is a funding "bundler" for Obama who is closely linked to Marxist Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.


(10) Michelle Obama, Barack's wife, says she was never proud of America as an adult until her husband ran for president.


(11) The Obamas are huge fans of their mentor, Saul Alinsky, a Marxist organizer from Chicago who wrote "Rules for Radicals", a manual on how to overthrow the government and replace it with a Marxist regime. Michelle even quoted Alinsky (Chapter 2) in her Democratic National Convention speech.


(12) Obama refused to serve his country in the late 1970s because he said we were not at war: would he have joined if he thought he would have a chance to kill people?


(13) Obama was registered as a student in Indonesia as a Muslim.


(14) Obama's brother lives in a tiny hut in a massive slum in Nairobi; Obama, a multi-millionaire, refuses to help him get out of the slum and start a better life.


(15) Obama has voted time and again to strip Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights.


(16) Obama is threatening those who disagree with him with legal action and imprisonment.


(17) Obama has supported abortion upon demand for any reason, even in late term and "live-birth" abortion failures.


(18) Obama supports the ACORN voter-fraud scam.


(19) Obama has never been the primary sponsor/author of a single piece of important legislation in the Senate.


(20) Obama promised to take only public funding via the government for his campaign, but lied: he is now refusing this public funding.








Secretary of Defense




John Kerry, traitorous former Navy lieutenant who secretly met with the enemy as a Naval Reserve officer during the Vietnam War. Declared an official hero of the People’s Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or





Wesley Clark, humiliated former general who was fired as commander of NATO for character and integrity issues. Good friend of Serbian war criminal Ratko Mladic.



Secretary of Homeland Security




Bill Ayers, admitted and unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist who blew up the Pentagon and Capitol. Close friend, colleague, fundraiser, mentor and neighbor of Obama.



Secretary of State




Michelle Obama, racist hate-group member for 20 years whose loathing and shame for America would work wonders in this billet.

Here is what an Obama cabinet might look like:


Secretary of the Treasury




Tony Rezko, close friend, fundraiser and business partner of Obama; convicted felon and fraudster.



Secretary of Housing and Urban Development




Charlie Rangel, under-investigation suspected tax evader and fraudster who uses rent-control properties in NY city for personal and political gain.



Secretary of Health and Human Services




Britney Spears, chain-smoking, non-panties-wearing Left Coast pop tart who can’t comprehend the importance of a child safety seat.



Secretary of Labor




Tony Soprano, waste-management consultant, labor expert and entrepreneur.



Secretary of Commerce




Oprah Winfrey, the world’s wealthiest and most powerful woman.



Secretary of the Interior




Whoever is in charge of the Earth Liberation Front at the moment.



Secretary of Education




Jethro Bodine, double-knot spy who’s done graduated the 6th grade.



Secretary of Energy




Rosie O’Donnell, left-wing hate peddler whose body odor alone could be used as an alternative energy source.



Secretary of Veterans Affairs




Ward Churchill, fake Indian and fake war hero who claimed he was a commando deep in North Vietnam while in the Army but was in fact far behind the front lines running a film projector; admitted terrorist bomb-building instructor.



Secretary of Agriculture




Tommy Chong, master gardener, horticulturalist and hydroponics expert, and former member of the Cheech & Chong comedy team.



Attorney General




Ted Kennedy, killer of young girls, womanizer and world-class drunkard.



National Security Advisor




Moammar Gadhafi, mass-murdering Muslim terrorist and Obama supporter; suspected Obama fundraiser, or





Fidel Castro, Marxist Cuban dictator and suspected Obama fundraiser, or





Daniel Ortega, Marxist Nicaraguan strongman and suspected Obama fundraiser.



Communications Director/Press Secretary




Michael Moore, master propagandist and Leftist hate merchant based in Hollywood.



Chief of Staff




Kim Jung-il, North Korean Maoist dictator.



U.N. Ambassador




Whoopi Goldberg, far left hate monger, drunkard and racist based in Hollywood

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