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Joe the "Plumber"


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John McCain hung his final presidential debate performance on an Ohio plumber who campaign aides never vetted.


A day after making Joseph Wurzelbacher famous, referencing him in the debate almost two dozen times as someone who would pay higher taxes under Barack Obama, McCain learned the fine print Thursday on the plumber’s not-so-tidy personal story: He owes back taxes. He is not a licensed plumber. And it turns out that Wurzelbacher makes less than $250,000 a year, which means he would receive a tax cut if Obama were elected president....


A McCain source said Thursday that the campaign read about Wurzelbacher on the Drudge Report, while another campaign aide confirmed that he was not vetted.










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The idea was more the point than the actual guy. Its amazing how stupid some democrats can be in trying to avoid the question by attacking some no name. The point is why should businesses be punished for making more money. Its a socialist and marxist idea to punish companies for being more successful than others. What motivation is there to try and do better in business if the more you make the more youre taxed. What do you think a business is going to do if theyre hovering around the 250k mark for the year? They will try to come in just under it, thats not what America is about. Also, what stops some businesses from wanting to move out of the country to pay lower taxes?


You knew the idiot dems would do what they always do, avoid the point and attack an insignificant detail and think they have won some moral victory. I dont care if Joe the plumber is an ex felon who makes meth in his basement, that doesnt change the fact that Obama wants to punish companies for being successful. (However if Joe was an ex felon who makes meth ACORN would already have him registered to vote 73 times.

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The idea was more the point than the actual guy.


Of course it was... LOL! Just because McCain brought his name up 50 times during the debate...




Here's a little more detail on Joe the Douchebag...






And as Obama himself said, this isn't about punishing anyone, it's about the fact that someone in this country needs to pay taxes. Nobody likes them. But Obama's plans will raise taxes on those making more than $250,000 a year back to what those folks were paying under... wait for it... RONALD REAGAN! Oh my, how terrible is THAT!?!?!?

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What do you think a business is going to do if theyre hovering around the 250k mark for the year?


Oh my god! I missed this part when I first read your drivel. You really are that dumb!


Here's the deal, the $250,000 is taxable income. Not gross. So first of all, you have deductions for a whole slew of things like depreciation, rent, employee wages, etc. So, a business could be bringing in $400,000 or maybe a lot more before they reached that level. Second, NO BUSINESS anywhere is going to shut down for the year in say, October, as you suggest, so they don't go over the magic number. That's the stupidest friggen thing I've ever heard! They'll pay a slightly higher tax rate on the incremental difference above $250,000 than they currently would. So, they're still keeping most of that extra money for themselves! Get it? No, you probably don't.


Lastly, I'm a pay as you go kinda guy. I understand there are times when the government needs to spend more than it takes in but generally I think we should make ends meet. So while I'm all for cutting everyone's taxes, if we have governmental priorities that require spending, we need to collect tax revenues to pay for those expenses. I know, you'll now say that Dems love to spend money... It's the line I've been listening to for decades. But we have ample evidence from the last 8 years, with Repug control of Congress for 6 of those and a Repug President who certainly could've vetoed every dime of excess he wanted to for ALL EIGHT YEARS... Repugs love to spend money too. So, I say, fine, if you want to spend it, collect it. And the place to get it during a recession isn't from the middle class. Get it from the top 5% who've made an absolute KILLING under Bush. They owe it to America to pay their fair share. It isn't right for them to just keep taking and taking from this country and giving nothing back. It's unpatriotic. Why do rich Repugs hate America?

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Oh my god! I missed this part when I first read your drivel. You really are that dumb!


Here's the deal, the $250,000 is taxable income. Not gross. So first of all, you have deductions for a whole slew of things like depreciation, rent, employee wages, etc. So, a business could be bringing in $400,000 or maybe a lot more before they reached that level. Second, NO BUSINESS anywhere is going to shut down for the year in say, October, as you suggest, so they don't go over the magic number. That's the stupidest friggen thing I've ever heard! They'll pay a slightly higher tax rate on the incremental difference above $250,000 than they currently would. So, they're still keeping most of that extra money for themselves! Get it? No, you probably don't.


Lastly, I'm a pay as you go kinda guy. I understand there are times when the government needs to spend more than it takes in but generally I think we should make ends meet. So while I'm all for cutting everyone's taxes, if we have governmental priorities that require spending, we need to collect tax revenues to pay for those expenses. I know, you'll now say that Dems love to spend money... It's the line I've been listening to for decades. But we have ample evidence from the last 8 years, with Repug control of Congress for 6 of those and a Repug President who certainly could've vetoed every dime of excess he wanted to for ALL EIGHT YEARS... Repugs love to spend money too. So, I say, fine, if you want to spend it, collect it. And the place to get it during a recession isn't from the middle class. Get it from the top 5% who've made an absolute KILLING under Bush. They owe it to America to pay their fair share. It isn't right for them to just keep taking and taking from this country and giving nothing back. It's unpatriotic. Why do rich Repugs hate America?

Because theyre sick of paying the way for free loaders like you who want stuff handed to you instead of working.

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