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Govt 101 Exam, and more


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I agree in many ways with your humorous comments. I wish Libertarians were more viable. Unfortunately, when you've got no money to get your message out, the "two party system" dynamic is impossible to break down. You'd almost need a rich guy like Perot (only one that isn't nuts this time) to run with his own money and establish a legit image for the party.

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Tell me about it! I agree with the philosophy, but I'm also a realist... There are too many obstacles in place to fight the power of the 2 party system. It has to be a Perot-like financed person or a huge celebrity/former Rep/Dem that garnishes the notoriety needed. That's why Ron Paul went Rep...he could get elected that way. He was a Lib for many year and most his viewpoints are just that.


I vote Libertarian pretty much on state initiatives, local govt, and in national elections if I think neither candidate is that good or that bad. In the current situation, I think McCain/Palin is that bad...that Obama/Biden have already rec'd my vote (as I voted absentee).




  CrackerDog said:
I agree in many ways with your humorous comments. I wish Libertarians were more viable. Unfortunately, when you've got no money to get your message out, the "two party system" dynamic is impossible to break down. You'd almost need a rich guy like Perot (only one that isn't nuts this time) to run with his own money and establish a legit image for the party.
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