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McCain Campaign - Desperate


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Nobody on the McCain side really believes Obama is a radical Muslim with real ties to terrorism. On election night, if McCain wins, we all know he'll get up there and talk about Obama like he's his favorite person in the world. Some of his most racist followers parrot these lines because they're ignorant. But really, McCain and his team are just playing politics, right?


But then we get to within 10 days of the election and things still aren't going well. Joe the Plumber just isn't getting you any traction... What do you need as a campaign? A real game-changer. Something so ugly you could tie to your opponent it might make people reconsider their vote based on their most base instincts. Appeal directly to race. That's what it appears they did in this case folks. They were quoted as being out ahead of this story before the police. McCain tried to somehow make this incident about Obama. Why? What tied this case to the Obama campaign?


And then it turns out... She made up the story. It never happened. Just like Joe wasn't real, although this is so much uglier. I'm disgusted.


Look deep into your soul before you vote next Tuesday. Ask yourself if you're really voting for the best man to lead this country out of this mess. And realize that McCain was willing to do and say anything to become President. Remind you of anyone? We don't need 4 more years of that "anything goes" abuse of power in Washington. Of course, that's just my opinion, but damn if I'm not backed up by the facts.

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Nobody on the McCain side really believes Obama is a radical Muslim with real ties to terrorism. On election night, if McCain wins, we all know he'll get up there and talk about Obama like he's his favorite person in the world. Some of his most racist followers parrot these lines because they're ignorant. But really, McCain and his team are just playing politics, right?


But then we get to within 10 days of the election and things still aren't going well. Joe the Plumber just isn't getting you any traction... What do you need as a campaign? A real game-changer. Something so ugly you could tie to your opponent it might make people reconsider their vote based on their most base instincts. Appeal directly to race. That's what it appears they did in this case folks. They were quoted as being out ahead of this story before the police. McCain tried to somehow make this incident about Obama. Why? What tied this case to the Obama campaign?


And then it turns out... She made up the story. It never happened. Just like Joe wasn't real, although this is so much uglier. I'm disgusted.


Look deep into your soul before you vote next Tuesday. Ask yourself if you're really voting for the best man to lead this country out of this mess. And realize that McCain was willing to do and say anything to become President. Remind you of anyone? We don't need 4 more years of that "anything goes" abuse of power in Washington. Of course, that's just my opinion, but damn if I'm not backed up by the facts.

I think you have a cracked brain, every one knows all the media on tv and your magazine sources only want to report the good about Obama and fail to mention any of the negativity, I mean PLEASE, quoting sources so biased such as MSNBC and Vanity Fair? Whats next, Rolling Stone? Give me a break dude, you are obviously brainwashed and can't think about what your saying, it's really not very logical for you to really believe this guy is the savior you know, your hatred and most like you of Bush shows that all you really want is anything but him.

McCain is not Bush and is probably one of the more liberal republicans there are.


Obama has no experience and yes he's gonna win, he will succeed in driving this country into a deeper hole than were at now, he will finish the job and show just how much he knows about running a country as powerful as the USA and run us completely into the ground!

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I think you have a cracked brain, every one knows all the media on tv and your magazine sources only want to report the good about Obama and fail to mention any of the negativity, I mean PLEASE, quoting sources so biased such as MSNBC and Vanity Fair? Whats next, Rolling Stone? Give me a break dude, you are obviously brainwashed and can't think about what your saying, it's really not very logical for you to really believe this guy is the savior you know, your hatred and most like you of Bush shows that all you really want is anything but him.

McCain is not Bush and is probably one of the more liberal republicans there are.


Obama has no experience and yes he's gonna win, he will succeed in driving this country into a deeper hole than were at now, he will finish the job and show just how much he knows about running a country as powerful as the USA and run us completely into the ground!


The 8 year nightmare for this country will end IF Obama wins. I'm not saying he will. No jinxes here. People like you, with your ploitical philosophy have been discredited. Your opinion is completely without value. You expect us to trust you after what YOU'VE done to the country? BWAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA!!!! Try again.


And you're the one brainwashed by 30 something years of Republican talking points. Oh, the media is biased!!!! WAAAAHHHHH. Bullshit, the only biase out there is Fox News which I'm sure you watch religiously. Or Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity on the radio. Most folks who want the truth avoid those sources. You're probably calling into their shows every day.


If you think the items I've posted here are biased, it shows yours. I've posted items about several Republicans jumping to Obama. I guess they've been brainwashed too.


God damn are you dumb. You quoted barkingmad.com or some shit. LOL!

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Obama will bring Socialism here's an articla from Yahoo, not Fox news you will see what will happen when he implements this type of strategy: :shakehead


He wants to give Social Security and Drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens, that's really American huh...



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Obama will bring Socialism here's an articla from Yahoo, not Fox news you will see what will happen when he implements this type of strategy: :shakehead


He wants to give Social Security and Drivers licenses to Illegal Aliens, that's really American huh...



Cracker dog is a loser with no job and no grip on reality. You shouldnt care about his aspect on this stuff, maybe ask his parents or whoever raised him to be a loser who needs help from other people to pay his bills but realistic stuff like this doesnt register with him. Hes an MTV watching, Obama BJ giving follower who has nothing and wants to blame other people.

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Cracker dog is a loser with no job and no grip on reality. You shouldnt care about his aspect on this stuff, maybe ask his parents or whoever raised him to be a loser who needs help from other people to pay his bills but realistic stuff like this doesnt register with him. Hes an MTV watching, Obama BJ giving follower who has nothing and wants to blame other people.


LOL! Same old song and dance from you. And Obama is a socialist because he wants tax breaks for the middle class instead of the wealthy. You guys kill me.

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They both want elements of socialism...


Only one candidate railed agasint that and he got laughed out of the election...Ron Paul. There's also Bob Barr running ofr the Libertarian party, but he has no chance whatsoever...


Other than that, they all want elements of it. Some more than others... But from a Libertarian perspective, McCain wants no more or no less than Obama.

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