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Just got home..

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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This is the way I saw it, being there live.


1. Mike Brown- go away, pu$$y. You're done, don't matter how much any of us like to hear that.

2. Steltz played well coming off the bench. He was all over the field.

3. I hope that rumor is the truth, because I'm not sure how much faith I have in Rex. No offense, 88, I'm just saying.

4. Calvin Johnson is a G. The guy is a beast and is going to be a pain in our royal a$$es for years to come.

5. The field was our MVP today- had Hanson not slipped on the XP, we would have went to OT.

6. However ugly it was or wasn't, this isn't the BCS. A win is a win. We won't have to play a better team in the playoffs because we barely beat Detroit.

7. Forte is also a G. He carried our offense in the 2nd half, single handedly.

8. Garza played his best game- Forte was getting tons of holes when Turner ordered Garza to the outside for a block.

9. Urlacher is a jacka**. When the crowd was booing, and rightfully so, Urlacher kept doing the "get louder" motion with his arms. Enough, we had a right. Earn your money, jerk off (luckily, he did in the 2nd half).

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Don't #7 and #8 contradict each other? And isn't asking the crowd for support by being loud the absolute most mature response to that situation? He gets paid too much to sulk or be psychologically weak. What a strange complaint on your part.

They do, but nobody sees Garza's blocking unless you're a true fan. Forte doesn't do as well without him, so I was giving love to Roberto.


And, Urlacher wasn't doing that in an attempt to stop us from booing. I'm fairly positive he was doing it because he didn't like the booing.

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They do, but nobody sees Garza's blocking unless you're a true fan. Forte doesn't do as well without him, so I was giving love to Roberto.


And, Urlacher wasn't doing that in an attempt to stop us from booing. I'm fairly positive he was doing it because he didn't like the booing.

I understand if you don't like his play. But what's the arm waving have to do with that? They are separate issues. What is related is how Urlacher responds to the fan negativity, and it appears it's to reassure them that he's not giving up and he still needs their help, so don't give up on him. That's why I said it's odd for you to complain about that reaction. Unless you just wanted the satisfaction of seeing him look shamed for a moment, which is understandable though still a bit silly, but he doesn't owe you that, so don't call him a jerk for it. That kind of makes you the jerk.

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3. What's the rumor? Orton out only 4 weeks?


This is the way I saw it, being there live.


1. Mike Brown- go away, pu$$y. You're done, don't matter how much any of us like to hear that.

2. Steltz played well coming off the bench. He was all over the field.

3. I hope that rumor is the truth, because I'm not sure how much faith I have in Rex. No offense, 88, I'm just saying.

4. Calvin Johnson is a G. The guy is a beast and is going to be a pain in our royal a$$es for years to come.

5. The field was our MVP today- had Hanson not slipped on the XP, we would have went to OT.

6. However ugly it was or wasn't, this isn't the BCS. A win is a win. We won't have to play a better team in the playoffs because we barely beat Detroit.

7. Forte is also a G. He carried our offense in the 2nd half, single handedly.

8. Garza played his best game- Forte was getting tons of holes when Turner ordered Garza to the outside for a block.

9. Urlacher is a jacka**. When the crowd was booing, and rightfully so, Urlacher kept doing the "get louder" motion with his arms. Enough, we had a right. Earn your money, jerk off (luckily, he did in the 2nd half).

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Brian I have agreed with most of your posts, But Brown is by far no Pussy. I would say this he was not ready to start his play looked rusty in the first 7 games, But it has improved in every game. And Ill say this as well, Steltz looked good as replacement.

If the injury for Mike Brown is some small, insignificant injury, then I'll consider him a pu**y. Jumping on him yesterday after the game was just me being all caught up in the moment. Apologies..

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If the injury for Mike Brown is some small, insignificant injury, then I'll consider him a pu**y. Jumping on him yesterday after the game was just me being all caught up in the moment. Apologies..

With the variety of injuries he has had, I would never question him taking himself off the field.


I appreciate you stepping back and changing your tone on this.


Peace :dabears

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