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I'm gonna say it: part 2


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Brian Urlacher is no longer the best LB on this team. Further, he is an embarassment to the organization in front of the camera. If he is going to be an arse in front of the microphone, he needs to decline comment the rest of the yr. I am tired of his act.


Hey Brian: stop being a turd, shut up, and play.


Peace :dabears

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Brian Urlacher is no longer the best LB on this team. Further, he is an embarassment to the organization in front of the camera. If he is going to be an arse in front of the microphone, he needs to decline comment the rest of the yr. I am tired of his act.


Hey Brian: stop being a turd, shut up, and play.


Peace :dabears


Agreed. Hopefully he'll snap out of it, but right now you're dead on.

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Hmmm, didn't I say that maybe Url should have been traded last year when he had his little shi#-fit and I had a bit of criticism. Any of the critics want to speak up now?


I am willing to bet Url is past his prime, and he is a dumb a## and always has been. Hopefully he will get back to his old self, but I wonder whether he can. He might just be basically past his prime with nothing much to look forward to except mediocrity, that is my bet. I say trade him if we can if he keeps up like he is....if he ends up really sucking, cut him if the cap penalty doesn't kill.


I will never own an Urlacher souvenir or memoribilia. He was a great player but no character. Good riddance when he goes, I have alot more time for the Singletary or Butkus types...

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I'll speak up... And I think you may be right.


I sure hope you aren't, but I fear you are correct. Maybe my glasses were too rosey-hued. I still think he can make a big impact and would do so under a better DC... But, I admit, I am worried.


Hmmm, didn't I say that maybe Url should have been traded last year when he had his little shi#-fit and I had a bit of criticism. Any of the critics want to speak up now?


I am willing to bet Url is past his prime, and he is a dumb a## and always has been. Hopefully he will get back to his old self, but I wonder whether he can. He might just be basically past his prime with nothing much to look forward to except mediocrity, that is my bet. I say trade him if we can if he keeps up like he is....if he ends up really sucking, cut him if the cap penalty doesn't kill.


I will never own an Urlacher souvenir or memoribilia. He was a great player but no character. Good riddance when he goes, I have alot more time for the Singletary or Butkus types...

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I think about Ray Lewis. Few would say Lewis wasn't among the best LBs, if not overall defenders, in the game. Then the team changes their scheme, and suddenly, Lewis looks old and many question if he is done. Then the team alters their defense again, and Lewis is better utilized in the new scheme. Suddenly, he looks re-born.


Every player loses a step after enough snaps, but IMHO, what we are seeing here is far greater. Sure, it is possible Urlacher simply is done, but I tend to question that. Few on our vaulted defense are playing worth a jack. Are they all too old, slow or just simply done as well?


I go back to last season. For much of the season, Urlacher looked simply bad. He looked slow and weak. Then I remember later in the season reading about how Babich took the reigns off Urlacher and told him to simply play off instinct. Stop worrying about scheme so much and just play. Suddenly, Urlacher looked like a new man. In those final 5 games, he had: 41 tackles, 2 sacks & 4 ints. I remember reading where Urlacher said he felt constrained, and when allowed to free-lance, was simply better able to flow to the play and use instinct. In other words, he stopped having to think too much and was able to simply play.


I wonder how much that is the case again this year. He is in a scheme that holds him back and takes away his playmaking ability. Maybe that is flat wrong, but it is similar to what I saw last year. I just question that he dropped off "that" much "that" quickly, and think there is more too it. If it was just Urlacher sucking up the field, then fine. But our problems go way beyond him, and to me, that implies our problems are greater than any one (or a few) player(s).


I'll speak up... And I think you may be right.


I sure hope you aren't, but I fear you are correct. Maybe my glasses were too rosey-hued. I still think he can make a big impact and would do so under a better DC... But, I admit, I am worried.

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Great points!


I swear, so much of our woes are due to the schemes or lack thereof...


I think about Ray Lewis. Few would say Lewis wasn't among the best LBs, if not overall defenders, in the game. Then the team changes their scheme, and suddenly, Lewis looks old and many question if he is done. Then the team alters their defense again, and Lewis is better utilized in the new scheme. Suddenly, he looks re-born.


Every player loses a step after enough snaps, but IMHO, what we are seeing here is far greater. Sure, it is possible Urlacher simply is done, but I tend to question that. Few on our vaulted defense are playing worth a jack. Are they all too old, slow or just simply done as well?


I go back to last season. For much of the season, Urlacher looked simply bad. He looked slow and weak. Then I remember later in the season reading about how Babich took the reigns off Urlacher and told him to simply play off instinct. Stop worrying about scheme so much and just play. Suddenly, Urlacher looked like a new man. In those final 5 games, he had: 41 tackles, 2 sacks & 4 ints. I remember reading where Urlacher said he felt constrained, and when allowed to free-lance, was simply better able to flow to the play and use instinct. In other words, he stopped having to think too much and was able to simply play.


I wonder how much that is the case again this year. He is in a scheme that holds him back and takes away his playmaking ability. Maybe that is flat wrong, but it is similar to what I saw last year. I just question that he dropped off "that" much "that" quickly, and think there is more too it. If it was just Urlacher sucking up the field, then fine. But our problems go way beyond him, and to me, that implies our problems are greater than any one (or a few) player(s).

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Brian Urlacher is no longer the best LB on this team. Further, he is an embarassment to the organization in front of the camera. If he is going to be an arse in front of the microphone, he needs to decline comment the rest of the yr. I am tired of his act.


Hey Brian: stop being a turd, shut up, and play.


Peace :dabears

LOL, first you're bashing Briggs now Urlacher.

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Peace :dabears

Stick up for yourself- never mind, I'll do it for you.


Bears88, you get on here and don't make any sense half the time. Urlacher deserves to be ripped- he cried all offseason for an extension, he got one, and he doesn't have a sack or INT this year? That's called being selfish to an organization that invested tons into you from the start (high draft pick, then gave you a 9 or so year deal). Briggs, though, is fine if you ask me. I don't really know what he's being ripped for. I just think, for Urlacher to taunt the crowd, is horses**t on his part. Me and Connor (and a few others on here, possibly) pay our hard earned money to go watch the team, and we can voice our opinions if we'd like. Even Mariotti, Paige, and Plaschke on ATH agreed- Urlacher needs to shut up and play like he's getting paid what he is making.

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Stick up for yourself- never mind, I'll do it for you.

Thanks for the support but no need.


I probably ripped into Lance in the offseason because he was being a selfish turd. I am giving him credit now because he has played probably the best of any of our defensive players.


Peace :dabears

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Bottom line, any player not delivering results or really apparent effort deserves to be ripped.


And if it's the coaches holding you back, say it. We know all players have their way of saying it without really saying it.


This defense overall deserves to be ripped. They need to earn their freakin' paychecks. If not, they should donate part of their salaries to charity and some more deserving people.


Stick up for yourself- never mind, I'll do it for you.


Bears88, you get on here and don't make any sense half the time. Urlacher deserves to be ripped- he cried all offseason for an extension, he got one, and he doesn't have a sack or INT this year? That's called being selfish to an organization that invested tons into you from the start (high draft pick, then gave you a 9 or so year deal). Briggs, though, is fine if you ask me. I don't really know what he's being ripped for. I just think, for Urlacher to taunt the crowd, is horses**t on his part. Me and Connor (and a few others on here, possibly) pay our hard earned money to go watch the team, and we can voice our opinions if we'd like. Even Mariotti, Paige, and Plaschke on ATH agreed- Urlacher needs to shut up and play like he's getting paid what he is making.

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Urlacher is defending Rex. It's his teammate. He's right the fans should support him.


And if he doesn't want to talk to the media, then so be it. (or acts like a jerk, who cares)


Bear fans just love to pick on every little damn thing.

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I really struggle with blaming the scheme entirely for the big drop-off in some players performance. If the scheme is really the problem why does it appear Briggs is getting his tackles and occasional takeaways? Why have Idonije and Alex Brown stood out at times? Why hasn't everyone dropped off to the extent that Urlacher has?


I'm not convinced that Urlacher is completely done and is not still an average LB, but his problems started last year, assumedly with his back, and seemed to have continued, and his back is what I think is likely effecting his play.


It appears to me that with Urlacher and Harris virtually mediocre that our D has lost alot of its explosiveness, and with a step slower Mike Brown and Vasher and Tillman not sharp, perhaps as a result of injuries as well, the D is simply not as strong as it was and needs a bit of upgrading.

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I'm confused...


It's OK for Urlacher to act like a jerk, but not OK for paying fans to act like jerks?


Urlacher is defending Rex. It's his teammate. He's right the fans should support him.


And if he doesn't want to talk to the media, then so be it. (or acts like a jerk, who cares)


Bear fans just love to pick on every little damn thing.

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A broken lcock is right 2 times a day.


We have enough talent to make up for some of the negatives of our schemes. Plus, teams are taking Urlacher out of the mix, thus giving Briggs more chances to make plays. And thankfully, Briggs is naking the most of some of those opportunities.


I don't think Url is done either. I just think he's not being utilized ot his fullest extent possible.


I think the coaching needs upgrading....


I really struggle with blaming the scheme entirely for the big drop-off in some players performance. If the scheme is really the problem why does it appear Briggs is getting his tackles and occasional takeaways? Why have Idonije and Alex Brown stood out at times? Why hasn't everyone dropped off to the extent that Urlacher has?


I'm not convinced that Urlacher is completely done and is not still an average LB, but his problems started last year, assumedly with his back, and seemed to have continued, and his back is what I think is likely effecting his play.


It appears to me that with Urlacher and Harris virtually mediocre that our D has lost alot of its explosiveness, and with a step slower Mike Brown and Vasher and Tillman not sharp, perhaps as a result of injuries as well, the D is simply not as strong as it was and needs a bit of upgrading.

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A broken lcock is right 2 times a day.


We have enough talent to make up for some of the negatives of our schemes. Plus, teams are taking Urlacher out of the mix, thus giving Briggs more chances to make plays. And thankfully, Briggs is naking the most of some of those opportunities.


I don't think Url is done either. I just think he's not being utilized ot his fullest extent possible.


I think the coaching needs upgrading....



Where are we really talented on the D nowadays? On the DLine we have a mediocre team of tackles with Harris being injured and at half speed and Dvoracek not that impressive, the ends are ok but not great, the linebackers are hardly outstanding with only one, it pains me to say Briggs, who is Pro Bowl at this point, and a secondary comprised of two starting DB's that are hurt with some good prospects as backups, a veteran safety who is a step slow and perenially injured and a good young prospect playing well. This is not an outstanding group as it stands. If they all were healthy maybe, but as they are we are mediocre on defense. Put Buddy Ryan in as D coach and we are still mediocre....

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These guys have the ability and have shown it in the past. Sure, one or two guys may have lost a step or are injured. But all of them?


You're basically saying all our players all of a sudden got old, weak and slow the moment Babich took over? Because this same thing was going on all of last year too... It's just the O wasn't nearly as good, and Hester was still an impact.


I'd love to see Buddy ball back... And if we still suck, then I guess we need to rid ourselves of the entire defense, which we've poured over 44% of our entire cap into...


Where are we really talented on the D nowadays? On the DLine we have a mediocre team of tackles with Harris being injured and at half speed and Dvoracek not that impressive, the ends are ok but not great, the linebackers are hardly outstanding with only one, it pains me to say Briggs, who is Pro Bowl at this point, and a secondary comprised of two starting DB's that are hurt with some good prospects as backups, a veteran safety who is a step slow and perenially injured and a good young prospect playing well. This is not an outstanding group as it stands. If they all were healthy maybe, but as they are we are mediocre on defense. Put Buddy Ryan in as D coach and we are still mediocre....
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These guys have the ability and have shown it in the past. Sure, one or two guys may have lost a step or are injured. But all of them?


You're basically saying all our players all of a sudden got old, weak and slow the moment Babich took over? Because this same thing was going on all of last year too... It's just the O wasn't nearly as good, and Hester was still an impact.


I'd love to see Buddy ball back... And if we still suck, then I guess we need to rid ourselves of the entire defense, which we've poured over 44% of our entire cap into...



Break down the D position by position, and I think it is clear that it is not a dominant D as it stands-


DE-Mark Anderson-Unproven and mediocre at this point, Wale-Slightly above average, Alex Brown-Almost Pro Bowle

DT-Harris, Adams, Dvoracek, Idonije etc-Mediocre

LB-Hillmeyer/Url-Mediocre Briggs-Likely Pro Bowl

DB-Tillman and Vasher-Mediocre/Injured Safety-Mike Brown-Mediocre Payne-Up and coming


So where is the great talent? I think we over-estimated the talent last year as well, and it hasn't gotten better yet. This is not a case of 1 or 2 guys losing a step, this is a case of at least 5 players not playing up to previous levels for a variety of reasons. I really don't think we are that good on D with the injuries and players that we have. We need at least 2 more impact players to really be great...........

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Break down the D position by position, and I think it is clear that it is not a dominant D as it stands-


DE-Mark Anderson-Unproven and mediocre at this point, Wale-Slightly above average, Alex Brown-Almost Pro Bowle

DT-Harris, Adams, Dvoracek, Idonije etc-Mediocre

LB-Hillmeyer/Url-Mediocre Briggs-Likely Pro Bowl

DB-Tillman and Vasher-Mediocre/Injured Safety-Mike Brown-Mediocre Payne-Up and coming


So where is the great talent?


Dvoracek has played great. He hasn't been medicore.

Payne has been our best defensive player.

Tillman and Vasher are good, I just think it's the scheme that Babich is pretty much telling them to let the WR catch the ball.

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Dvoracek has played great. He hasn't been medicore.

Payne has been our best defensive player.

Tillman and Vasher are good, I just think it's the scheme that Babich is pretty much telling them to let the WR catch the ball.



Dvoracek has not been great, he has been slightly above average. Take off the bears tinted glasses.


Payne has been very good so far this year...the best player? Maybe, but does that say more about his talent or the state of our D?


Tillman and Vasher have not been good this year.....no matter what scheme they are playing in. It is not their fault, injuries suck, but it is what it is....


Let's look at reality, not what we wish. We all would like Bears D to kick as#, but it just doesn't right now.

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The great talent is where is "should be"...Harris, Urlacher, Wale, and Brown. For Harris and Brown, let's say injury. I'm nost sure what gives with Wale and Urlacher. They should be playing better...and I fault both the players and the coaching.


I do follow a bit where you are going...you're basically saying these guys have been over-rated from the get-go. But, I just don't buy it really. In all honesty, every NFL team could use 2 more impact players... But good teams and coaches figure out how to get more out of less than some. I think we have a staff that gets less out of more, than more out of less.


Break down the D position by position, and I think it is clear that it is not a dominant D as it stands-


DE-Mark Anderson-Unproven and mediocre at this point, Wale-Slightly above average, Alex Brown-Almost Pro Bowle

DT-Harris, Adams, Dvoracek, Idonije etc-Mediocre

LB-Hillmeyer/Url-Mediocre Briggs-Likely Pro Bowl

DB-Tillman and Vasher-Mediocre/Injured Safety-Mike Brown-Mediocre Payne-Up and coming


So where is the great talent? I think we over-estimated the talent last year as well, and it hasn't gotten better yet. This is not a case of 1 or 2 guys losing a step, this is a case of at least 5 players not playing up to previous levels for a variety of reasons. I really don't think we are that good on D with the injuries and players that we have. We need at least 2 more impact players to really be great...........

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