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Mke Brown calls out the D...


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It's about time someone on the defense said something.


Here is the most important part of article:


Face it: If the Bears can't turn it on soon, they're not going to this season. Eventually, you are what you are, and talking about the way the defense played en route to Super Bowl XLI, or how it performed in 2005, is just that -- talk.



Peace :dabears

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Fully agreed. Acknowedgement is the first step... But execution is the next. Talk is cheap. Deeds not words.


It's about time someone on the defense said something.


Here is the most important part of article:


Face it: If the Bears can't turn it on soon, they're not going to this season. Eventually, you are what you are, and talking about the way the defense played en route to Super Bowl XLI, or how it performed in 2005, is just that -- talk.



Peace :dabears

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Wow. Isn't that a telling line? Babich/Lovie do not have this group inspired as of yet.


I felt this hit the mark better:


''Emotionally we're going to be very, very high and play with a lot of intensity,'' he said. ''And that's something sometimes that this team is missing, especially on the defensive side of the ball."

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Wow. Isn't that a telling line? Babich/Lovie do not have this group inspired as of yet.

We've talked about the lack of the killer instinct on this D. And the statement supports that view. To be a top D, you gotta want to take it away and score everytime you get on the field. It's sad, cause it appears that the talent is there. So, where is a bit of coaching?

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The comments Mike Brown has made are indicative of what makes him a leader, a special leader. If he cannot play at some point, he will make a great coach.


I hope that the health of the team is such that they can perform to the level to make them special. Getting amped up is great, but one has to have the health and talent as well. I hope we are at the level we need to be....to be special.


The Tennessee game is a huge one, especially if Orton cannot play. It would have been a great game if Orton had been the QB, now it is a bit of a benchmark and a point of pride for the D...can they turn it around? Can they stop the RB's of the Titans?


I really hope for the best....but am not optimistic if Rex is starting.

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The comments Mike Brown has made are indicative of what makes him a leader, a special leader. If he cannot play at some point, he will make a great coach.


I hope that the health of the team is such that they can perform to the level to make them special. Getting amped up is great, but one has to have the health and talent as well. I hope we are at the level we need to be....to be special.


The Tennessee game is a huge one, especially if Orton cannot play. It would have been a great game if Orton had been the QB, now it is a bit of a benchmark and a point of pride for the D...can they turn it around? Can they stop the RB's of the Titans?


I really hope for the best....but am not optimistic if Rex is starting.

I agree with ya Butkus. I've got a big pitcher of Kool Aide ready for Sunday.If they can whip the Titans, then the Division looks good for us.

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I'm pretty much in agreement. I think I only have a 10 oz glass of kkol-aid though!


For a few games this season, like the Detroit game last week and the Minny game in particular...I've been labeling those as trap games. Games we should win, but we may be looking past them. Thankfully, we came out alright. But I think this time around the tables are turned. We are the trap game for TEN. Here they come with their undefeated record, with their strong running game, with their solid D, against a Bears team that's lost it's identity on D, that lost it's promising QB to a potential trunover machine... What do you think the odds are they are looking a little bit forward? To divison rival JAX next week? Not saying it'll go down as a Bears win. Just sayin'...


I agree with ya Butkus. I've got a big pitcher of Kool Aide ready for Sunday.If they can whip the Titans, then the Division looks good for us.
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Nope. But does it hurt? At least someone's showing some emotion other than being upset over boo's...

No, it doesn't hurt. But will it matter? It worked in 2001, but that's 2001.


And you make a valid point- maybe we have a captain who actually understands the frustration from the crowd and isn't playing this year for the money.

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