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Lovie's Press Conference


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They just aired Lovie's press conference, or at least part of it, on the Score.


First thing to note was the tone. Lovie sounded very defensive. That isn't just my opinion, but the opinion of the guys on the Score as well. Anyway, some comments.


One. First Q out of the box was questioning the scheme. Lovie was very quick to say the scheme is fine, and went on to say players must execute. So Lovie essentially stood up for his scheme and his coach, while throwing the players (as a whole) under the bus.


Two. Q about players questioning the scheme and playcalling. Lovie "head in the clouds" Smith said no player is questioning the scheme, and quickly went to the next question. It was obvious he had no intention of going down this road, or acknowledging there even was a road here to go down.


Three. One of the most sickening comments from Smith was, "We need to stay the course and things will get better". Ugh.


Four. Asked about Harris/Brown's comments about how QBs are negating the pass rush w/ 3 step drops, Lovie said that isn't true. Said we see some, but we see plenty of play action and 5 step drops. Went on to talk about slants, which he said he is hearing a lot about. His response didn't really address anything. Basicallys said everyone has to deal w/ slants, and we are no different.


Five. Asked about Hunter, he was very evasive. Made general comments about how we need to get Hunter healthy and back on the field, and would look at the situation then, but not before. IMHO, the fact that he didn't declare the job Hunter's when he returns says a lot.


Six. Lovie said we do change things up (defense) a lot. Went on to say that even when we do change things up, players need to make plays. Thus, once again, saying coaching is fine and players are the problem.


That was pretty much it. I'll say this. The more Lovie stand behind Babich and his scheme, while calling out the players for a lack of execution, the more I think we will hear players chirping about the opposite.

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They just aired Lovie's press conference, or at least part of it, on the Score.


First thing to note was the tone. Lovie sounded very defensive. That isn't just my opinion, but the opinion of the guys on the Score as well. Anyway, some comments.


One. First Q out of the box was questioning the scheme. Lovie was very quick to say the scheme is fine, and went on to say players must execute. So Lovie essentially stood up for his scheme and his coach, while throwing the players (as a whole) under the bus.


Two. Q about players questioning the scheme and playcalling. Lovie "head in the clouds" Smith said no player is questioning the scheme, and quickly went to the next question. It was obvious he had no intention of going down this road, or acknowledging there even was a road here to go down.


Three. One of the most sickening comments from Smith was, "We need to stay the course and things will get better". Ugh.


Four. Asked about Harris/Brown's comments about how QBs are negating the pass rush w/ 3 step drops, Lovie said that isn't true. Said we see some, but we see plenty of play action and 5 step drops. Went on to talk about slants, which he said he is hearing a lot about. His response didn't really address anything. Basicallys said everyone has to deal w/ slants, and we are no different.


Five. Asked about Hunter, he was very evasive. Made general comments about how we need to get Hunter healthy and back on the field, and would look at the situation then, but not before. IMHO, the fact that he didn't declare the job Hunter's when he returns says a lot.


Six. Lovie said we do change things up (defense) a lot. Went on to say that even when we do change things up, players need to make plays. Thus, once again, saying coaching is fine and players are the problem.


That was pretty much it. I'll say this. The more Lovie stand behind Babich and his scheme, while calling out the players for a lack of execution, the more I think we will hear players chirping about the opposite.

I just listened to the press conference on the Bears site and no where did he say players need to execute.


When asked about changing the scheme he said, and I'm paraphrasing: The scheme is good. We just need to execute better.


I have heard several interviews with him before where he has said that "we need to execute better" and he usually says that "starts with me as the head coach".


Unless I missed part of the interview, I didn't hear him throwing the players under the bus. Is he stubborn? Hell yes. Does he need to make changes? Hell yes. However, I don't believe he was saying the players are the sole issue. The team as a whole (coaches, players, etc) need to execute.


Peace :dabears

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Fire his ass! NOW!

Please take no offense but in all seriousness, I am really, really glad I don't work for any of you. I know how much we all love this game and this team but the over-reaction to some of the statements that come out of press conferences simply amazes me. This is just a press conference. We all need to relax.


Peace :dabears

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Please take no offense but in all seriousness, I am really, really glad I don't work for any of you. I know how much we all love this game and this team but the over-reaction to some of the statements that come out of press conferences simply amazes me. This is just a press conference. We all need to relax.


Peace :dabears



Agreed. Again its not like we lost to the Lions.

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Please take no offense but in all seriousness, I am really, really glad I don't work for any of you. I know how much we all love this game and this team but the over-reaction to some of the statements that come out of press conferences simply amazes me. This is just a press conference. We all need to relax.


Peace :dabears

lol I know, I was being sarcastic though I wouldn't mind at all if he was fired. I'm sick of his emotionless face, along with his idiotic scheme that he refuses to change..

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Sorry if I paraphrased. I didn't intend to change the meaning, but I still believe he was calling out the players.


When Harris or Brown talked about how QBs were just taking 3 step drops, he flat out said they were wrong. IMHO, the entire tone of the conference was, scheme good, execution bad. You can say the coaches are included in the execution part, and I agree that in the past I have heard him say as much, but I don't recall him ever saying he or babich didn't execute.


Maybe he didn't specifically call out the players, but that was sure what I took away from it. The whole tone about how the scheme is fine, but the execution is not speaks volumes to me.


I just listened to the press conference on the Bears site and no where did he say players need to execute.


When asked about changing the scheme he said, and I'm paraphrasing: The scheme is good. We just need to execute better.


I have heard several interviews with him before where he has said that "we need to execute better" and he usually says that "starts with me as the head coach".


Unless I missed part of the interview, I didn't hear him throwing the players under the bus. Is he stubborn? Hell yes. Does he need to make changes? Hell yes. However, I don't believe he was saying the players are the sole issue. The team as a whole (coaches, players, etc) need to execute.


Peace :dabears

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Lets not pretend anyone was a big supporter of Lovie, heard a press conference, and suddenly wants to fire him.


Personally, I want him gone, and it has little to nothing to do w/ the press conference.


Please take no offense but in all seriousness, I am really, really glad I don't work for any of you. I know how much we all love this game and this team but the over-reaction to some of the statements that come out of press conferences simply amazes me. This is just a press conference. We all need to relax.


Peace :dabears

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Please take no offense but in all seriousness, I am really, really glad I don't work for any of you. I know how much we all love this game and this team but the over-reaction to some of the statements that come out of press conferences simply amazes me. This is just a press conference. We all need to relax.


Peace :dabears


I got news for ya pal, I'm glad you don't work for me too. First you say lovie NEVER said the players didn't execute and then you write that Lovie said the scheme is fine we need to execute better. Who the hell is we then????? He just said the scheme is fine but somebody isn't executing.........??????????? Can't mean the coaches can he?

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Further evidence Lovie is calling out the players, "But you still have to execute when it's called"


Sorry, but there is no other way to read that comment. He is referring to execution after the play is called, thus taking babich and himself out of the equation. Only the players are left. So yes, Lovie is calling out the players.


I have heard several interviews with him before where he has said that "we need to execute better" and he usually says that "starts with me as the head coach".


Unless I missed part of the interview, I didn't hear him throwing the players under the bus. Is he stubborn? Hell yes. Does he need to make changes? Hell yes. However, I don't believe he was saying the players are the sole issue. The team as a whole (coaches, players, etc) need to execute.

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I got news for ya pal, I'm glad you don't work for me too. First you say lovie NEVER said the players didn't execute and then you write that Lovie said the scheme is fine we need to execute better. Who the hell is we then????? He just said the scheme is fine but somebody isn't executing.........??????????? Can't mean the coaches can he?

Wow, I'm your pal. Isn't that great!!!! Do I get a gold star ;)


Near the bottom of my post I said: "I have heard several interviews with him before where he has said that "we need to execute better" and he usually says that "starts with me as the head coach".


So in many, many previous interviews I have listened to he has pointed the finger at the entire team (coaches, players, etc). I don't see this as any different.


Peace :dabears

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Further evidence Lovie is calling out the players, "But you still have to execute when it's called"


Sorry, but there is no other way to read that comment. He is referring to execution after the play is called, thus taking babich and himself out of the equation. Only the players are left. So yes, Lovie is calling out the players.

I agree to an extent. But if someone asks a follow up question as to why the players are not executing or what can the coaches do to help I am fairly sure based on prior interviews that he would say something about we need to prepare our players better, etc...


Again, its a press conference (one given by our Lovie). What did you expect.


Peace :dabears

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Couple things.


One. To be honest, I have listened to very few actual Lovie press conferences. I was just happening to be listening to the Score and heard it. So while I have read some of his past ones on this board, I have not often heard the tone. According to the guys on the Score, as well as the guys they later interviewed regarding the press conference, Lovie had a greater defensive tone, and was somewhat attacking in his tone, compared to other interviews.


Two. When I listened to the interview, beyond just the words, I simply got the impression of a HC who was defending himself and his staff, and saying the players are simply not getting it done. Now, to an extent, I agree. The players are not getting it done. At the same time, isn't it getting a tad old to hear lovie declare the scheme is fine?


I agree to an extent. But if someone asks a follow up question as to why the players are not executing or what can the coaches do to help I am fairly sure based on prior interviews that he would say something about we need to prepare our players better, etc...


Again, its a press conference (one given by our Lovie). What did you expect.


Peace :dabears

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