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IMHO we are a product of our own coaches! Head coach= good person but soft as a coach. DC,OC and some position coaches are the same. If you look at our games...how many times do you see Hester getting chewed out for a stupid play. Not just Hester but the whole team! I have watch a few games with the help of some of this very supportive board members and have seen no fire, no desire nothing. Well not everyone of the Bears are soft, Briggs, Forte, Payne to name a few and others are doing their jobs. But you have to wonder where is Brown with the fire and hits, Urlacher is blocked all the time, Harris is well just holding the line, our corners Tillman & Vasher seam like they can't cover the bed with a blanket. So what gives?


What makes me sick is that the Bears have lost four game by a total of 15 points! When was the last time that has happened? And in three out of the four we were in position to win and should have won.We need to put some gunpowder in the Bears and coaches meals to bring out the aggression!!

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IMHO we are a product of our own coaches! Head coach= good person but soft as a coach. DC,OC and some position coaches are the same. If you look at our games...how many times do you see Hester getting chewed out for a stupid play. Not just Hester but the whole team! I have watch a few games with the help of some of this very supportive board members and have seen no fire, no desire nothing. Well not everyone of the Bears are soft, Briggs, Forte, Payne to name a few and others are doing their jobs. But you have to wonder where is Brown with the fire and hits, Urlacher is blocked all the time, Harris is well just holding the line, our corners Tillman & Vasher seam like they can't cover the bed with a blanket. So what gives?


What makes me sick is that the Bears have lost four game by a total of 15 points! When was the last time that has happened? And in three out of the four we were in position to win and should have won.We need to put some gunpowder in the Bears and coaches meals to bring out the aggression!!


You are right to a large extent, this coaching staff and some of these players are soft. The training camp is like a country club, no hitting, practices are soft. This team is undisciplined, lacks focus and intensity and ALL of this should be rested at the feet of Lovie Smith. I listened to Warraen Sapp yesterday on the score and he had some very interesting comments on this defense. He said as far as the front four, everyone seems to be waiting for Tommie to do something, clear the way, make a play and these guys don't seem to understand that they have to make plays as well. Said Dusty was NOT playing very well and getting upfield much to my surprise as I thought he was doing better but Sapp watched the film on him. He said our DEs were not getting it done, singled out Wale. He does like Harrison and they also talked about Adams being able to get upfield and why is he sitting on the bench. He likes Izzy but say he plays too tall for a DT. Well, he did start off as a DE but of course we couldn't see his value there. in terms of the LBs, he said no wonder why Url can't make plays and is always out of position. He has been playing in no mans land. That fake blitz look isn't working and hasn't been and it takes urlacher out of the middle and he also said that Tillman AND Vasher ere not known around the league for their cover skills.


So what does all this tell us? First, our d line is broken and the coaching staff has known it all year and done nothing to fix it. Our LBs are out of position and thats one of the reasons we've been getting exploited over the middle all year, our DBs, on top of not being great cover men are playing way too far off the receiver but of course our coaching staff I guess can't see this either. I wonder what we'd look like with real NFL coaches at the helm.

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I've been saying that for a while now...


We don't need fire & brimstone, but some semblance of emotion would be nice ...other than the futlie attempt to say there's nothing wrong with the scheme.


IMHO we are a product of our own coaches! Head coach= good person but soft as a coach. DC,OC and some position coaches are the same. If you look at our games...how many times do you see Hester getting chewed out for a stupid play. Not just Hester but the whole team! I have watch a few games with the help of some of this very supportive board members and have seen no fire, no desire nothing. Well not everyone of the Bears are soft, Briggs, Forte, Payne to name a few and others are doing their jobs. But you have to wonder where is Brown with the fire and hits, Urlacher is blocked all the time, Harris is well just holding the line, our corners Tillman & Vasher seam like they can't cover the bed with a blanket. So what gives?


What makes me sick is that the Bears have lost four game by a total of 15 points! When was the last time that has happened? And in three out of the four we were in position to win and should have won.We need to put some gunpowder in the Bears and coaches meals to bring out the aggression!!

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