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Lucky Luciano

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i have seen some really bad games over the years but i think this game ranks up there as maybe the worst performance ever. when there is absolutely no redemption in any aspect of the game it's truly mindboggling!! this is not disapointing it's tragic that any coaching staff could general a game like we witnessed.


some ramblings:


1. defensive line... i don't ever in my lifetime remember a whole defensive line being pushed back 4 yds into the endzone in a slant block like i saw yesterday. it was like at practice shoving the sleds. every D lineman in the nfl should see this as a training film on what not to do if you expect a career in the nfl.


if anyone wants to make a statement about dusty today and how he compares to tank johnson feel free to jump right in. in 2-3 + plays i saw him personally getting stood up and shoved back 2-5 yards from the LOS. this from our "run stopping" defensive tackle?? if he can't turn his play around by the end of the season it's yet another angelo BUST who will play second or third in rotation if lucky.


2. linebackers... if anyone thinks roach is a special player and our next starting linebacker you better take a very good look at the game film. url? in my opinion if we had a real defense that utilized his talents the way they should be he would be just fine. briggs? the best backer on our team and plays like an all-pro. in fact one of the few players on the entire defense who is playing for crap.


3. safeties... brown was the ONLY player out who actually played with emotion and pride. it's too bad he is nearing the end of his career. and all the love for payne?? this guy is atrocious. his angle of attack is poor to say the least and his tackling technique is some of the worst i have ever seen. if this coaching staff can't teach this guy to actually wrap up and tackle a player instead of trying to wrestle him down above the waist while losing 5 yds every tackle he should have a great career in the arena league.


4. corners... vasher is toast. he can't even do the job playing 8 yds off the LOS. his angles are flat out bad and his tackling is pathetic. vestee jackson's clone. peanut? our best corner is average at that position in MOST circumstances. he would flat out excell as a free safety but our clueless leaders haven't seen it. surprise.


5. offensive line.... if anyone thinks this line is good ten games into the season just shout it out. tait is a dinosaur and got his ass handed to him by kampmon all game long. st. clair barely holds the corner. our guards you ask? where is the push to give our running backs room to move through? how really good is our pass protection? pitiful, just plain pitiful.


COACHING... this is one pitiful excuse of a coaching staff with the exception of our special teams coach and he only gets a bye because we decimate his ranks every year and leave him with crap to work with. you know, a coach has to be able to teach and reinforce his players the basics of football. these people have no clue at all how to make players better than when they were drafted.


finally, if what i heard said in interviews about how much extra time they spent preparing for this game is true, all i can say is.... WOW!!!!!!


ANGELO... i can't believe nobody mentions this. if anyone can say this guy is a genius i'm dumbfounded. this is where most of our problems COME from!!! we have pissed away 7 years of drafts where we could have really strengthened our offense instead of drafting the same crap over and over at the wrong positions.


we fired a defensive coordinator who had a top 5 defense in chicago to get what we now have. amazing. yes, i am 100% in the rivera corner now especially after watching the bolts in pit. good job angie.


we signed a $10 mil 7th round db draft pick who is waived and in the meantime we watch an all-pro guard in faneca sign someplace else. we don't even have a #1 WR on this entire team AND our safeties are suspect at the start of the season to say the LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i am now definately in the get rid of these guys, as a whole, camp. the sooner we see the end of this regime the better off we will 'probably' be.

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Im with you for the most part...but we havent signed a $10M castoff. That guy is only here to roll $10M forward into next years cap. That money isnt spent...and will not be spent until next year...on a real player. (theoretically of course...since weve spent a crapload of cash on what looks like fake players)

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Im with you for the most part...but we havent signed a $10M castoff. That guy is only here to roll $10M forward into next years cap. That money isnt spent...and will not be spent until next year...on a real player. (theoretically of course...since weve spent a crapload of cash on what looks like fake players)


i agree, it IS a rollover. but... when your team is in need of good players in at least 4 positions and you decide to "rollover" a major portion of your cap in hopes of WHO KNOWS what you do with the cash next season, that to me is a travesty!! and all that for a 7th round cb draft pick who was WAIVED??? unbelievable.


we needed desperately offensive line help in guards AND tackles this season. we needed desperate help at the safety position this season. we needed DESPERATE help for a#1 wide receiver this season (even his second round draft pick at receiver is projected as a #2).

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1. THis line sucks. Dusty sucked. But, I still don't think Tank is the reason. Tank probably would ahve been pushed back too... And even if he weren't, then he'd have been double teamed and the same results would have ensued.


2. Not sure many here were thinking Roach is the end all be all. None of the LB's looked good yesterday. Even Briggs. He had a lot of missed tackles. But, I agree that he and Url aren't being used correctly.


3. Agreed. Brown played with heart. He made some errors or maybe was put in position to miss... But, he manned up. I like what I was seeing earlier from him, and he had a few good hits...but he is not the answer. It's disappointing. It's time to give Steltz a chance.


4. Our DB's suck due to scheme and play.


5. Definitley poor yesterday...


COACHING is the worst of it... Agreed.


Angelo...I couldn't agree more. This guy need to go too. It's time to clean house.






i have seen some really bad games over the years but i think this game ranks up there as maybe the worst performance ever. when there is absolutely no redemption in any aspect of the game it's truly mindboggling!! this is not disapointing it's tragic that any coaching staff could general a game like we witnessed.


some ramblings:


1. defensive line... i don't ever in my lifetime remember a whole defensive line being pushed back 4 yds into the endzone in a slant block like i saw yesterday. it was like at practice shoving the sleds. every D lineman in the nfl should see this as a training film on what not to do if you expect a career in the nfl.


if anyone wants to make a statement about dusty today and how he compares to tank johnson feel free to jump right in. in 2-3 + plays i saw him personally getting stood up and shoved back 2-5 yards from the LOS. this from our "run stopping" defensive tackle?? if he can't turn his play around by the end of the season it's yet another angelo BUST who will play second or third in rotation if lucky.


2. linebackers... if anyone thinks roach is a special player and our next starting linebacker you better take a very good look at the game film. url? in my opinion if we had a real defense that utilized his talents the way they should be he would be just fine. briggs? the best backer on our team and plays like an all-pro. in fact one of the few players on the entire defense who is playing for crap.


3. safeties... brown was the ONLY player out who actually played with emotion and pride. it's too bad he is nearing the end of his career. and all the love for payne?? this guy is atrocious. his angle of attack is poor to say the least and his tackling technique is some of the worst i have ever seen. if this coaching staff can't teach this guy to actually wrap up and tackle a player instead of trying to wrestle him down above the waist while losing 5 yds every tackle he should have a great career in the arena league.


4. corners... vasher is toast. he can't even do the job playing 8 yds off the LOS. his angles are flat out bad and his tackling is pathetic. vestee jackson's clone. peanut? our best corner is average at that position in MOST circumstances. he would flat out excell as a free safety but our clueless leaders haven't seen it. surprise.


5. offensive line.... if anyone thinks this line is good ten games into the season just shout it out. tait is a dinosaur and got his ass handed to him by kampmon all game long. st. clair barely holds the corner. our guards you ask? where is the push to give our running backs room to move through? how really good is our pass protection? pitiful, just plain pitiful.


COACHING... this is one pitiful excuse of a coaching staff with the exception of our special teams coach and he only gets a bye because we decimate his ranks every year and leave him with crap to work with. you know, a coach has to be able to teach and reinforce his players the basics of football. these people have no clue at all how to make players better than when they were drafted.


finally, if what i heard said in interviews about how much extra time they spent preparing for this game is true, all i can say is.... WOW!!!!!!


ANGELO... i can't believe nobody mentions this. if anyone can say this guy is a genius i'm dumbfounded. this is where most of our problems COME from!!! we have pissed away 7 years of drafts where we could have really strengthened our offense instead of drafting the same crap over and over at the wrong positions.


we fired a defensive coordinator who had a top 5 defense in chicago to get what we now have. amazing. yes, i am 100% in the rivera corner now especially after watching the bolts in pit. good job angie.


we signed a $10 mil 7th round db draft pick who is waived and in the meantime we watch an all-pro guard in faneca sign someplace else. we don't even have a #1 WR on this entire team AND our safeties are suspect at the start of the season to say the LEAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


i am now definately in the get rid of these guys, as a whole, camp. the sooner we see the end of this regime the better off we will 'probably' be.

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1. THis line sucks. Dusty sucked. But, I still don't think Tank is the reason. Tank probably would ahve been pushed back too... And even if he weren't, then he'd have been double teamed and the same results would have ensued.


i never said i believe our defensive line would or wouldn't suck if tank were still here as our #2 tackle. i have said that in my opinion tank is better than dusty/harrison and i still believe it emphatically. after that performance by our starting tackle (2 tackles and 1 assist in a TWO HUNDRED and FIVE yard rushing day ALONG with a 227 yard passing attack) i just can't even consider dusty at this point in his career as even a remotely close 2nd to tank.


that said, if you believe dusty is the better tackle you are entitled to your opinion and i mine.

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Heck, take it. It's yours. Tank is better than Dusty/Harrison/Admas et al...


There are far more problems than the #2 DT...


This club is in shambles.




i never said i believe our defensive line would or wouldn't suck if tank were still here as our #2 tackle. i have said that in my opinion tank is better than dusty/harrison and i still believe it emphatically. after that performance by our starting tackle (2 tackles and 1 assist in a TWO HUNDRED and FIVE yard rushing day ALONG with a 227 yard passing attack) i just can't even consider dusty at this point in his career as even a remotely close 2nd to tank.


that said, if you believe dusty is the better tackle you are entitled to your opinion and i mine.

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Are you really sure they know it? They certainly don't appear to...

No creativity. Just stick to the system and if it don't work this week, we get a team that it does work against. In-game adjustments? Beyond this coaching staff. Lovie's weaknesses are all too apparent this season. We need help on D, and O also, and the coaching staff doesn't have a clue. There were rumblings of players not being happy last week with the "system". What will happen this week?

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Based on the rumblings over the last few weeks and based on the lack of effort and execution this week, I dont think the players believe in this scheme anymore and the staff has lost it's players and it shows. This staff should be fired as they are incompitent and have no clue how to adjust during a game (let alone between weeks) and it has shown since the Superbowl.

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Are you really sure they know it? They certainly don't appear to...


here is just my opinion only and i could be wrong...


i don't believe this coaching staff is stupid (bad yes but not stupid). i believe they know what the problem is but don't have the skill or experience to change it into something that is drastically different from lovies main experiences as a defensive coordinator. in other words he is a one trick pony.


i think one of the mistakes in letting rivera go was you had two philosophies involved and rivera had an alternative mindset that pushed the way we played defense. if it didn't work he changed it or retooled it (or tried to). i also think he had more respect from the players than babs because of this instead of just a yes man to lovies cover 2 like babich with his limited experience.


we saw the same ring true when in 85 we lost buddy ryan. then we had the talent but a completely different philosophy on what to do with it. i know, i know, some are going to point out we had great/better stats in 86 than 85 but... we lost the creativity in an attack defense which turned into a read and react defense and we CERTAINLY lost the disipline and accountability when tobin took over the reins as DC.


in other words buddy was strong enough to bounce any critical oversight of his philosophy by ditka and i don't think tobin was. maybe in a roundabout similar situation as rivera to lovie.


just a thought

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My buddy and I had a caht this morning about the loss... We both came to the conclusion that this coaching staff comes up with their season-long game plans in training camp. Then they go with it damn the torpedoes. It's going to be a long couple of years.



No creativity. Just stick to the system and if it don't work this week, we get a team that it does work against. In-game adjustments? Beyond this coaching staff. Lovie's weaknesses are all too apparent this season. We need help on D, and O also, and the coaching staff doesn't have a clue. There were rumblings of players not being happy last week with the "system". What will happen this week?
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You're prpobably right. Anger and frustration cloud my mind thinking they are indeed stupid. But they just aren't good enough and don't want to admit it.




here is just my opinion only and i could be wrong...


i don't believe this coaching staff is stupid (bad yes but not stupid). i believe they know what the problem is but don't have the skill or experience to change it into something that is drastically different from lovies main experiences as a defensive coordinator. in other words he is a one trick pony.


i think one of the mistakes in letting rivera go was you had two philosophies involved and rivera had an alternative mindset that pushed the way we played defense. if it didn't work he changed it or retooled it (or tried to). i also think he had more respect from the players than babs because of this instead of just a yes man to lovies cover 2 like babich with his limited experience.


we saw the same ring true when in 85 we lost buddy ryan. then we had the talent but a completely different philosophy on what to do with it. i know, i know, some are going to point out we had great/better stats in 86 than 85 but... we lost the creativity in an attack defense which turned into a read and react defense and we CERTAINLY lost the disipline and accountability when tobin took over the reins as DC.


in other words buddy was strong enough to bounce any critical oversight of his philosophy by ditka and i don't think tobin was. maybe in a roundabout similar situation as rivera to lovie.


just a thought

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Agreed. Too bad us paying costomers will have to stomach this for at least the rest of this season and 2 more years...


Based on the rumblings over the last few weeks and based on the lack of effort and execution this week, I dont think the players believe in this scheme anymore and the staff has lost it's players and it shows. This staff should be fired as they are incompitent and have no clue how to adjust during a game (let alone between weeks) and it has shown since the Superbowl.
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