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Lovie should take bullet for his Bears

Da Bears 88

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Good article by Rick Morrissey of the Trib.

Well, I heard him live on 780 Monday morning and, to paraphrase, he said the following:


"The team was not prepared to play and that is my fault."


"There were no passing grades this week. Everyone failed."


Now, in terms of him saying that the team is in first, he is correct. He is also correct in saying it is a 6 game season. Mike Mulligan talked about this on Monday. His opinion and mine is that Lovie cannot get in front of the media and say the sky is falling. He has to be positive and try to motivate his team.


Mulligan also noted that when a stoic coach wins people say he is calm and in control. When he loses, he is un-emotional and doesn't care. When a emotional coach wins its because he brings the fire and the passion. When he loses it's because he is a loose cannon. Point being, all that matters is winning. Winning fixes everything and changes everyone's perspective.


Peace :dabears

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Are we really in first? Aren't we also in 3rd so to speak? He's right, but wrong in the same breath.

Technically, he should have said we are tied for first. I have no idea at this time what the tie breakers are. I would think that if the season ended today, we would not be in since we lost head to head against the Packers.


Peace :dabears

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I could be off on my tie-breaker facts...


But I think it goes...


1 . Head to head

2. Division

3. Conference

4. NFL.


That would make us behind GB, but ahead of Minny


GB and MIN have split, but GB has a 3-1 divisional record, whereas MINNY has 2-2.


So I think we're officially in 2nd...


1. GB

2. CHI


4. DET


Technically, he should have said we are tied for first. I have no idea at this time what the tie breakers are. I would think that if the season ended today, we would not be in since we lost head to head against the Packers.


Peace :dabears

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Technically, he should have said we are tied for first. I have no idea at this time what the tie breakers are. I would think that if the season ended today, we would not be in since we lost head to head against the Packers.


Peace :dabears

If we're really sippin' the Kool Aide, we'd say that we have a good shot with these last seven games. And we have been in every game this season, minus the Puckers, of course. But everyone here has follwed the dismal D this season and many of us feel that the sky may be falling. Yes, I do think we'll whoop the Rams, but I've got my doubts that Lovie and his assisstants can right the ship enough to get us to the playoffs. Hope I'm just another wrong fan on that one.

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The Bears are a first-place team the way Long John Silver's is a gourmet restaurant.


That line is classic....



seriously....Lovie should take some notes from his old friend Marrenelli....his recent press conference had him placing the blame on himself for the suckness that is the Lions...

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That line is classic....



seriously....Lovie should take some notes from his old friend Marrenelli....his recent press conference had him placing the blame on himself for the suckness that is the Lions...

Read my post above. He did that Monday morning on 780 (live interview every Monday on that channel).


Peace :dabears

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"The team was not prepared to play and that is my fault."


"There were no passing grades this week. Everyone failed."


The public wants Babich's head on a silver platter and Lovie does not let him off the hook with the above statements. It may be one of those chicken / egg conversations, but I really want to know who is calling the shots for the defense. My contention all along is that Lovie is responsible for our defensive collapse and the author is insenuating the same. Others say it's Babich in way over his head. It started and will end with "Trust me". I still think it's all Lovie. It's time for him to break his foot off in some asses and publicly take over the defense. If the players don't respond, they are not worthy of the "C" on their helmet. If Lovie fails to motivate them, he's not worthy either. There is a difference in getting beat and getting a beatdown. I can handle the 1st if it's legit. I have no stomach for the other.

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The public wants Babich's head on a silver platter and Lovie does not let him off the hook with the above statements. It may be one of those chicken / egg conversations, but I really want to know who is calling the shots for the defense. My contention all along is that Lovie is responsible for our defensive collapse and the author is insenuating the same. Others say it's Babich in way over his head. It started and will end with "Trust me". I still think it's all Lovie. It's time for him to break his foot off in some asses and publicly take over the defense. If the players don't respond, they are not worthy of the "C" on their helmet. If Lovie fails to motivate them, he's not worthy either. There is a difference in getting beat and getting a beatdown. I can handle the 1st if it's legit. I have no stomach for the other.


Exactly...I did read the post and that still isn't enough...."Everyone failed"....please Lovie IT IS YOUR FAULT.....the buck stops there my friend, so stop trying to spread the blame around...


You are not a kindergarten teacher....start showing some fire

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I don't know connor. I've heard the interviews and read the comments as well. Frankly, it is hard to distinguish one press conference from another, as his comments all seem to be the same, over and over.


But to me, I think it goes beyond words. Just because a person says, "sorry", does that automatically mean he is, or that you believe him? Sometimes you have to listen to the way it is said.


One issue I have is, Lovie will talk for some time about failed execution (which to me implies blame on the players) and then say that as the head coach, he is ultimately responsible. But how sincere is that? Its like talking for 20 minutes about one thing, and then throwing out a quick, "oh, and by the way", and expecting that last point to be viewed as sincere.


When I listen to Lovie, I do not believe he feels he is at fault. When he, over and over again, says, "the scheme is fine", he seems to be saying the #1 thing he is responsible for is not the problem. When he uses the term "execution" one hundred times, I think he implies the fault lies w/ the players. To then throw out that, as head coach, he is ultimately responsible simply does not ring sincere to me.


Read my post above. He did that Monday morning on 780 (live interview every Monday on that channel).


Peace :dabears

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Great points nfo. I really agree.


I see Smith's lips moving the same as a politicians, and both are lying to me. The only difference is Smith puts me to sleep.


I know the guys on Comcast alwasy seem to jab Smith that he speaks like everyone listening to him is an indiot. I feel the same way. I feel disrespected as a fan. I expect it, but he ilicits nothing from me but utter disappointment.


He reminds me of Kevin Bacon in Animal House..."Eeverything is fine! Carry on!" Yet everything around him is going up in flames...


I'm investing in "No-Doze" for the next few years as I should be taking it non-stop during the football seasons while Smith is under contract. That and drinking heavily...


I don't know connor. I've heard the interviews and read the comments as well. Frankly, it is hard to distinguish one press conference from another, as his comments all seem to be the same, over and over.


But to me, I think it goes beyond words. Just because a person says, "sorry", does that automatically mean he is, or that you believe him? Sometimes you have to listen to the way it is said.


One issue I have is, Lovie will talk for some time about failed execution (which to me implies blame on the players) and then say that as the head coach, he is ultimately responsible. But how sincere is that? Its like talking for 20 minutes about one thing, and then throwing out a quick, "oh, and by the way", and expecting that last point to be viewed as sincere.


When I listen to Lovie, I do not believe he feels he is at fault. When he, over and over again, says, "the scheme is fine", he seems to be saying the #1 thing he is responsible for is not the problem. When he uses the term "execution" one hundred times, I think he implies the fault lies w/ the players. To then throw out that, as head coach, he is ultimately responsible simply does not ring sincere to me.

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My wife teaches! And she's got to get those little ones motivated!


If she taught like Smith, it wouldn't be called school, it be called nap time.


Exactly...I did read the post and that still isn't enough...."Everyone failed"....please Lovie IT IS YOUR FAULT.....the buck stops there my friend, so stop trying to spread the blame around...


You are not a kindergarten teacher....start showing some fire

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Great points nfo. I really agree.

He reminds me of Kevin Bacon in Animal House..."Eeverything is fine! Carry on!" Yet everything around him is going up in flames...


I'm investing in "No-Doze" for the next few years as I should be taking it non-stop during the football seasons while Smith is under contract. That and drinking heavily...

IMdO, that is exactly what Lovie wants you to do, Madlith! And I agree with you all. Lovie has got the double speak down, and yes, when he says it's execution, he means "the players f#*ked up, not MY scheme."

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Ha! :lol:


You're a good translator! Because it all sounds like "parent-speak" from the Peanuts' cartoons to me! "Wa-wawa-wa-wa-wawawa".


IMdO, that is exactly what Lovie wants you to do, Madlith! And I agree with you all. Lovie has got the double speak down, and yes, when he says it's execution, he means "the players f#*ked up, not MY scheme."
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