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The NFL is pathetic


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Let's face it guys, this Bears team isn't very good. Our QB play is reasonable and we have a solid young RB. But out O Line is old, beat up and not exactly great these days. Our receivers SUCK bigtime. On D, we can't tackle. We can't seem to play 3rd down either. At times, teams run at will on us and at others, we play the run well. Our special teams aren't very special anymore.


Oh, and our coaches are so vanilla it makes me sick.


But that isn't what this post is about. Our guys are our guys and I love them, regardless. And if a Packers fan said anything I've said above I'd beat him senseless...


But with all of our obvious flaws, we're 7-6 and still in the playoff hunt. Hell, I thought the Lions were going to beat the Queens today and put us back into a tie for first in the division. Too bad they didn't.


Shit, with a little better luck this flawed team could be 10-3 right now! THAT'S THE POINT. This team and many like it have records well ahead of their talent and ability. I'm sitting here watching the Sunday night game and if it were any more boring I'd puke.


This isn't really anything new. The game has been in decline for decades now. Every week 20 teams (or more) take the field just BEGGING to be defeated. And often they play other teams that suck as bad as they do.


What are the main three causes for this? Free agency? Probably. Specialization? I think so. Look at Hester. He was a "special" player and now he's a joke. Bad coaching? Sure as shit! You look at good coaches like Bellichick and he could take a team of high schoolers into the playoffs in this league. Great coaching is almost a thing of the past! I think, maybe, because players come in making millions, they're uncoachable so maybe the coaches don't have a chance to be great anymore. Guys like Ditka would have 5 heart attacks a month coaching these asshole players. I think another factor is the amount of money in the game. I'd like to see the NFL and all other professional sports take a huge hit during this recession (or depression) we're in. Having these guys see their salaries shrink 50% or more would make me as happy as a pig in slop. And no, I've never held it against them for getting everything they could. But that was then. And the crazy money seems to have had a horrible influence on the game I love. So maybe it's time to adjust. If ticket prices and TV money decreases, we'll see prices at the grocery store go down and maybe a mom and dad could afford to take their kids to a f*cking game again!


Sorry for the rant gang, but watching the games today was really frustrating. It just isn't fun watching crap teams.

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Call me crazy but I enjoy the hell out of watching any BEARS game were they win !!


Frustrating is watching them lose.


Bellichick ??? His club is struggling like crazy to make the playoffs.


Have you seen how they've done (3-3) the last 6 games ???


He's not playing any high schoolers last time I checked and is lucky to have squeeked out a W against

the lousy Seahawks today.

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Bellichick ??? His club is struggling like crazy to make the playoffs.


I've posted recently on my thoughts on Bill. As I stated then, I think he's a disgusting human being but a great coach. I won't go into more details since you can find my last post if interested. Anyone who loses a talent like Brady and still has his team playing well enough to challenge for that division title has my respect.


The point is, however, that there simply aren't many great coaches anymore. And the Bears have Lovie at the top, who I really like and respect, and then a bunch of guys who represent mediocrity below him. I'm not sure we have one position coach worth a damn. And our coordinators aren't getting the job done.


All of this is just my opinion, of course, your mileage may vary.

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I hear you...but I really don't think it's any different now then in the past. Everything is just magnified with the amount of coverage these days.


Let's be honest, the Rams shouldn't have been in hte playoffs when we destroyed them in 1985. We really shouldn't have been in 2001 when the Eagles man-handled us, etc. . There are always teams that do well in the regular season due to luck, turnovers, scheduling,etc...then come crashing in the playoffs.


Heck, I find most playoff games hard to watch. Usually they are very one sided and boring barring the few exceptions. Most SB's are that way too. Only recently have we seen a couple close ones.


It's all relative, it's just that the dynasties have really been broken up by FA...


Let's face it guys, this Bears team isn't very good. Our QB play is reasonable and we have a solid young RB. But out O Line is old, beat up and not exactly great these days. Our receivers SUCK bigtime. On D, we can't tackle. We can't seem to play 3rd down either. At times, teams run at will on us and at others, we play the run well. Our special teams aren't very special anymore.


Oh, and our coaches are so vanilla it makes me sick.


But that isn't what this post is about. Our guys are our guys and I love them, regardless. And if a Packers fan said anything I've said above I'd beat him senseless...


But with all of our obvious flaws, we're 7-6 and still in the playoff hunt. Hell, I thought the Lions were going to beat the Queens today and put us back into a tie for first in the division. Too bad they didn't.


Shit, with a little better luck this flawed team could be 10-3 right now! THAT'S THE POINT. This team and many like it have records well ahead of their talent and ability. I'm sitting here watching the Sunday night game and if it were any more boring I'd puke.


This isn't really anything new. The game has been in decline for decades now. Every week 20 teams (or more) take the field just BEGGING to be defeated. And often they play other teams that suck as bad as they do.


What are the main three causes for this? Free agency? Probably. Specialization? I think so. Look at Hester. He was a "special" player and now he's a joke. Bad coaching? Sure as shit! You look at good coaches like Bellichick and he could take a team of high schoolers into the playoffs in this league. Great coaching is almost a thing of the past! I think, maybe, because players come in making millions, they're uncoachable so maybe the coaches don't have a chance to be great anymore. Guys like Ditka would have 5 heart attacks a month coaching these asshole players. I think another factor is the amount of money in the game. I'd like to see the NFL and all other professional sports take a huge hit during this recession (or depression) we're in. Having these guys see their salaries shrink 50% or more would make me as happy as a pig in slop. And no, I've never held it against them for getting everything they could. But that was then. And the crazy money seems to have had a horrible influence on the game I love. So maybe it's time to adjust. If ticket prices and TV money decreases, we'll see prices at the grocery store go down and maybe a mom and dad could afford to take their kids to a f*cking game again!


Sorry for the rant gang, but watching the games today was really frustrating. It just isn't fun watching crap teams.

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I know what you are saying, but disagree with the post title. The NFL is the greatest sports product on the planet. Every year there is renewed hope for your team. I do think and agree that there are more mediocre teams out there, but also think that is a good thing. Sometimes that allows a Bears team to come out of the shadows a couple of years ago, the Giants last year and no you have who. Truth is, we don't know who is going to the Super Bowl this year and that is a good thing...

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I basically agree.


It's nice to know it won't be Dallas or SF in the SB as a guarantee!


I know what you are saying, but disagree with the post title. The NFL is the greatest sports product on the planet. Every year there is renewed hope for your team. I do think and agree that there are more mediocre teams out there, but also think that is a good thing. Sometimes that allows a Bears team to come out of the shadows a couple of years ago, the Giants last year and no you have who. Truth is, we don't know who is going to the Super Bowl this year and that is a good thing...
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