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Blow this offense up


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The OC is horrible. He doesn't have a clue how to call a game and take advantage of the opponent's weakness. And he sure as hell doesn't have a clue how to use his players to maximize their talents.


The QB is bad. He doesn't seem to understand how to read defenses, and he can't throw the long ball.


The WRs are bad. Drops and bad routes.


The OL is bad. The don't open gaping holes for the running game, yet they don't pass block great either. Perplexing.


The TEs and RBs are about the only thing worthwhile.


Chuck it all.

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The OC is horrible. He doesn't have a clue how to call a game and take advantage of the opponent's weakness. And he sure as hell doesn't have a clue how to use his players to maximize their talents.

Disagree - I think Turner has brainfarts like any other offensive playcaller, but hindsight is always 20/20. I becoming a firm believer that this O lacks talent, but is showing signs of promise.


The QB is bad. He doesn't seem to understand how to read defenses, and he can't throw the long ball.

Disagree again - Orton is hurt and it is affecting his play. Would you be saying this before the injury? I think not. Plus, no matter what you think of him, he's a gamer.


The WRs are bad. Drops and bad routes.

Totally agree. We need a #1 in the worst way. Hester on the other side will make a #1 a beast if we get one next year. He simply draws attention at all times and he has improved.


The OL is bad. The don't open gaping holes for the running game, yet they don't pass block great either. Perplexing.

Agreed again. But, it's headed in the right direction. Williams will assume the LT position next year with the hopefull addition of a young STUD OG. Beekman is coming along nicely and St Clair can replace Tait.

The TEs and RBs are about the only thing worthwhile.

From my rebuttal, you know I disagree. The TE's and RB's are a strength, but not the only thing we have.


Chuck it all.

I think we should all reflect on what we thought this offense was going to be in the pre season and be thankful for the winning record. The O is going to get better if JA does his job.

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The OC is horrible. He doesn't have a clue how to call a game and take advantage of the opponent's weakness. And he sure as hell doesn't have a clue how to use his players to maximize their talents.


I mention this in another thread, but while I have been supporting Turner, no longer. Early in the year, I thought he was doing a good job. Some brain fart calls, sure, but overall, he had an offense totally lacking in talent (as you mention) and was able to get production from them. But, now, I am on board w/ getting rid of him. Many things we did early in the year were new, and it worked, but over the season, we have simply continued to do the same things, and are now predictable. While the league has watched film and adapted to what we do, Turner has done nothing to counter.


The QB is bad. He doesn't seem to understand how to read defenses, and he can't throw the long ball.


I disagree w/ this. He has made a few bad reads, but I think overall, he does a good job reading defenses. I also think his injury is still limiting him. You point out how our WRs can't run routes, drop passes, and I would add struggle to get separation. You point out how bad our OL is. Further, you think our OC sucks. If a QB doesn't have an OL to protect him or WRs who can play, or a competent coach, I question how great the expectation should be on the QB. Orton has had his struggles of late, but how much is him and how much is our lack of talent for him to work w/. He made some great passes yesterday, only to watch them dropped. He had three turnovers, but only one was his fault. That one was bad, but the other two? The ball bounced off a WRs hands and into the DBs for one. The other was very obviously on Kreutz, as the entire OL was still set when he snapped the ball, thus it was obvious he snapped it early.


I am not saying Orton is for a fact our franchise QB, but I do believe I have seen enough to believe that if we surrounded him w/ better talent, he may become a very solid QB for us. I swear, if we had Manning or Brady, I think we would struggle.


The WRs are bad. Drops and bad routes.


Been saying this for some time. This group is just awful.


The OL is bad. The don't open gaping holes for the running game, yet they don't pass block great either. Perplexing.


Agreed. They have their moments, but IMHO, Orton and Forte have made this very weak unit look better then they are.


The TEs and RBs are about the only thing worthwhile.


Agreed, but we have a lot of work to do to improve the talent around them.


Chuck it all.


I disagree on Qb, but not much else. Of course, that means we will draft defense heavily.

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Good lord, do you people ever stop making excuses for Orton?


The only thing keeping me from going off on this guy is the fact that our WR do suck, our OC has to go and the O line is not that good. I am only hoping that the reason he UNDERFUCKINGTHREW that SURE TD to hester in OT is because he is injured. The only reason we got that PI call was because hester had to damn near stop to try and catch it. If Not, I want a guy who will be able to capitalize on the ONLY thing hester IS capable of doing, getting open deep. If Orton can't do that , we need to shitcan him.

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Lets take a look at Orton's stats:


Last 4 games

QB rating: 63

INT's: 6

Sacked: 6 times


Add the fact that he hasn't thrown for over 175 yards in three of the last four games.


QB rating of 39 vs the Vikings. QB rating of 49.2 vs the Saints.


And all i heard was he doesn't turn the ball over and never gets sacked.


Coincidence he plays poor vs teams .500 or better then lights up crap teams like the Jags and Rams?

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Lets take a look at Orton's stats:


Last 4 games

QB rating: 63

INT's: 6

Sacked: 6 times


Add the fact that he hasn't thrown for over 175 yards in three of the last four games.


QB rating of 39 vs the Vikings. QB rating of 49.2 vs the Saints.


And all i heard was he doesn't turn the ball over and never gets sacked.


Coincidence he plays poor vs teams .500 or better then lights up crap teams like the Jags and Rams?



It's really hard to take you seriously when you have a Rex Sig and Avatar

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Sounds reasonable to me...


The OC is horrible. He doesn't have a clue how to call a game and take advantage of the opponent's weakness. And he sure as hell doesn't have a clue how to use his players to maximize their talents.


The QB is bad. He doesn't seem to understand how to read defenses, and he can't throw the long ball.


The WRs are bad. Drops and bad routes.


The OL is bad. The don't open gaping holes for the running game, yet they don't pass block great either. Perplexing.


The TEs and RBs are about the only thing worthwhile.


Chuck it all.

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Give me a break. I know you hate Orton, but come on. There is plenty to knock him on, but give me a break on the turnovers. He had 3 turnovers credited to him in this game, which represents a huge knock on his QB rating, but how many were truly on him? One pass hits Davis in the hands, but he can't catch the ball and it bounces into the waiting hands of a DB. That is not on Orton, but the stat sheet still hits him w/ the pick. He was also credited with a fumble, but anyone watching the game knows it was on Kreutz. Kreutz snaps the ball and sets up to block while the entire OL is still in the stance. Simply put, Kreutz snapped the ball early, but again, Orton is credited w/ the turnover.


The 3rd turnover was all on him, and he deserves to get knocked for that one, but don't just try to pretend that all turnovers credited to him were all on him.


Lets take a look at Orton's stats:


Last 4 games

QB rating: 63

INT's: 6

Sacked: 6 times


Add the fact that he hasn't thrown for over 175 yards in three of the last four games.


QB rating of 39 vs the Vikings. QB rating of 49.2 vs the Saints.


And all i heard was he doesn't turn the ball over and never gets sacked.


Coincidence he plays poor vs teams .500 or better then lights up crap teams like the Jags and Rams?

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Give me a break. I know you hate Orton, but come on. There is plenty to knock him on, but give me a break on the turnovers. He had 3 turnovers credited to him in this game, which represents a huge knock on his QB rating, but how many were truly on him? One pass hits Davis in the hands, but he can't catch the ball and it bounces into the waiting hands of a DB. That is not on Orton, but the stat sheet still hits him w/ the pick. He was also credited with a fumble, but anyone watching the game knows it was on Kreutz. Kreutz snaps the ball and sets up to block while the entire OL is still in the stance. Simply put, Kreutz snapped the ball early, but again, Orton is credited w/ the turnover.


The 3rd turnover was all on him, and he deserves to get knocked for that one, but don't just try to pretend that all turnovers credited to him were all on him.



When looking at the replay after it happen I thought the fumble was on Orton and not Olin, I may need to look at it again though it was still happy hour!

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Disagree - I think Turner has brainfarts like any other offensive playcaller, but hindsight is always 20/20. I becoming a firm believer that this O lacks talent, but is showing signs of promise.


Disagree again - Orton is hurt and it is affecting his play. Would you be saying this before the injury? I think not. Plus, no matter what you think of him, he's a gamer.


I think we should all reflect on what we thought this offense was going to be in the pre season and be thankful for the winning record. The O is going to get better if JA does his job.


1) It's not hindsight when we say it before and during the game.

2) Orton's injury doesn't make him throw that badly. Although, I've been saying the OL hinders everything for a while.

3) The winning record doesn't make me feel better...it should be better. I want more.

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1. I could not agree more. When I watch a game and sit there calling our plays verbatem before each snap...I assume the ooposition's D coordinator is doing the same. (unless that coodrdinator were a Babich) We are predictable. Once in a blue moon, Turner has his moments of brilliance. But it's not the opposite where once in a while he has brainfarts...


2. I think the injury does have an impact. For a guy that's not athletic perse, that kind of injury impacts all your movements. I think it plays a factor. While I'm not thrilled about Kyle's performances since the injury...I still think he's the best we've had in a while. And given improvements on the OL and with the WR crops, I htink he can be quite servicable while we groom a young stud. So, I'm in partial agreement. We need to draft a legit QB high and start grooming him to compete w/ Orton. One thing we've learned is that when we pay our guys, they don't like playing hard...


3. Totally agree. I feel we're settling. Yep, it's better than a kick in the balls. But I too want more. This is much better than I thought we'd do. But I did not figure Forte to be that much of a positive impact. With that said, we should be doing better...and our D should not be doing this badly. Unlike our coaching staff, I reserve the right to "adjust" my opinion in mid-season based on what's transpired...


1) It's not hindsight when we say it before and during the game.

2) Orton's injury doesn't make him throw that badly. Although, I've been saying the OL hinders everything for a while.

3) The winning record doesn't make me feel better...it should be better. I want more.

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