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Anthony Adams


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What about Anthony Adams? Has he not proved a bona fide starter and potential star? That guy was a monster against the Saints and great in the previous game as well! We need a big body in the middle stopping the run, I long for the days of Ted Washington!




I am more and more suspicious that if you are not a JA/LS ass-licker that you do not hit the field....is that why Bradley is gone as well?

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How does anyone know that Dusty was licking their arse?? How does anyone know that AA was in the doghouse?? Was there an article somewhere on this??


Peace :dabears

You know, when you have someone playing as bad as Dusty was and getting the majority of PT while Anthony Adams was inactive, something fishy was going on.

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You know, when you have someone playing as bad as Dusty was and getting the majority of PT while Anthony Adams was inactive, something fishy was going on.

Something fishy is going on? Sorry, but this is pro football not Chicago politics. Maybe it is as simple as AA had a fire lit under his arse from sitting on the bench so long. Now that he has the chance, he is playing like a man who doesn't want go to back to the bench.


Peace :dabears

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Something fishy is going on? Sorry, but this is pro football not Chicago politics. Maybe it is as simple as AA had a fire lit under his arse from sitting on the bench so long. Now that he has the chance, he is playing like a man who doesn't want go to back to the bench.


Peace :dabears

I'm not saying they're currupt, but rather JA and Lovie always play their crappy picks to try and save face.

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I'll add that Lovie usually will play a guy no matter how bad that guy is playing. Training camp is were jobs are won and lost (and given) and once the season starts, Lovie usually sticks to those decisions. About the only time a guy will lose his starting job is if they get hurt.



. Vasher gets hurt, Graham comes in and makes some plays. Big enough plays that Vasher was taken out even when healthy once in a while to give Graham more snaps.


. Hillenmeyer gets hurt, Roach comes in and show's up on the game tapes. Once Hilly was healthy enough to return, he found out his job was permanately filled.


My thought is, we were all in love with Dusty after just a 1/2 game last year. What happened to the big guy exploding offensive lines? injury still nagging? 1/2 game fluke? The DT next to him not the same player?

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I'll add that Lovie usually will play a guy no matter how bad that guy is playing. Training camp is were jobs are won and lost (and given) and once the season starts, Lovie usually sticks to those decisions. About the only time a guy will lose his starting job is if they get hurt.



. Vasher gets hurt, Graham comes in and makes some plays. Big enough plays that Vasher was taken out even when healthy once in a while to give Graham more snaps.


. Hillenmeyer gets hurt, Roach comes in and show's up on the game tapes. Once Hilly was healthy enough to return, he found out his job was permanately filled.


My thought is, we were all in love with Dusty after just a 1/2 game last year. What happened to the big guy exploding offensive lines? injury still nagging? 1/2 game fluke? The DT next to him not the same player?


That is exactly my point. It really seems that there are certain occassions, whether it is related to Lovie or JA, where it seems a guy cannot lose his job no matter how he plays and others where a guy cannot get on the field for love or money....I still cannot understand the Bradley decision etc.... Just a thought, I have not read any article on it etc.... I just cannot understand how a guy can come in like AA has and look so strong, it makes you wonder why he wasn't in before and why it took an injury to get him in the lineup...

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Anthony Adams looked absolutely horrible during the pre-season.

Yes he's looked pretty good the last few games and he's an average NFL DT.

Nothing more and nothing less and nothing to get excited about.

The conspiracy talk regarding Dusty and Lovie & JA in regards to Adams PT is a hoot !

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It is simple!


The coaching is bad! ;)


Something fishy is going on? Sorry, but this is pro football not Chicago politics. Maybe it is as simple as AA had a fire lit under his arse from sitting on the bench so long. Now that he has the chance, he is playing like a man who doesn't want go to back to the bench.


Peace :dabears

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Regarding why Adams has been on the bench in favor of Dusty, I think the top key is style. Adams is a pure run stuffer. While Dusty is the same weight, but taller. He is not considered a wide body in the middle. I think it was believed that Dusty would be capable of stuffing the run, while also being more capable of rushing the passer.


I love the idea of pairing Harris w/ a bigger DT who can stuff the run and help collapse the pocket, but that is not what Lovie likes best. Lovie wants two DTs who can attack. Adams may be our best option at the #2 DT position, but I don't think he fits what Angelo really wants.


Think back to Ian Scott. Scott was also a very solid DT for us. He did little to nothing in the pass rush, but was always one of our best defenders against the run, and I would argue helped collapse the pocket too. Remember our SB year when, due to injuries late in the year, Scott started and suddenly, our run defense looked great. Scott was another player that never fit Lovie's ideal DT mold, and thus was also an afterthought.


Same thing, IMHO, w/ Adams. Last year, he only played due to injury, but I would argue was our most consistent DL. Not the most talented, but I felt simply put, the most consistent of all the DTs AND DEs. But this year, he was never even given a chance. Why? Because he doesn't fit Lovie's ideal DT mold. But once again, Lovie's ideal fails, Adams comes in, and our defense responds.


The 2nd side of this that makes me sick is, I see such a dramatic difference in the way Urlacher plays behind Adams. Look at how he has played since Adams started. Adams eats up blocks, which frees Urlacher to make more plays. W/o Adams in there, Urlacher is blocked out of the picture, and our entire defense suffers.


But i am sure next year, we will again try to replace Adams w/ more of a pass rusher, and once again, we will see Urlacher's play suffer, and teams run on us at will.


That is exactly my point. It really seems that there are certain occassions, whether it is related to Lovie or JA, where it seems a guy cannot lose his job no matter how he plays and others where a guy cannot get on the field for love or money....I still cannot understand the Bradley decision etc.... Just a thought, I have not read any article on it etc.... I just cannot understand how a guy can come in like AA has and look so strong, it makes you wonder why he wasn't in before and why it took an injury to get him in the lineup...
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Not fitting into Smith's mold...


That seems to be a serious issue with making bad decisions.


I think Smith's mold, is moldy!

Smith is showing, more and more, that he is not a "think out of the box" head coach. He seems to stick to players when they have shown very little ability. And he is definitely NOT a teaching coach that knows how to develop talent. Finally, he's not a very good judge of caoching talent, tending more to surround himslef with "bus" rather than "studs".

Starting to think the Super Bowl season was great INSPITE OF THE COACHES, not because of.

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It would seem to be fair to say that DD and TH are more suited to Lovie's defence that AA. I have always liked the big nose tackle type players for much the same reason already discussed, they stuff the run and free up others who are more suited to the more athletic type roles to play to their strength.....


I don't think I like Lovie's system....

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I hear ya Chile...


Smith is showing, more and more, that he is not a "think out of the box" head coach. He seems to stick to players when they have shown very little ability. And he is definitely NOT a teaching coach that knows how to develop talent. Finally, he's not a very good judge of caoching talent, tending more to surround himslef with "bus" rather than "studs".

Starting to think the Super Bowl season was great INSPITE OF THE COACHES, not because of.

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I am not a fan of Smith's system either. In fact, I despise it.


It would seem to be fair to say that DD and TH are more suited to Lovie's defence that AA. I have always liked the big nose tackle type players for much the same reason already discussed, they stuff the run and free up others who are more suited to the more athletic type roles to play to their strength.....


I don't think I like Lovie's system....

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I am not a fan of Smith's system either. In fact, I despise it.

Every time we give up a third and long situation I want to yell at Lovie to get a clue. And we finsih up this year at Houston, where they have one of, if not the, leading WRs in the league. It's great when our D puts other teams in third and long, but then so demoralizing when they convert.

Yes, I am no fan of Lovies system.

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It's so off-putting! I swear I almost hope for 3rd and 3...because we have a better chance of stopping it!


Every time we give up a third and long situation I want to yell at Lovie to get a clue. And we finsih up this year at Houston, where they have one of, if not the, leading WRs in the league. It's great when our D puts other teams in third and long, but then so demoralizing when they convert.

Yes, I am no fan of Lovies system.

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Last year when AA was given a chance I would argue that he sucked. Maybe that was because he didn't play much but he looked just completely lost year and this preseason I think he was lucky to make the team. Now all of sudden DD goes down and AA steps in and then our D starts to respond and play better. I think we have all seen how GREAT AA has looked in the recent games, but its not just him. The entire DL especially the ends(Ogun and ABrown) have been absolutely killing the pocket which then allows all of our LB's to play more of the system and sit back and hit people. I have noticed not just AA but how about Roach. Roach has played very well lately although he may not be getting the stats. It will be interesting to see was LS/JA do next year in regards to Roach DD/AA. AA and DD should fight for the spot in the preseason. I am all for competition.

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I'll be the dark horse here. After I started hearing this stuff when Adams came in I went back and watched some tape of the games. If you guys watch the tape...watch the games over and study Dusty. He was constantly double teamed while Tommie was being single teamed. Dusty lead all lineman in tackles before he went out. I know it's nice and neat to just say oh Adams is playing way better now, and he is playing well but it's not because Dusty sucked. It's because now they are back to double teaming Tommie. When I see a team double one guy and not the other, I know there's a reason for it. That team studies the tape and they know who they want to put the extra body on. If Dusty sucked so bad why was he always taking on two blockers. It's not as simple as you people are making it out to be. What should have happened is Tommie should have been on the fuckin bench since he wasn't healthy and Adams and Dusty should have been the tackles. This whole defense would have been better off, but that doesn't fit Lovie's dumb ass scheme.

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I have watched games on replay, but can't say I have "studied film". At the same time, I have listened to plenty on the radio who have "studied film", and they have all blasted Dusty. What I recall seeing myself is, initially, he was double teamed on run plays, but even that changed and he was single blocked then as well. At no time did I see him consistently double teamed on passing downs.


As for Adams, I have seen him double teamed, like Dusty initially, on passing downs. The difference I would make between the two is, I think Adams has done a better job splitting the double team (again, on run downs) than Dusty did. Also, I think Adams does more to force teams to "hold" their extra block on him, which frees up the LBs more. W/ Dusty, he would get an initial double, but the 2nd guy would release and move on to our LBs. W/ Adams, I don't see this done. Adams forces teams to hold the block against him.


No one is saying Adams is a stud. But I do simply believe our defense runs better w/ him in there. He is simply better against the run, and better keeping that extra blocker from getting to the next level.


I'll be the dark horse here. After I started hearing this stuff when Adams came in I went back and watched some tape of the games. If you guys watch the tape...watch the games over and study Dusty. He was constantly double teamed while Tommie was being single teamed. Dusty lead all lineman in tackles before he went out. I know it's nice and neat to just say oh Adams is playing way better now, and he is playing well but it's not because Dusty sucked. It's because now they are back to double teaming Tommie. When I see a team double one guy and not the other, I know there's a reason for it. That team studies the tape and they know who they want to put the extra body on. If Dusty sucked so bad why was he always taking on two blockers. It's not as simple as you people are making it out to be. What should have happened is Tommie should have been on the fuckin bench since he wasn't healthy and Adams and Dusty should have been the tackles. This whole defense would have been better off, but that doesn't fit Lovie's dumb ass scheme.
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Adams has shown an excellent ability of dropping the double team, IMO. When you get doubled, especially in the NFL, odds are you're not shedding it. The difference between Dusty and Adams has been being able to feel the double team and drop it. Dusty either had no feel for when the double was coming, or was to stupid to drop it. This led to him getting driven right into the linebackers, opening up big holes for the other team, and making it easy for the linemen. Adams however would have a feel for the double on run plays and drop it, causing a pile and taking up both defenders, and freeing the linebackers to make a play. Plus, Adams showed a tremendous ability in short yardage situations, most notably on the 3rd and very short play in the 4th quarter vs. the Saints. Adams fires off of the ball, gets below the linemen, and basically blows up the whole play. It was a thing of beauty to watch (except for Olinemen, like me).


I know I might be in the minority here, but I honestly wouldn't mind us getting embarrassed in the next two games if it meant the possibility of us canning Lovie and the rest of the staff (I like Angelo, but he could go as well). However, that ain't happening, even if we do get embarrassed in the next two games. I don't really mind the cover 2 scheme and such, but our version is just so damn disgusting, and for a so called defensive expert, Lovie sucks.

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I feel your pain BearSox! Those thoughts have crossed my mind as well... Although, I always shake it off. I want guys like Forte, Olsen, and Orton to do well. I htink we need them to do well. To show that we have a future. If all is dire, while it would expedite Smith's departure...it won't happen soon enough, and means we will have even more holes to fill.


I honestly do not believe we will make the playoffs. We cast that in stone virtually when we played severly uninspired games against GB and MIN. I never like not being in control of our own destiny, but while there's still a shot, I'll be rooting the players on with all my might on Monday and next Sunday! And even without a shot at post-season, I'll still be rooting like a madman... It's Green Bay dammit! ...and F Houston as well!


Bear down!


I know I might be in the minority here, but I honestly wouldn't mind us getting embarrassed in the next two games if it meant the possibility of us canning Lovie and the rest of the staff (I like Angelo, but he could go as well). However, that ain't happening, even if we do get embarrassed in the next two games. I don't really mind the cover 2 scheme and such, but our version is just so damn disgusting, and for a so called defensive expert, Lovie sucks.
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