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Smith in denial, get ready for more of the same...


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3 points:


1 - I wouldn't expect any coach to come out after a 9-7 season and say they need a complete overall especially 1 hr after the end of the season.


2 - Angelo needs to step up this offseason and tell Lovie that he must change d-coordinator. Babich has all the tools in the world and completely sucks.


3 - Alex Brown is my hero. Great, great stuff from him.


Peace :dabears

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1. I expect something more than Kevin Bacon saying "All is well!" at the end of "Animal House".... How about taking some responsibility for once Smith? This guy has a thicker Teflon coat than Reagan did...


2. Agreed!


3. I too enjoyed Alex's comments...!


3 points:


1 - I wouldn't expect any coach to come out after a 9-7 season and say they need a complete overall especially 1 hr after the end of the season.


2 - Angelo needs to step up this offseason and tell Lovie that he must change d-coordinator. Babich has all the tools in the world and completely sucks.


3 - Alex Brown is my hero. Great, great stuff from him.


Peace :dabears

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1. I expect something more than Kevin Bacon saying "All is well!" at the end of "Animal House".... How about taking some responsibility for once Smith? This guy has a thicker Teflon coat than Reagan did...

Lovie didn't say all is well. Please read the attached post game quotes from the Suntimes. Couch took 1 sentence and wrote an entire article on it which is BS.




Peace :dabears

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Lovie didn't say all is well. Please read the attached post game quotes from the Suntimes. Couch took 1 sentence and wrote an entire article on it which is BS.




Peace :dabears


Good point...but Lovie yet again pulled out this gem, "We'll evaluate where we are and go from there." :rolleyes: Classic Lovie.

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I still get no real vibe after reading that that Smith is taking any real responsibility...


Maybe I need to see the conference on Comcast later... But it's his typical, "We'll look at film and make adjustments. We don't need any major changes. Trust me. F you Chicago fans you'll get 2 more years of this tease."


Sorry, I'm just still livid...


Lovie didn't say all is well. Please read the attached post game quotes from the Suntimes. Couch took 1 sentence and wrote an entire article on it which is BS.




Peace :dabears

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I still get no real vibe after reading that that Smith is taking any real responsibility...


Maybe I need to see the conference on Comcast later... But it's his typical, "We'll look at film and make adjustments. We don't need any major changes. Trust me. F you Chicago fans you'll get 2 more years of this tease."


Sorry, I'm just still livid...

What else do you expect him to say 1 hr after the end of the season??? He did say the following:


Our team failed today. Overall our team didn't play well enough this year to accomplish our goals. We're not going to separate anyone.


He didn't say I really don't give a crap what the fans think, I am going to do what I want.


To me he is saying the players, the coaches, and the entire organization failed. That's all I need to hear 1 hr after the end of the season. Now it is up the organization to make adjustments for next yr. The proof will be in the actions they take to improve.


Peace :dabears

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I still get no real vibe after reading that that Smith is taking any real responsibility...


Maybe I need to see the conference on Comcast later... But it's his typical, "We'll look at film and make adjustments. We don't need any major changes. Trust me. F you Chicago fans you'll get 2 more years of this tease."


Sorry, I'm just still livid...

Look what it did to Ron Burgandy in San Diego

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I WANT HIM TO FREAKIN" SAY "I", "ME"! Take some F'in responsibilityinstead of saying it's always "THE TEAM"... I don't read "the organization and coaches" into his comments...I see it as players. As he's been doing all year. Throwing his players under the bus...


By stating his typical jukebox row5, section 221 response, it is like saying F you to the fans. At least that's how this fan here takes it. Smith has not once admitted any type of wrongdoing... He is fleecing this organization, and in turn it's fans. As long as Smith is HC, we will be doomed to this perrenial tease...just good enough, just bad enough. Never GREAT.




What else do you expect him to say 1 hr after the end of the season??? He did say the following:


Our team failed today. Overall our team didn't play well enough this year to accomplish our goals. We're not going to separate anyone.


He didn't say I really don't give a crap what the fans think, I am going to do what I want.


To me he is saying the players, the coaches, and the entire organization failed. That's all I need to hear 1 hr after the end of the season. Now it is up the organization to make adjustments for next yr. The proof will be in the actions they take to improve.


Peace :dabears

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Smith has not once admitted any type of wrongdoing... .

You are 100% incorrect. Whenever I get a chance, I listen to the Monday night Bears show with Joniak and Lovie on 780 am. He has said several times after losses, and I am paraphrasing, "We have to get better and its starts with me. I didn't do my job yesterday and have to improve. We all have to improve."


You are most likely right that he will be around for 2 more years. I am hoping he is able to turn it around and get us back in the playoffs and to the SB. Maybe I am being a sucker but I simply refuse to beat myself up over this when I know in the end I will have no impact on what they do.


Peace :dabears

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Listen to what else Brown said: ‘‘We missed the playoffs last year; we missed the playoffs this year. I don’t know if that’s improvement. Doesn’t seem like it to me.


‘‘I’m very, very tired of people talking about two years ago [the Super Bowl team]. We don’t have the same team as two years ago. We don’t have the same attitude. Please do me a favor and don’t talk about ’06. We don’t have the same attitude.’’


IMO, that's all on Lovie. this team has taken on the laid back attitude of Lovie and they dont have the same hunger. They were all satisfied with the SB 2 years ago and got paid. no need to go out and bust your ass. Alex Brown has been one of the few players that showed anything on defense this year. Briggs also played very well. tommie? sucked. Urlacher? bad. Tillman? bad. Vasher? completely horrible.


If we go in to the season with the same group of players and coaches, I'll frakking puke.

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What else do you expect him to say 1 hr after the end of the season??? He did say the following:


Our team failed today. Overall our team didn't play well enough this year to accomplish our goals. We're not going to separate anyone.


He didn't say I really don't give a crap what the fans think, I am going to do what I want.


To me he is saying the players, the coaches, and the entire organization failed. That's all I need to hear 1 hr after the end of the season. Now it is up the organization to make adjustments for next yr. The proof will be in the actions they take to improve.


Peace :dabears



But the real question is, will he have the gonads to do anything about it and fire his BFF to start. then Turner. Toub is the only coach earning his money.

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Then I stand corrected...I've yet to hear any such interview. I fully take your word on it. I guess it'd be nice to hear after a game rather than a day later on a radio show... But that's my problem for not seeking it out.


Yeah, I really think 2 years will be it. I don't see him able to turn a corner since I haven't really seen any adjustments let alone in a single game.


I do hear you there. Reality is that us fans really don't have a say. So, we have this and other sites we can vent our frustration out on...





You are 100% incorrect. Whenever I get a chance, I listen to the Monday night Bears show with Joniak and Lovie on 780 am. He has said several times after losses, and I am paraphrasing, "We have to get better and its starts with me. I didn't do my job yesterday and have to improve. We all have to improve."


You are most likely right that he will be around for 2 more years. I am hoping he is able to turn it around and get us back in the playoffs and to the SB. Maybe I am being a sucker but I simply refuse to beat myself up over this when I know in the end I will have no impact on what they do.


Peace :dabears

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well, I think babich needs to go, There is no doubt in my mind that the guy can coach at this level at all. Rod Marenelli will be available after tommorrow, I would hire him immediately and put babich back at the line coach or better yet the water boy.

Mistakes in order


1. Letting Rivera go

2. Letting Jones go

3. Letting berrian go


JA needs to get it together and call lovie into his office and give him the buisness. Get rid of Babich and if you dont like it there is the door.

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Mad bagging on Smith, huh, weird.


As for the article, its pure trash. Saying 9 wins is a "coincidence" is moronic. Are there things that the Bears can be better at? No question.


So after a whole article bagging on everything about the Bears and we come 1 game out of the playoffs, thats pretty good to me. And someone needs to inform this clown that 9 and 7 this year was "close" to making the playoffs. So logic would dictate that if they get better in a couple of areas (OL, WR, pass rushing DE) that they can make another SB run.


As for Alex Brown, sorry to see that he didn't call out some of his defensive teammates for the lack of pride and passion. Maybe next year he and Wale can do a little better than 11 sacks between the two. That would help the defenses "attitude" problems tremendously.

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Then I stand corrected...I've yet to hear any such interview. I fully take your word on it. I guess it'd be nice to hear after a game rather than a day later on a radio show... But that's my problem for not seeking it out.


Yeah, I really think 2 years will be it. I don't see him able to turn a corner since I haven't really seen any adjustments let alone in a single game.


I do hear you there. Reality is that us fans really don't have a say. So, we have this and other sites we can vent our frustration out on...

No issue. Really, I don't take press conferences very seriously. Further, I hate columnists like Couch who parse words from those conferences. It's all a bunch of BS. Performance on the field is all that really matters to me (exception players or coaches that put themselves above the team and get in trouble in their personal lives - see Ced Benson).


I agree with you on the need to vent. I have a friend I talk to after every game and we usually review all the negative aspects of the teams performance (rather loudly normally).


Peace :dabears

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No issue. Really, I don't take press conferences very seriously. Further, I hate columnists like Couch who parse words from those conferences. It's all a bunch of BS. Performance on the field is all that really matters to me (exception players or coaches that put themselves above the team and get in trouble in their personal lives - see Ced Benson).


I agree with you on the need to vent. I have a friend I talk to after every game and we usually review all the negative aspects of the teams performance (rather loudly normally).


Peace :dabears

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Yeah, it is odd! Kind of like Smith not making game-time adjustments! You can set your watch to it! ;)


We apparently prefer different journalistic styles... I love a dry read of stats, figures and what the team wants you to read, but I like the occassional biting commentary as well. Yep, the author can pick and choose that which he wishes to make his point. I see no logical fallacies in his article. The only thing you may not like is the style, tone, and cherry picking of info. Again, personal preference.


9-7 does not make a good team. It means we did the most with one of the easiest schedules in the NFL. Playing the Rams, Detroit twice, the Jags, etc...is foolsgold. 9-7 means that was your record. We won games we shouldn't have and lost more we should have won. I just simply disagree that we are only a few tweaks away from being a SB contender. We have a suspect QB, we have a suspect OL with serious age issues, we have no true WR, we have a suspect FB, we have a suspect DL including players like Harris which could be injured for life, we have an aging MLB who seems to have lost more than a step, we have suspect CB's that can't tackle or cover, and I'm not sure we even have safeties on the roster as Mike Brown is a RFA. We also have a coaching staff that has proven time and time again they cannot adjust, that they continually call the wrong play, that they do not know how to go for the jugular, that the come in illprepared and the players are winded at least early in the season, that they don't teach the players to do basics like tackle (we lead the lead in missed tackles I heard on the gamecast last night!), that they can't progress players like Gage, Bradley,etc, and they show no real emotion. That ain't a few teweaks. That's a serious problem.


Yep, with a few tweaks, we could probably get to the playoffs with another easy schedule. Only to be bounced out ASAP just like we'll probably see with Miami. It's nice. I'll root 'em on like a lunatic. But I also know that it's not good enough. I want quality health care, not a band aid. Smith is proposing yet another band-aid.


Wow! I can't believe you're chiding Alex Brown for showing some passion! Has Zombie Smith infected you with the "Night of the Living Dead" virus? The guy is not a top tier DE! He is the guy that will shine because we are supposed to have a top tier DE in Ogun and DT in Harris. With both those guys failing, Brown will also fail. But of the lot, at least Brown was making plays and showing heart!




Mad bagging on Smith, huh, weird.


As for the article, its pure trash. Saying 9 wins is a "coincidence" is moronic. Are there things that the Bears can be better at? No question.


So after a whole article bagging on everything about the Bears and we come 1 game out of the playoffs, thats pretty good to me. And someone needs to inform this clown that 9 and 7 this year was "close" to making the playoffs. So logic would dictate that if they get better in a couple of areas (OL, WR, pass rushing DE) that they can make another SB run.


As for Alex Brown, sorry to see that he didn't call out some of his defensive teammates for the lack of pride and passion. Maybe next year he and Wale can do a little better than 11 sacks between the two. That would help the defenses "attitude" problems tremendously.

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My favorite quote from today's articles:

"Fumbled kickoff return aside, when the 2005 or 2006 Bears put up 24 points, they did not lose. (15-0 in those two seasons when scoring 24 or more points.)"

That's pretty damning for Babich. I haven't forgotten the days of shutting multiple teams out per season and holding teams to an average of 10 points...year after year. Where'd it go? Isn't our D paid twice as much as our O?


Also, I understand that the columnists are disappointed, but you have to be a stone cold idiot to think that missing the playoffs by one drive and saying you don't need a massive overhaul to be a playoff team is delusional. Ironically, the columnists just end up proving they're even more delusional than the coach. Either that or they think their readers are idiots who just want to hear their own whines read back to them.

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well, I think babich needs to go, There is no doubt in my mind that the guy can coach at this level at all. Rod Marenelli will be available after tommorrow, I would hire him immediately and put babich back at the line coach or better yet the water boy.

Mistakes in order


1. Letting Rivera go

2. Letting Jones go

3. Letting berrian go


Next, we'll let Mike Brown and that will be a mistake. Did you see our confused secondary yesterday???? OMG!!!


The guy has lost a step. But, he obviously is still a major part of what we do on defense. I don't know how letting him go makes us better. Hey, but I said the same for Cedric Benson. He obviously made some mistakes and wore out his welcome. But, his performance in the last few weeks shows that he can play in this league. I really think that we could have used him the last few games instead of Adrian Peterson.

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