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Some things I notices at the game


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Well, this was my chance to get to see the bears live. I should have stayed home and read a book. Anyway, some comments,


Offense - Honestly, I am surprised we were able to score at all. If you all think they look bad on TV, you really do not want to see them live. Houston does not exactly have an all-pro defense. Heck, they don't have a good one. They have a couple good players, but overall, are not a good D. Yet we made them look great.


OL - Holy crap were they bad. Tait and St.Clair were getting blown up. Whether w/ speed of pure bull rush, Houston's DEs were getting penetration all day. Also noticed how much Houston moved Mario Williams around. Never knew that. But they moved him around, and I swear, it was almost like we had no idea. To be honest, St.Clair actually did better against him than Tait. After watching this game, I really think Tait is done. The inside was not much better, but the OTs weak play just stood out. On run downs, the holes were just not there. This unit just sucks.


RB - I have to think Forte is still hurting. I know the overall stats for him were not that bad, but he just looked tentative. The burst and power just didn't seem there either.


WR/TE - This was a unit I really wanted to focus on. We always talk about how difficult it is to evaluate WRs on TV, as they often are not even in the picture. Well, I was there, and wow are they bad. They just do not separate from their coverage. Houston does not have a great secondary, but they showed no fear of our WRs. They pressed our WRs much of the game, and I saw why. Our WRs struggle to beat the press, and then struggle to gain separation. This is a sad statement, but our best WR getting separation seemed to be Davis. To bad he can't catch the ball. Olsen is our best receiver, and was used all over. I was surprised to see how many places we lined him up. I saw him lined up at FB, slot and outside. He is our best receiver on the team, but needs to do a better job of catching the ball w/ his hands and not his body, which is why I think the DB twice was able to knock the ball out of his hands.


QB - He missed on a couple passes, and I know will get knocked, but sorry, I just have a difficult time blasting him. Watching the game, I question how many QBs could have done well. He was under constant pressure, and simply put, has no weapons.


Defense - Frankly, I am surprised this was not a massive blowout. This group was just awful.


DL - They did well against the run, but that was as often as not, due to a loaded box. But against the pass, they were useless. Our DL just gets zero pass rush, which is not a surprise. Houston doesn't have a bad OL this year, but we made them look great. It was unbelievable how easy Houston made it look. I still think coaching is an issue. Where is the creativity in our pass rush. I am watching Houston moving Mario all over. I am watching them stunt, inside out, and visa versa. They are employing all sorts of pass rush techniques, while we are doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.


LB - Most often, they just seem to be in no-mans land.


DBs - WOW are they bad. Tillman was getting abused all day. AJ had like 10-150-2, but could have had much more. Houston fans were screaming for him to go for the single game records. What was unbelievable is our lack of adjustment to him. We did the same ol same ol. We gave him huge cushions and played a ton of zone. Our S was slow to get over, and our CB was slow to react. It was just sad.




One sort of cool thing. I sat w/ Caleb Hanie's family. He grew up in Texas, and had about a dozen family members there I got to sit w/. No insight, but cool talking w/ them throughout the game.


Also, it was no where close to as cold as the GB/Chi game, but dang it was cold. Biggest problem was, it was not expected. I don't think it got out of the 40s, but no one was prepared. It was windy and had on/off rain. As cold as I was, I can't imagine how it felt at the Monday night game.

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Interesting write up. Especially about the WR's.


I missed the first half because it wasn't on where I live and I made my way over to a sports restaurant...but I'm a little surprised by your evaluation of our offense. We scored 24 points right? If the other team had scored 24 points and won we wouldn't say "yeah, but it wasn't pretty". 24 points is 24 points, not great all things considered, but your evaluation seems harsh. That's twice as much as this Bears offense used to get before Ron Turner. Also, to continue my defense of Ron Turner (I know you technically didn't mention his name), how do we know he's not strongly responsible for Orton's success? When was the last time we had a good QB? Oh yeah, when Ron Turner was the coach. I guess maybe it's just coincidence.

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I missed the first half because it wasn't on where I live and I made my way over to a sports restaurant...but I'm a little surprised by your evaluation of our offense. We scored 24 points right? If the other team had scored 24 points and won we wouldn't say "yeah, but it wasn't pretty". 24 points is 24 points, not great all things considered, but your evaluation seems harsh. That's twice as much as this Bears offense used to get before Ron Turner. Also, to continue my defense of Ron Turner (I know you technically didn't mention his name), how do we know he's not strongly responsible for Orton's success? When was the last time we had a good QB? Oh yeah, when Ron Turner was the coach. I guess maybe it's just coincidence.


Several points.


I have been back and forth on Turner. On one hand, I see an offense nearly devoid of talent, and give him credit for getting as much out of it as he has. On the other hand, I see bad game plans and predictability, which makes me really ticked off. I do give Turner credit. More than you realize. I think he has done a decent job getting this team ready for games. I am not a fan of his in-game calling though. I can't tell you how many times Houston seemed to be in the ideal defense to defend our playcall. That screams predictability.


We were playing a mediocre to bad defense, and had 2 good drives in the game. One was our first drive, after which Houston seemed to adjust. The 2nd good drive didn't come until midway through the 3rd. And as much as I would like to credit them for the late score, that was as much as anything due to Houston playing soft. Houston knew we needed 2 scores, and played soft. We moved the ball down the field and scored, but Houston just was not challenging us like before.


My comments of our offense may have been harsh, but that is just what I saw. Our OL was abused all day. Our WRs simply did not look like NFL caliber players. I do not give Orton a pass, but do feel Manning would struggle w/ the above. While I think our defensive issues are more due to coaching than talent, I think it is purely about talent on offense.

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Thanks for the write-up nfo! Great persepctive we weren't privvy to!


Anything really interesting to come form the Hanies? Is he ready to be our #1 QB? ;)


They didn't really have any "inside" info, if that is what you are asking. Couple things of "some" note.


His step father-in-law told me that Hanie played against Hill (he said the other QB he competed against in camp) in HS. I believe there is some sort of Texas v the nation sort of HS game. In that game, Hanie started for the Texas all stars, and Hill for the nation. He mentioned that Hanie was far superior in that game.


Also mentioned that Hanie is far from certain about his future w/ the bears. Hanie and his wife have a place in Chicago for the season, but I think it is a rental. He said they actually plan to live w/ him (in houston) in the offseason, and do not want to set down roots until his future is more certain.


I made a comment, as a joke, that it was ironic in a sad way (for them) that this is probably the first time in a LONG time we have not used 3 or even 4 QBs. He sort of rolled his eyes, as if to say he was well aware of that little tid bit.


I do give the family credit though. None grew up Bear fans, and most were Oiler/Texan fans. Yet all were wearing bears colors, and all cheering hard for the bears. The only knock came when a couple tried to sing our fight song, and knew only the first line, "Bear down, Chicago Bears". I gave them grief, and had to teach them the rest :)

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I made a comment, as a joke, that it was ironic in a sad way (for them) that this is probably the first time in a LONG time we have not used 3 or even 4 QBs. He sort of rolled his eyes, as if to say he was well aware of that little tid bit.

Haha. Rookie QB's wanting to play but not getting to is probably better for them in the long run though. Especially since they lack the practice 1st team reps.

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Some believe it is better to throw them into the fire. Some believe it is better to let them watch and learn for a year first. I am a believer in the watching first, so I agree.


Haha. Rookie QB's wanting to play but not getting to is probably better for them in the long run though. Especially since they lack the practice 1st team reps.
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Well, this was my chance to get to see the bears live. I should have stayed home and read a book. Anyway, some comments,


Offense - Honestly, I am surprised we were able to score at all. If you all think they look bad on TV, you really do not want to see them live. Houston does not exactly have an all-pro defense. Heck, they don't have a good one. They have a couple good players, but overall, are not a good D. Yet we made them look great.


OL - Holy crap were they bad. Tait and St.Clair were getting blown up. Whether w/ speed of pure bull rush, Houston's DEs were getting penetration all day. Also noticed how much Houston moved Mario Williams around. Never knew that. But they moved him around, and I swear, it was almost like we had no idea. To be honest, St.Clair actually did better against him than Tait. After watching this game, I really think Tait is done. The inside was not much better, but the OTs weak play just stood out. On run downs, the holes were just not there. This unit just sucks.


RB - I have to think Forte is still hurting. I know the overall stats for him were not that bad, but he just looked tentative. The burst and power just didn't seem there either.


WR/TE - This was a unit I really wanted to focus on. We always talk about how difficult it is to evaluate WRs on TV, as they often are not even in the picture. Well, I was there, and wow are they bad. They just do not separate from their coverage. Houston does not have a great secondary, but they showed no fear of our WRs. They pressed our WRs much of the game, and I saw why. Our WRs struggle to beat the press, and then struggle to gain separation. This is a sad statement, but our best WR getting separation seemed to be Davis. To bad he can't catch the ball. Olsen is our best receiver, and was used all over. I was surprised to see how many places we lined him up. I saw him lined up at FB, slot and outside. He is our best receiver on the team, but needs to do a better job of catching the ball w/ his hands and not his body, which is why I think the DB twice was able to knock the ball out of his hands.


QB - He missed on a couple passes, and I know will get knocked, but sorry, I just have a difficult time blasting him. Watching the game, I question how many QBs could have done well. He was under constant pressure, and simply put, has no weapons.


Defense - Frankly, I am surprised this was not a massive blowout. This group was just awful.


DL - They did well against the run, but that was as often as not, due to a loaded box. But against the pass, they were useless. Our DL just gets zero pass rush, which is not a surprise. Houston doesn't have a bad OL this year, but we made them look great. It was unbelievable how easy Houston made it look. I still think coaching is an issue. Where is the creativity in our pass rush. I am watching Houston moving Mario all over. I am watching them stunt, inside out, and visa versa. They are employing all sorts of pass rush techniques, while we are doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.


LB - Most often, they just seem to be in no-mans land.


DBs - WOW are they bad. Tillman was getting abused all day. AJ had like 10-150-2, but could have had much more. Houston fans were screaming for him to go for the single game records. What was unbelievable is our lack of adjustment to him. We did the same ol same ol. We gave him huge cushions and played a ton of zone. Our S was slow to get over, and our CB was slow to react. It was just sad.




One sort of cool thing. I sat w/ Caleb Hanie's family. He grew up in Texas, and had about a dozen family members there I got to sit w/. No insight, but cool talking w/ them throughout the game.


Also, it was no where close to as cold as the GB/Chi game, but dang it was cold. Biggest problem was, it was not expected. I don't think it got out of the 40s, but no one was prepared. It was windy and had on/off rain. As cold as I was, I can't imagine how it felt at the Monday night game.

Great post but you were supposed to bring us a win. ;)


Thanks for sharing the info.


Peace :dabears

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One more point from the game. I don't know if this is true everywhere, but WOW was the stadium packed w/ Bear fans. The parking lots outside were filled w/ Bear fans tail-gating, and the stadium was slammed w/ blue and orange. Crapping weather mixed w/ a Houston team playing for nothing I am sure kept Texan fans away, but dang did the bear fans step up. There were times I honestly began to feel Bear fans had near equal numbers to Texan fans. Now, I am sure that is not close to true, but it sure looked that way.

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Thanks for those tidbits!




They didn't really have any "inside" info, if that is what you are asking. Couple things of "some" note.


His step father-in-law told me that Hanie played against Hill (he said the other QB he competed against in camp) in HS. I believe there is some sort of Texas v the nation sort of HS game. In that game, Hanie started for the Texas all stars, and Hill for the nation. He mentioned that Hanie was far superior in that game.


Also mentioned that Hanie is far from certain about his future w/ the bears. Hanie and his wife have a place in Chicago for the season, but I think it is a rental. He said they actually plan to live w/ him (in houston) in the offseason, and do not want to set down roots until his future is more certain.


I made a comment, as a joke, that it was ironic in a sad way (for them) that this is probably the first time in a LONG time we have not used 3 or even 4 QBs. He sort of rolled his eyes, as if to say he was well aware of that little tid bit.


I do give the family credit though. None grew up Bear fans, and most were Oiler/Texan fans. Yet all were wearing bears colors, and all cheering hard for the bears. The only knock came when a couple tried to sing our fight song, and knew only the first line, "Bear down, Chicago Bears". I gave them grief, and had to teach them the rest :)

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Thanks for observations Nfol. Mark me down for ROT and WR in Rd 1/2, just take best available with our first pick and then the other in Rd 2.


You were right about the Bears fans showing up, even the TV crew made mention of how many there were and the cheering was evident when we scored.

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Thanks for observations Nfol. Mark me down for ROT and WR in Rd 1/2, just take best available with our first pick and then the other in Rd 2.


Right now, I think I am more for getting a RT in FA and drafting an OG. The reason is, when I look at the list of FA OGs, it is really thin w/ solid talent, much less upper tier talent. But there seems to be a solid amount of FA OTs, which makes me think we can add a solid veteran RT. Then we use a top pick in the draft on an OG. Now, I am not a fan of pairing a rookie w/ a red shirt rookie (Williams) but that may need to be the case, and (glass half full) would allow them to develop together.


You were right about the Bears fans showing up, even the TV crew made mention of how many there were and the cheering was evident when we scored.


Glad to hear the TV crew made the comment too, as I now know it wasn't just my faulty vision. Seriously though, it was unbelievable. Likely also partially a factor in my "near" fight. I had a group of 4 or 5 kids (late teens) behind me. All were Texan fans, and one was wearing a Vikes jersey too. All were as obnoxious as could be. I sat there and allowed it, to a point. One of them, when doing the 1st down signal, threw his hand past my face for the sign, I turned around and simply told him that if his hand came near me again, I would lay him out. He may be young, but absolutely had size, but quickly backed down. I would like to think it was my "stare" but I have a feeling it had to do w/ the number of bear fans who had equal expressions on their faces.


Later in the game, they tried to start a "bears suck" chant. Another bear fan beat me to the punch, literally. The bear fan, sitting behind them, smacked one upside the head and told the kids to grow up. They not only shut up, but decided it was best to just leave all together.

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