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An odd thought that crossed my mind...


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Ok, now that you are hooked and ready to rip me apart for suggesting Tebow, just know that I'm not thinking about the Bears drafting him. I'm thinking about the Vikings drafting him.


I don't know about you guys, but that scares the hell out of me. For some reason I think he would do some serious damage for the Vikings.


Thoughts? Is he not a perfect fit for them?

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As a fulltime QB starter it would be a joke. Someone would have to throw the ball, and Tebow cant throw the ball.


Dude, you obviously haven't watched Tebow play. The guy has a better arm than anyone we've had in these parts in years.


The guy is the real deal and a good kid. I would love to get him. But, we'll never pull the trigger.

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Put me on record. I don't think Tebow will live up to all the talk about him pre draft. I think he might be a decent QB but only in the perfect system. I remember Grossman also came out of Florida and he put up great numbers as well and look at him. That system just doesn't produce NFL QB's. It is a great system for down there but it just doesn't produce NFL ready QB's

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Some other points to remember with regards to Tebow. As was already mentioned, besides Grossman coming from Florida so too did Shane Matthews, Chris Leak and Danny Weurffel (all QB's that have been on the Bears roster orignally from the University of Florida). Grossman finished runner up for the 2001 Heisman after leading the Gators to two National championships and Weurffel of course won it in 1996.


That being the case....let whomever want to, to go ahead and get Tebow. I hope the Bears go with next year's version of Flacco if they draft a QB at all. Orton should stay and work on his long game before they give up on him. He has the poise and familiarity that the Bears need.

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Dude, you obviously haven't watched Tebow play. The guy has a better arm than anyone we've had in these parts in years.


The guy is the real deal and a good kid. I would love to get him. But, we'll never pull the trigger.


dude, I have watched plenty of winged ducks come out of that guys hands. He doesnt have the arm OR the mechanics to be an NFL QB. His throwing motion is too long, and he just doesnt throw a good ball.


That doesnt make him a bad college QB, he is a damn good college QB, but he isnt NFL caliber.


Some other points to remember with regards to Tebow. As was already mentioned, besides Grossman coming from Florida so too did Shane Matthews, Chris Leak and Danny Weurffel (all QB's that have been on the Bears roster orignally from the University of Florida).


You are comparing QBs that have had 3 seperate coaches, in 3 seperate regimes and 3 seperate offenses? Give me a break, if a kid can play, it doesnt matter what school he comes from.

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dude, I have watched plenty of winged ducks come out of that guys hands. He doesnt have the arm OR the mechanics to be an NFL QB. His throwing motion is too long, and he just doesnt throw a good ball.


That doesnt make him a bad college QB, he is a damn good college QB, but he isnt NFL caliber.



You are comparing QBs that have had 3 seperate coaches, in 3 seperate regimes and 3 seperate offenses? Give me a break, if a kid can play, it doesnt matter what school he comes from.


So of the two above replies that you posted, which one are you behind? My contention is that the Bears should pass on Tebow as he is from Florida, which it would appear that you support in your first post, but then your reply to me is that you think he can play...period. I could give a crap, ESPECIALLY if they win the Heisman, how well the player was in College and using that as a complete judgement on their NFL capability. There are many other things to consider....Combine, aptitude and coaching and advisers when they enter the Professional world to name a few.


Heck, a few on this board...to include myself, are willing to accept a QB that did nothing in College, except ride the pine, to lead the Bears. That guy being Cassel.


I personally don't want the Bears to choose any QB from Florida for awhile....including Tebow.

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So of the two above replies that you posted, which one are you behind? My contention is that the Bears should pass on Tebow as he is from Florida, which it would appear that you support in your first post, but then your reply to me is that you think he can play...period. I could give a crap, ESPECIALLY if they win the Heisman, how well the player was in College and using that as a complete judgement on their NFL capability. There are many other things to consider....Combine, aptitude and coaching and advisers when they enter the Professional world to name a few.


Heck, a few on this board...to include myself, are willing to accept a QB that did nothing in College, except ride the pine, to lead the Bears. That guy being Cassel.


I personally don't want the Bears to choose any QB from Florida for awhile....including Tebow.



I dont want tebow, but I think the argument that you shouldnt draft X position from a school is really lame. My reply to you wasnt about Tebow, it was about the drafting, the kids that have come from Florida in the past 10 years have been under 3 seperate coaching staffs, Danny wuerffel should not be compared to Grossman should not be compared to Tebow.


I really dont want to be part of the Cassell experiment, I think its going to end badly for whoever opens up the vault for him.

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