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Coaching changes


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Listening to Hub on the score today he talked about a couple of changes to watch for. We all know JA wants to bring in Marinelli as he mentioned it during the press conference. Marinelli didn't do so well in DET, but I can't say that says alot about his coaching abilty as much as the organizations ability to commit to his philosophy. Marinelli was our first choice when we brought in Lovie to run the D, but Tampa refused. His coaching style is about having discipline and working hard and those are two things I think killed our D this year. Hub didn't say the Bears would bring him in to be the D Coordinator, but as the D Line coach with an assistant head coach title, or something in that nature. This D is ultimately Lovies and the way it is run and the way plays are called are through him. Babich will most likely keep his job or maybe move back to the LB's coach, but he won't be leaving this team.


The interesting thing mentioned was the possibility of Turner getting the ax, even though the offense performed much better than anybody anticipated. The coach Hub mentioned about taking over was Mike Martz. I know I'm not very amused by that thought, but Martz did coordinate the one of the greatest offenses in recent history. We would definately need a QB and WR's, but Matt Forte may be the Marshall Faulk (share same initial MF). other comparision: Faulk was faster 4.33 to Forte 4.44, Forte 6-2 214, Faulk 5-10 211 has the height. For QB, Kurt Warner will be a UFA and maybe the Bears can sway him to come to CHI and if Tory Holt is still wanting out of STL, maybe we can swing a trade for him? That would be two coaches possibly added that have actual HC experience.


At least this offseason is starting off with a buzz and hopefully will keep some interest.

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I would not compare Forte to Marshall but I am game for what you suggested nontheless. This organization is really desperate to put a legit contender out there and that is only going to take place by getting a modern NFL offense for this team. Yes, we still need to run the ball but it does not matter when you are only able to run 3 and outs! We need to be able to pass the ball and if the Bears can not evolve than we will not see another superbowl win in our lifetime.


I sill think I prefer Cassel over Warner but if we have a shot at Warner I really can not criticize that move other than why the heck did they not get him a few years ago as he is getting up there in age. Cassel is more moblie and is much younger and could possibly be a franchise QB for many years to come.

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No way do I want Mike Martz in here as OC. We cannot run a pass happy offense in December much less in home playoff games in January.


I totally agree with that. Chicago is not a pass oriented team, never has and never will. Forte appears to be what they need as the major factor in the running game. Now what Chicago needs is a good QB that can manage the game and occasionally throw the long ball. This only to keep the Defense on its heels. Does Chicago have who it needs in Orton? I think so, but some work on the long pass and I think things will be OK in that category.


Secondly to having that type of QB, Chicago needs about 2-3 possession type receivers. The ones that can play the slot position without worrying about going over the middle and being able to make something out of short situation passes. I am not really a big fan of the West Coast Offense but something along those lines is what Chicago needs to stick with. That and continue the hurry up style Offense. Orton seemed to thrive with that set-up but for some reason they went away from it later in the year. I think the Bears are on the right track with doing the two TE alignment but again need those WR's as mentioned before.


Bring in Marinelli for the D and I still think the Bears need to look for a new OC out of the College ranks. Someone with new ideas and is keen on the things mentioned above. They really aren't that far off. Just a few minor adjustments and this time next year we will be looking forward the upcoming weekend as opposed to waiting for "next year".

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Listening to Hub on the score today he talked about a couple of changes to watch for. We all know JA wants to bring in Marinelli as he mentioned it during the press conference. Marinelli didn't do so well in DET, but I can't say that says alot about his coaching abilty as much as the organizations ability to commit to his philosophy. Marinelli was our first choice when we brought in Lovie to run the D, but Tampa refused. His coaching style is about having discipline and working hard and those are two things I think killed our D this year. Hub didn't say the Bears would bring him in to be the D Coordinator, but as the D Line coach with an assistant head coach title, or something in that nature. This D is ultimately Lovies and the way it is run and the way plays are called are through him. Babich will most likely keep his job or maybe move back to the LB's coach, but he won't be leaving this team.


The interesting thing mentioned was the possibility of Turner getting the ax, even though the offense performed much better than anybody anticipated. The coach Hub mentioned about taking over was Mike Martz. I know I'm not very amused by that thought, but Martz did coordinate the one of the greatest offenses in recent history. We would definately need a QB and WR's, but Matt Forte may be the Marshall Faulk (share same initial MF). other comparision: Faulk was faster 4.33 to Forte 4.44, Forte 6-2 214, Faulk 5-10 211 has the height. For QB, Kurt Warner will be a UFA and maybe the Bears can sway him to come to CHI and if Tory Holt is still wanting out of STL, maybe we can swing a trade for him? That would be two coaches possibly added that have actual HC experience.


At least this offseason is starting off with a buzz and hopefully will keep some interest.


Horrible #1 - Martz. He's proven he can't get it done. The greatest show on turf was an anomoly born from the perfect storm of talent and a new style of play.


Horrible #2 - Forte V Faulk Forte is great as is, he is not the fit Faulk was for that offense. Forte is perfect for the power running game and Bear weather.


Horrible #3 - Keeping Babich. Someone needs to fall on the sword for this defense. I expect a player or two to be affected. It just can't be the DB coach.


Horrible #4 - Firing Turner. The offense is the only reason we won 9 games this season. Plus, bringing in a new OC will stagnate the offense. The only way I see a new OC coming in is if we make a big play for a QB that JA eluded to.


Horrible #5 and #6 - Warner and Holt. I would take both of them as #2's but they in no way could resurrect the glory days for Martz, as they are past their prime.


I totally disregard Hub on this.

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Yikes! Are we to become the land of the washed up Ram? ;)


Listening to Hub on the score today he talked about a couple of changes to watch for. We all know JA wants to bring in Marinelli as he mentioned it during the press conference. Marinelli didn't do so well in DET, but I can't say that says alot about his coaching abilty as much as the organizations ability to commit to his philosophy. Marinelli was our first choice when we brought in Lovie to run the D, but Tampa refused. His coaching style is about having discipline and working hard and those are two things I think killed our D this year. Hub didn't say the Bears would bring him in to be the D Coordinator, but as the D Line coach with an assistant head coach title, or something in that nature. This D is ultimately Lovies and the way it is run and the way plays are called are through him. Babich will most likely keep his job or maybe move back to the LB's coach, but he won't be leaving this team.


The interesting thing mentioned was the possibility of Turner getting the ax, even though the offense performed much better than anybody anticipated. The coach Hub mentioned about taking over was Mike Martz. I know I'm not very amused by that thought, but Martz did coordinate the one of the greatest offenses in recent history. We would definately need a QB and WR's, but Matt Forte may be the Marshall Faulk (share same initial MF). other comparision: Faulk was faster 4.33 to Forte 4.44, Forte 6-2 214, Faulk 5-10 211 has the height. For QB, Kurt Warner will be a UFA and maybe the Bears can sway him to come to CHI and if Tory Holt is still wanting out of STL, maybe we can swing a trade for him? That would be two coaches possibly added that have actual HC experience.


At least this offseason is starting off with a buzz and hopefully will keep some interest.

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I totally agree with that. Chicago is not a pass oriented team, never has and never will. Forte appears to be what they need as the major factor in the running game. Now what Chicago needs is a good QB that can manage the game and occasionally throw the long ball. This only to keep the Defense on its heels. Does Chicago have who it needs in Orton? I think so, but some work on the long pass and I think things will be OK in that category.


i totally disagree. until chicago can even evolve into the 2nd half of the 20th century, let alone the 21st, by fielding a real qb that can win games on his own merit they will fail no differently than they have for 40 + years. the nfl has changed the rules of the game. if you don't have a very good + qb you will be lucky if you win a sb every 25 years and even then by accident.


Secondly to having that type of QB, Chicago needs about 2-3 possession type receivers. The ones that can play the slot position without worrying about going over the middle and being able to make something out of short situation passes. I am not really a big fan of the West Coast Offense but something along those lines is what Chicago needs to stick with. That and continue the hurry up style Offense. Orton seemed to thrive with that set-up but for some reason they went away from it later in the year. I think the Bears are on the right track with doing the two TE alignment but again need those WR's as mentioned before.


again disagree. you need an excellent qb who can get the ball to serious wide out threats who stretch the field. if not you will play against 8 and 9 man fronts and your running game will fail.


Bring in Marinelli for the D and I still think the Bears need to look for a new OC out of the College ranks. Someone with new ideas and is keen on the things mentioned above. They really aren't that far off. Just a few minor adjustments and this time next year we will be looking forward the upcoming weekend as opposed to waiting for "next year".


again disagree. bring in someone who will bump heads with lovie and give us a new perspective on defense. an 0 and 16 coach who's defense ranked in the bottom half of the nfl is NOT the answer. maybe better than what we have but still not the answer.


forget a college OC. bring in shannahan and pay him like a head coach to stay. or for that matter MAKE him the head coach. again we have a once in a decade chance to get a real offensive minded coach who actually has been a good HC. let's not fumble that ball angie.

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Listening to Hub on the score today he talked about a couple of changes to watch for. We all know JA wants to bring in Marinelli as he mentioned it during the press conference. Marinelli didn't do so well in DET, but I can't say that says alot about his coaching abilty as much as the organizations ability to commit to his philosophy. Marinelli was our first choice when we brought in Lovie to run the D, but Tampa refused. His coaching style is about having discipline and working hard and those are two things I think killed our D this year. Hub didn't say the Bears would bring him in to be the D Coordinator, but as the D Line coach with an assistant head coach title, or something in that nature. This D is ultimately Lovies and the way it is run and the way plays are called are through him. Babich will most likely keep his job or maybe move back to the LB's coach, but he won't be leaving this team.


The interesting thing mentioned was the possibility of Turner getting the ax, even though the offense performed much better than anybody anticipated. The coach Hub mentioned about taking over was Mike Martz. I know I'm not very amused by that thought, but Martz did coordinate the one of the greatest offenses in recent history. We would definately need a QB and WR's, but Matt Forte may be the Marshall Faulk (share same initial MF). other comparision: Faulk was faster 4.33 to Forte 4.44, Forte 6-2 214, Faulk 5-10 211 has the height. For QB, Kurt Warner will be a UFA and maybe the Bears can sway him to come to CHI and if Tory Holt is still wanting out of STL, maybe we can swing a trade for him? That would be two coaches possibly added that have actual HC experience.


At least this offseason is starting off with a buzz and hopefully will keep some interest.


I don't care how anyone else replies to this thread. If you don't want Martz or Shanahan, you're crazy. We have complained and complained for decades about the lack of an offense, and both guys have been in charge of multiple offenses that have been highly successful. Either would be a massive upgrade over Turner. Either would make the WRs the Bears have look much, much better. Remember when Jim Miller was throwing the ball all over town under Crowton? Well, it would be like that, but better. I know the thing everyone hated about Crowton was the fact that he didn't run the ball, but that's because he was coming from the college ranks and didn't know much better. These guys know the NFL. He knows that running the ball is still essential to the gameplan. It fits perfectly with the Kurt Warner Free Agency.


If the Bears were to land Martz/Shanahan and Warner, you can guaran-damn-tee that this team's offense would be improved. Opponents would actually have to prepare for the Bears' offense, and fear it, instead of just coming into the game knowing that they can stack the box and have a good chance of winning.


I'll say it again...if you don't want Martz or Shanahan, then you are crazy. All these chances everyone wants to take, well, here it is. A legit NFL OC might be available. You want a better offense? Get Martz or Shanahan.

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Horrible #1 - Martz. He's proven he can't get it done. The greatest show on turf was an anomoly born from the perfect storm of talent and a new style of play.


Horrible #2 - Forte V Faulk Forte is great as is, he is not the fit Faulk was for that offense. Forte is perfect for the power running game and Bear weather.


Horrible #3 - Keeping Babich. Someone needs to fall on the sword for this defense. I expect a player or two to be affected. It just can't be the DB coach.


Horrible #4 - Firing Turner. The offense is the only reason we won 9 games this season. Plus, bringing in a new OC will stagnate the offense. The only way I see a new OC coming in is if we make a big play for a QB that JA eluded to.


Horrible #5 and #6 - Warner and Holt. I would take both of them as #2's but they in no way could resurrect the glory days for Martz, as they are past their prime.


I totally disregard Hub on this.


1. I will give you the possibility that the "Greatest Show on Turf" may have been an anomoly, but that doesn't mean Martz didn't run it. And that doesn't mean he isn't a good offensive mind. What's more likely is that he's a very bright offensive mind, brighter than Turner, and his run in St. Louis just happened to coincide with his talent.


2. Forte catches the ball pretty damn well. I'd say he's tailored just as much for the Marshall Faulk role as he is the power running role.


3. Agreed.


4. I don't know what games you were watching, but you might want to check the stats for this offense. The Bears offense is near the bottom, or at least in the bottom half of the league in nearly every category.


5. Warner and Holt may be past their prime, but Warner's better than Orton right this minute, and always has been. Similarly, Holt is better than any WR on the Bears, and would fit perfectly as a possession WR that the Bears have been in need of for quite some time.

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1. I will give you the possibility that the "Greatest Show on Turf" may have been an anomoly, but that doesn't mean Martz didn't run it. And that doesn't mean he isn't a good offensive mind. What's more likely is that he's a very bright offensive mind, brighter than Turner, and his run in St. Louis just happened to coincide with his talent.


2. Forte catches the ball pretty damn well. I'd say he's tailored just as much for the Marshall Faulk role as he is the power running role.


3. Agreed.


4. I don't know what games you were watching, but you might want to check the stats for this offense. The Bears offense is near the bottom, or at least in the bottom half of the league in nearly every category.


5. Warner and Holt may be past their prime, but Warner's better than Orton right this minute, and always has been. Similarly, Holt is better than any WR on the Bears, and would fit perfectly as a possession WR that the Bears have been in need of for quite some time.



I dont even buy that it was an anomaly. Anomalies dont last for 3 plus seasons. They just had the perfect combination of an amazing offense and a decent defense. To call it an anomaly would discredit Torry Holt, Marshall Faulk, Isaac Bruce and Kurt Warner.

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1. I will give you the possibility that the "Greatest Show on Turf" may have been an anomoly, but that doesn't mean Martz didn't run it. And that doesn't mean he isn't a good offensive mind. What's more likely is that he's a very bright offensive mind, brighter than Turner, and his run in St. Louis just happened to coincide with his talent.


2. Forte catches the ball pretty damn well. I'd say he's tailored just as much for the Marshall Faulk role as he is the power running role.


3. Agreed.


4. I don't know what games you were watching, but you might want to check the stats for this offense. The Bears offense is near the bottom, or at least in the bottom half of the league in nearly every category.


5. Warner and Holt may be past their prime, but Warner's better than Orton right this minute, and always has been. Similarly, Holt is better than any WR on the Bears, and would fit perfectly as a possession WR that the Bears have been in need of for quite some time.

I have to say, I don't usually subscribe to football coaches as genius, but Martz may fit that bill. The thing that kills him is that he tends to out think himself, as was the case with him as a head coach and asst with the Lions and 9'ers. He was ran out on a rail in all three places. Also, with all three places he had the type of weather and stadium that he could do his thing. He has also proven that he can not work with the head coach well. You think Turner makes some head scratching calls try Martz on for size.


Warner like Favre has also shown great signs of wear at the end of the season. Nothing is more brutal than our playing conditions and I don't think Warner would hold up. I think you are right about Warner being better than Orton, but think Orton would prove more reliable over the long haul. Plus he's 13 years younger. I would take Collins over Warner.


Holt, I agree he is better than anyone we have and would be an instant upgrade. He is just not a #1 anymore. I would love to get Holt and Housh. I also hear rumblings of Marvin Harrison getting cut if he doesn't restructure.


The stats aren't there for the offense, but Orton and Co did keep us in games and provided us with some very key drives when needed. All with sub-par talent.


Disagree on Forte being able to even come close to the Faulk role, as they are completely different backs. I think we would be squandering the benefits that Forte brings to the table in the style and role he currently plays, which I think is perfectly suited for his talents. Yes, I think Forte's pass catching ability is great. Faulk was used so much differenly because of his elusiveness and accelleration. Now, I will say that Wolfe may be perfectly suited for that role on the limited basis he would play.


I'm just very Leary of Martz across the board.


Shanahan - I would hire in a second. He would also have the ability to bring in some of his assistants in to help with the entire offense. I just see a coach of his caliber being an assistant anywhere. He'll land a HC job anywhere he goes. Now if you want him as HC, I'm all for it!

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I'll stay in the crazy category. I don't see the value of giving up Turner's 26th ranked offense for Martz's 23rd ranked offense. Kurt Warner is NOT coming to Chicago, if he doesn't retire he will resign with the Cardinals because even he knows that is where he has the most value. Warner is also smart enough to know that throwing to Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston is a hell of a lot better than throwing to ... we don't even know who he'd be throwing to.


Shanahan I'd take in a heartbeat but he's not coming here to be an OC, he'll be a headcoach somewhere. Not to mention that the Bears will not fire Lovie after this season if for no other reason the money they'd lose.

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I'll stay in the crazy category. I don't see the value of giving up Turner's 26th ranked offense for Martz's 23rd ranked offense. Kurt Warner is NOT coming to Chicago, if he doesn't retire he will resign with the Cardinals because even he knows that is where he has the most value. Warner is also smart enough to know that throwing to Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston is a hell of a lot better than throwing to ... we don't even know who he'd be throwing to.


Shanahan I'd take in a heartbeat but he's not coming here to be an OC, he'll be a headcoach somewhere. Not to mention that the Bears will not fire Lovie after this season if for no other reason the money they'd lose.


Would your tune change if the Bears acquired Boldin?

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I'll stay in the crazy category. I don't see the value of giving up Turner's 26th ranked offense for Martz's 23rd ranked offense. Kurt Warner is NOT coming to Chicago, if he doesn't retire he will resign with the Cardinals because even he knows that is where he has the most value. Warner is also smart enough to know that throwing to Larry Fitzgerald, Anquan Boldin, and Steve Breaston is a hell of a lot better than throwing to ... we don't even know who he'd be throwing to.


Shanahan I'd take in a heartbeat but he's not coming here to be an OC, he'll be a headcoach somewhere. Not to mention that the Bears will not fire Lovie after this season if for no other reason the money they'd lose.


The Niners have tons of missing pieces, and their WRs may be worse than the Bears' WRs. Actually, I'll go on record and say that I think they are worse. That's the reason the offense hasn't been explosive like it was before. With that said, he's done more there, with less talent (IMHO), than Turner has done here.


Total Yards: Niners > Bears (by 15 YPG)

Passing Yards: Niners > Bears (by 20 YPG)

Rushing Yards: Bears > Niners (by 5 YPG - Big effing deal)


The Niners have the worse of the two WRs from St. Louis as their primary guy. Their QB is a bum; their backup is a QB the Bears cut! And their first rounder is worse. Their OL is bad. Their TE is a cry-baby primadonna. The only thing they have is Gore.


To reiterate, he's gotten more out of his lesser offensive talent than anyone has on the Bears for quite some time. Give the guy a few weapons (e.g. Rams & Lions), and he puts up points/yards.

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I've been thinking about it, and I'd be ecstatic if we brought in someone from the Eagles or Giants to be our DC (some up and coming DC who has learned other Jim Johnson and/or Steve Spagnoulo), and got Marinelli as our DLine coach (and give him the title of Assistant HC). Also, Babich needs to be fired, not demoted. I know he's a friend of Lovie's, but that's a move that has to be made.


As for a change in the scheme, it will be nothing drastic, as the schemes are a bit similar, at least in the front 7. If we switched up our D to be more of a man to man heavy blitz (like the Giants or Eagles), we'd need a new SAM who can blitz and get to the QB. We'd also need to get some cover corners, and shift Tillman to FS (this is the only time I'd advocate a shift of Tillman to FS is if we changed schemes like this). We already look for the same stuff on the line, so nothing really changes there.


I think a change like this is exactly what the doctor ordered.

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i totally disagree. until chicago can even evolve into the 2nd half of the 20th century, let alone the 21st, by fielding a real qb that can win games on his own merit they will fail no differently than they have for 40 + years. the nfl has changed the rules of the game. if you don't have a very good + qb you will be lucky if you win a sb every 25 years and even then by accident.




again disagree. you need an excellent qb who can get the ball to serious wide out threats who stretch the field. if not you will play against 8 and 9 man fronts and your running game will fail.




again disagree. bring in someone who will bump heads with lovie and give us a new perspective on defense. an 0 and 16 coach who's defense ranked in the bottom half of the nfl is NOT the answer. maybe better than what we have but still not the answer.


forget a college OC. bring in shannahan and pay him like a head coach to stay. or for that matter MAKE him the head coach. again we have a once in a decade chance to get a real offensive minded coach who actually has been a good HC. let's not fumble that ball angie.


Put me down on the "crazy" list. I for one don't want Martz in Chicago...any way shape or form. He is WAY too pass happy for what the Bears are accustomed to and I think he is angling for an HC job anyhow. Also hear that he is a bit of an egomaniac. Secondly, as much as I like Shanahan, he will not go anywhere, let alone Chicago, to be an assistant or OC. He is way too talented for that. I am pretty certain that the Broncos are going to regret letting him go.


As far as the above quotes and rebuttal. My overall response would be best served in saying that regardless of what you think the Bears need to do, they can't and shouldn't . They are not a high tech long ball team. Think back in '85 when the Bears won the SB. McMahon was able to occasionally throw the long ball (see Gault and McKinnon) but the majority of the Bears offense was grind it out on the ground (Payton, Suhey and Fridge...tounge in cheek). Obviously the Defense dominated and most of the stars that year were there.


The Bears are the oldest franchise in the NFL. Call me a softie for history but over the decades that the Bears have been in existence that is their niche in the NFL. Their storied history; longest rivalry with GB and their slew of dominant defenses and RB's, is what has made them who they are. Opposing teams may not so much be intimidated by the team that is on the field when they go to Chicago as they are the lore and history involved. Reinventing the wheel in Chicago and trying to become a pass happy offense oriented team just won't work. Chicago's elements alone won't allow that. I ask since someone cited Crowton as an OC in the past that did good for Chicago, where is he now? I don't think he ever became an HC that I am aware of.

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No to Martz. Yes to Shanahan.


Warner can't play in cold weather and if people booed Rex for turnovers they would kill Warner.



And part of the problem with Bears fans is they always go back to '85. Its twenty years ago. The league is different now.


And I agree with Bearsox. The blueprint should be the Giants, Ravens, Steelers.

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I don't care how anyone else replies to this thread. If you don't want Martz or Shanahan, you're crazy. We have complained and complained for decades about the lack of an offense, and both guys have been in charge of multiple offenses that have been highly successful. Either would be a massive upgrade over Turner. Either would make the WRs the Bears have look much, much better. Remember when Jim Miller was throwing the ball all over town under Crowton? Well, it would be like that, but better. I know the thing everyone hated about Crowton was the fact that he didn't run the ball, but that's because he was coming from the college ranks and didn't know much better. These guys know the NFL. He knows that running the ball is still essential to the gameplan. It fits perfectly with the Kurt Warner Free Agency.


If the Bears were to land Martz/Shanahan and Warner, you can guaran-damn-tee that this team's offense would be improved. Opponents would actually have to prepare for the Bears' offense, and fear it, instead of just coming into the game knowing that they can stack the box and have a good chance of winning.


I'll say it again...if you don't want Martz or Shanahan, then you are crazy. All these chances everyone wants to take, well, here it is. A legit NFL OC might be available. You want a better offense? Get Martz or Shanahan.


You don't care if anyone replies but just let me say I agree. Martz would be a great addition in so many ways and Warner would be a huge plus. I'd take Shanny in a heart beat and what's not to like about Warner when one takes a close look at BEARS qb situation.

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The Niners have tons of missing pieces, and their WRs may be worse than the Bears' WRs. Actually, I'll go on record and say that I think they are worse. That's the reason the offense hasn't been explosive like it was before. With that said, he's done more there, with less talent (IMHO), than Turner has done here.


Total Yards: Niners > Bears (by 15 YPG)

Passing Yards: Niners > Bears (by 20 YPG)

Rushing Yards: Bears > Niners (by 5 YPG - Big effing deal)


The Niners have the worse of the two WRs from St. Louis as their primary guy. Their QB is a bum; their backup is a QB the Bears cut! And their first rounder is worse. Their OL is bad. Their TE is a cry-baby primadonna. The only thing they have is Gore.


To reiterate, he's gotten more out of his lesser offensive talent than anyone has on the Bears for quite some time. Give the guy a few weapons (e.g. Rams & Lions), and he puts up points/yards.

The Niners played in the worst division in football - hands down. 6 games against Seattle, Arizona, and St Louis. Are you kidding me?


Martz is a pipe dream. He's not coming here and I really don't want him.


Peace :dabears

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Hey jason, if Martz is so godly, can you explain to me why he hasn't been able to stick with any team since his glory days with the Rams, which were mainly a product of insanely good talent.


That's such a scarecrow that I shouldn't even reply, but I will nonetheless.


1) Detroit sucks. Detroit is Detroit. Hell, the people who live there don't want to be there. It's a cesspool, and the team is pathetic. The management and ownership is horrible. And on top of all of that, he still put some damn good offenses on the field. He made Kitna look like an all-star. Look up the stats he put up with Detroit, the shithole of all professional sports organizations.


2) What more was he supposed to do with SF? Their lineup sucks on offense, and he still did more with it than the Bears coaches did with the Bears superior talent (which is scary).


3) Look at any coaches' resume. Wikipedia just about anyone other than Cowher, Shanahan, and a few others. The guys bounce around. It's part of the profession.

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The Niners played in the worst division in football - hands down. 6 games against Seattle, Arizona, and St Louis. Are you kidding me?


Martz is a pipe dream. He's not coming here and I really don't want him.


Peace :dabears


Maybe, but the Lions and Packers weren't exactly world beaters on defense either. The Bears also played a few other horrible offenses.


But, you're right...he probably is a pipe dream. Why would he come somewhere that doesn't want him, has never been known for offense, to a city and an organization that seems to actively fight against becoming an offensive powerhouse?

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