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What do you think season in review


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IMHO the reason the 2008 Bears didn't make the playoffs was because of coaching or the lack of it.With all the moving of players to different positions, using schemes to put the LB'S at the line, schemes to use your corners in the bail instead of jam off the line, squip kicks, playing too deep at the end of the game with 6 seconds left, going for it on fourth and one by handing off to the fullback, not using Olsen,Clark & Davis(TE) in the red zone, running Forte bewteen the tackles 80% of the time and not outside more. Not using Hester/Wolfe on the little underneath screens to get them out in space. Trying to throw deep with Orton who was either throwing the ball too deep or too short to be caught. Not putting the right players on the field that can either block,catch or tackle.


And yes some of it is the players too,

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Its a combination of a lot of things. We can certainly look to the beginning of the year. The penalty on Peanut against Tampa cost us a win against a good team. Olsens fumbles and Ortons erratic play against Carolina. Of course we cant forget the Atlanta game. Theres no excuse for what happened there but Im still pissed about the way the clock was abused to allow them to get that field goal off.


I think personnel wise our defensive line was the biggest factor in not making the playoffs. Between having one of the most pathetic pass rushes Ive ever seen and the tackles not being able to keep the OL off our LBs our d line simply didnt get it done. They made our LBs and secondary look so much worse because of their poor play. The coaches stubbornness with sticking with the cover 2 without the pressure from the d line also cost us big numerous times. You cant run that defense with no pressure from the D line yet they wouldnt adjust.


Kyle Ortons injury really affected the offense as well. They finally seemed to be clicking before he got hurt and when he came back he wasnt the same. Im not sure what we have in Orton but he was playing some garbage football towards the end of the year and making costly mistakes. I also realize it hurts we dont have a legit WR and we had a ton of drops but he was still making poor decisions and staring down receivers. Im glad JA acknowledges that we need stability at QB.


I think the rushing game was better than anyone thought it would be despite inconsistent OL play. I also think Olsen proved the more he gets the ball, the more confident he becomes and the bigger impact he makes. He is going to have to be to us what Gonzalez is to KC in terms of our passing game if our offense will ever have balance until we can find some decent reliable WRs.


Plain and simple Babich was terrible. He did about the worst coaching job defensively I can remember in recent history for the Bears. Even with decent offensive play during the year we couldnt string more wins together because of our defense. Considering thats where we have our money invested and thats the identity of the team, its simply unacceptable.

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