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Bears seeking family plan?

By Vaughn McClure | Tribune reporter

10:01 PM CST, January 6, 2009

If Joe Barry had his preference, his next family reunion would take place in Chicago.


Barry's father-in-law, Rod Marinelli, has an opportunity to join the Bears staff. Barry wouldn't mind tagging along.


"If I had an opportunity to work for Lovie Smith, I would cherish it," said Barry, who was fired as Detroit's defensive coordinator when Marinelli was dismissed as the Lions head coach.


"I have a relationship with coach Smith. I have a relationship with [general manager] Jerry Angelo. So if that was an opportunity, it would be something I definitely would be interested in."




The Bears haven't fired Bob Babich, but they've fired the three position coaches under him.



2008 Bears results The opportunity might have presented itself Tuesday. The Bears fired linebackers coach Lloyd Lee after one season, the second defensive assistant to be cut from the staff. Defensive backs coach Steven Wilks was let loose last week. Defensive line coach Brick Haley is set to take the same position at LSU.


The Bears would not confirm Marinelli was offered the defensive line job, but his reputation as a defensive line specialist certainly makes him a front-runner for the position. He interviewed for the defensive coordinator job in Seattle Monday. The Bears could designate him an assistant head coach.


Marinelli and Barry earned national attention after Detroit News columnist Rod Parker asked Marinelli, "On a light note, do you wish your daughter would have married a better defensive coordinator?" during a postgame press conference. Parker resigned Tuesday.


Barry, a self-proclaimed Smith clone, all but volunteered his services when asked about the possibility of coaching the Bears linebackers. His Lions defense finished last in the league, yielding more than 400 yards per game.


"I just want to coach," Barry said. "I love coaching. Obviously linebackers are what I coached before I became a coordinator. I want to coordinate in this league. I want to be a head coach in this league. But if I have to go back and be a linebackers coach again, I would definitely do it. That's what I am."


No matter whom the Bears bring in to coach the linebackers, it would mark the fourth coach in as many seasons at the position. Lee succeeded Hardy Nickerson, who stepped down after the 2007 season. Bob Babich coached the linebackers for three seasons before being promoted to defensive coordinator.


Linebacker Lance Briggs figured Lee's status was in doubt. He had planned to take Lee to the Pro Bowl next month in Hawaii, but Lee unexpectedly canceled the trip Monday night.


"I've always liked Lloyd Lee," Briggs said. "He was a preacher of fundamentals. He didn't miss out on any details. If there was something in the playbook we needed to know or prepare for, Lloyd made sure we knew it. He would repeat it until it was beat into our minds."


Briggs won't beat himself up over the coaching changes that have taken place or may be in the works. Babich was supposed to be the one under fire, but nothing has been revealed about his status. It remains unclear where Marinelli fits into the puzzle, but his strong friendship with Smith and the glowing endorsement he received from Angelo would indicate his addition to the staff is a priority.


"I don't know what's going to happen," Briggs said. "I'm a player. Players play, coaches coach."

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Bears seeking family plan?

By Vaughn McClure | Tribune reporter

10:01 PM CST, January 6, 2009

If Joe Barry had his preference, his next family reunion would take place in Chicago.


Barry's father-in-law, Rod Marinelli, has an opportunity to join the Bears staff. Barry wouldn't mind tagging along.


"If I had an opportunity to work for Lovie Smith, I would cherish it," said Barry, who was fired as Detroit's defensive coordinator when Marinelli was dismissed as the Lions head coach.


"I have a relationship with coach Smith. I have a relationship with [general manager] Jerry Angelo. So if that was an opportunity, it would be something I definitely would be interested in."




The Bears haven't fired Bob Babich, but they've fired the three position coaches under him.



2008 Bears results The opportunity might have presented itself Tuesday. The Bears fired linebackers coach Lloyd Lee after one season, the second defensive assistant to be cut from the staff. Defensive backs coach Steven Wilks was let loose last week. Defensive line coach Brick Haley is set to take the same position at LSU.


The Bears would not confirm Marinelli was offered the defensive line job, but his reputation as a defensive line specialist certainly makes him a front-runner for the position. He interviewed for the defensive coordinator job in Seattle Monday. The Bears could designate him an assistant head coach.


Marinelli and Barry earned national attention after Detroit News columnist Rod Parker asked Marinelli, "On a light note, do you wish your daughter would have married a better defensive coordinator?" during a postgame press conference. Parker resigned Tuesday.


Barry, a self-proclaimed Smith clone, all but volunteered his services when asked about the possibility of coaching the Bears linebackers. His Lions defense finished last in the league, yielding more than 400 yards per game.


"I just want to coach," Barry said. "I love coaching. Obviously linebackers are what I coached before I became a coordinator. I want to coordinate in this league. I want to be a head coach in this league. But if I have to go back and be a linebackers coach again, I would definitely do it. That's what I am."


No matter whom the Bears bring in to coach the linebackers, it would mark the fourth coach in as many seasons at the position. Lee succeeded Hardy Nickerson, who stepped down after the 2007 season. Bob Babich coached the linebackers for three seasons before being promoted to defensive coordinator.


Linebacker Lance Briggs figured Lee's status was in doubt. He had planned to take Lee to the Pro Bowl next month in Hawaii, but Lee unexpectedly canceled the trip Monday night.


"I've always liked Lloyd Lee," Briggs said. "He was a preacher of fundamentals. He didn't miss out on any details. If there was something in the playbook we needed to know or prepare for, Lloyd made sure we knew it. He would repeat it until it was beat into our minds."


Briggs won't beat himself up over the coaching changes that have taken place or may be in the works. Babich was supposed to be the one under fire, but nothing has been revealed about his status. It remains unclear where Marinelli fits into the puzzle, but his strong friendship with Smith and the glowing endorsement he received from Angelo would indicate his addition to the staff is a priority.


"I don't know what's going to happen," Briggs said. "I'm a player. Players play, coaches coach."


This organization is a joke. I cannot wait until Lovie Smith and Jerry Angelo get fired.

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It is a joke because:


(a) while we are letting the position coaches go, the guy who was in charge (Babich) is still in charge. That makes all comments about accountability very questionable.


(B) You say he was one of the best DL coaches, but (1) he got that rep when loaded w/ DL talent, (2) got that rep when part of an overall great system and (3) has since shown nothing when separated from TB. While I understand that just because a guy fails as a HC, that doesn't mean he can't do well back as a position coach, but I do have to question why the DL in Det was always so bad, as well as the defense as a whole. If Marinelli is such a DL genius, should we not expect his team to at least look good in that area?


© The friendship rules continues, as the talk is now that we could add Marinelli's son-in-law, or whatever, who was in charge of the worst defense in the league.


It is a joke because while they talk about accountability, the guys who were truly in charge seem immune. Also, in looking at replacements, we seem to only be looking at guys who have strong ties to Lovie. As friendship being the key rule is already a sad statement, we only seem to be moving further in that direction.


Its a joke for offering one of the best defensive line coaches in the game a position as....defensive line coach?
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It is a joke because:


(a) while we are letting the position coaches go, the guy who was in charge (Babich) is still in charge. That makes all comments about accountability very questionable.


(B) You say he was one of the best DL coaches, but (1) he got that rep when loaded w/ DL talent, (2) got that rep when part of an overall great system and (3) has since shown nothing when separated from TB. While I understand that just because a guy fails as a HC, that doesn't mean he can't do well back as a position coach, but I do have to question why the DL in Det was always so bad, as well as the defense as a whole. If Marinelli is such a DL genius, should we not expect his team to at least look good in that area?


© The friendship rules continues, as the talk is now that we could add Marinelli's son-in-law, or whatever, who was in charge of the worst defense in the league.


It is a joke because while they talk about accountability, the guys who were truly in charge seem immune. Also, in looking at replacements, we seem to only be looking at guys who have strong ties to Lovie. As friendship being the key rule is already a sad statement, we only seem to be moving further in that direction.


Im not going to argue against nepotism in the NFL, it is alive and well(and not just with the Bears, EVERYWHERE), but dont slight Marinelli at DL coach because he happened to be with a good team when he recieved all of his accolades. There are many that feel that he was a major part of that line being as good as it was. There are plenty of former head coaches who completely failed at being head coaches and went back to being brilliant coordinators and postion coaches, as long as Marinelli isnt given a shot at HC I think the Bears will be fine.



The only problem I would have is if Marinellis brother came hand in hand with him as DL coach. That would piss me off to no end.



It doesnt matter though, everyone will continue to bitch and moan about everything Lovie does, positive or negative.

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It doesnt matter though, everyone will continue to bitch and moan about everything Lovie does, positive or negative.


Is it not fair? Should we continue to "trust him" as he told us to?


I think there is a huge problem when he talks about accountability, but doesn't apply that notion to his BFF Babich. How can you preach accountability and not apply it to the coach who has been in charge of the defense that went from top 5 to just plain bad?


I didn't have a big issue w/ considering Marinelli for DL. I had a problem w/ him as our DC. But now adding his son-in-law to the list? It just gives the impression that friendship is what matters to Lovie more than going out and getting the best coaches available.

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It doesnt matter though, everyone will continue to bitch and moan about everything Lovie does, positive or negative.


Is it not fair? Should we continue to "trust him" as he told us to?


I think there is a huge problem when he talks about accountability, but doesn't apply that notion to his BFF Babich. How can you preach accountability and not apply it to the coach who has been in charge of the defense that went from top 5 to just plain bad?


I didn't have a big issue w/ considering Marinelli for DL. I had a problem w/ him as our DC. But now adding his son-in-law to the list? It just gives the impression that friendship is what matters to Lovie more than going out and getting the best coaches available.


Off-season isnt over yet, and the coaching changes are coming quite deliberately. Let the dust settle before you light your torch and pull out the pitchfork. From everything I am hearing Marinelli is wanting(and wanted as) the DC in Seattle, and the money is better. Hopefully he can drag is son over there with him.

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