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Our Last Stand...


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Looking at the way this team has evolved the last 5 seasons, I feel it is in a transition phase. The transition phase is both mental and physical.


The mental side of the coin belongs to the defense. I see a defense that is no longer willing to impose its will on the other team. It used to be the other team would choke, kowing we were going to make the play that would beat them. Now, we are reduced to the QB in the opposing huddle saying, "we got this". Our veterens need to step up and become what they once were. If you look at the ages of our highly paid vets, they are far from through physically. The key to our staff and players is finding a way to get that fire back.


The physical side of the team is age, health and talent. Looking at our D, the only place talent is truly lacked is at FS. IMO - stabilizing this is a key. As far as age and health go, there is only FS and SS to be concerned about. On O, we are faced with an age situation on the OL. Talent is also absent on the OL and WR core, with the jury still out on Orton. Health is only an issue with the OL due to age.(see the pattern)


The way I see it, we can either tank next season or become a true contender again. Here is the way I see a fix.




Quick win: Move Tillman to FS. He will be a stud here. His effectiveness will grow on a bell curve, while his replacement will only have to do an average job.


Quick win II: Sign either a DE or CB via FA, while drafting the other on day one. I'd prefer to sign the DE and draft the DB.


Long term win: Make sure Mike Brown retires a Bear by finding a way to get him under contract and transition hin into coaching as he fades away. You think our D lacks heart now, with no Brown I'm afraid they'll pack it in.




Quick win: Sign a bonafide reciever. If you want Orton and Hester to develop, a reliable reciever will fill the need. The draft will not offer this type of quick help. A WR should also be added day one of the draft.


Quick win II: Sign St Clair to start at RT and move Tait to back or cut him.


Long term win: Draft an OG early and make him a pile driver. Our OL lack road graders and I have no clue why. If we get off the bus running and can't get a yard when we need it. Draft some pushers. Also, if we cut Tait loose. draft and OT day one as well. This will leave us with Williams, Beekman, St Clair, Kruetz and Garza. Lets pray Buenning gets healthy as well.


One more thing, draft a beast at FB! I don't give a shit if this guy can catch or carry the ball. I want a guy that will give somebody a concussion. Nuf said.


Lastly, at QB. Don't confuse this for Orton love, but I leave that position alone for one more year, as I don't see an availible fix anywhere. If Orton and Hanie develops further we win big. If not, we are no worse than last year. IMO - Orton did well with the talent he had. Sure he locked onto recivers and missed some deep balls. I honestly think the deep ball had to do with his plant foot. I also think the staring t recievers can be alleviated with confidence that more than one can get separation and time from the OL. Orton will never be all-pro, but he can be servicable. Winter in Chicago, that's all you need.


The big roadblock= Lovie. While I think it is very doable to get the missing peices in, I also feel that Lovie is living in a dream world. Hopefully he de-inserts his cranium from his rectal cavity and finds his motivation. I think he should have fired Babich before anyone, but since that has not happened, I hope he spends everyday with Babich working on the psyche and scheme of our largest investment. I have more thoughts, but type slowly so I'll stop now. Your thoughts...

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Great read Mongo!


Overall, I like your ideas.


Looking at the way this team has evolved the last 5 seasons, I feel it is in a transition phase. The transition phase is both mental and physical.


The mental side of the coin belongs to the defense. I see a defense that is no longer willing to impose its will on the other team. It used to be the other team would choke, kowing we were going to make the play that would beat them. Now, we are reduced to the QB in the opposing huddle saying, "we got this". Our veterens need to step up and become what they once were. If you look at the ages of our highly paid vets, they are far from through physically. The key to our staff and players is finding a way to get that fire back.


The physical side of the team is age, health and talent. Looking at our D, the only place talent is truly lacked is at FS. IMO - stabilizing this is a key. As far as age and health go, there is only FS and SS to be concerned about. On O, we are faced with an age situation on the OL. Talent is also absent on the OL and WR core, with the jury still out on Orton. Health is only an issue with the OL due to age.(see the pattern)


The way I see it, we can either tank next season or become a true contender again. Here is the way I see a fix.




Quick win: Move Tillman to FS. He will be a stud here. His effectiveness will grow on a bell curve, while his replacement will only have to do an average job.


Quick win II: Sign either a DE or CB via FA, while drafting the other on day one. I'd prefer to sign the DE and draft the DB.


Long term win: Make sure Mike Brown retires a Bear by finding a way to get him under contract and transition hin into coaching as he fades away. You think our D lacks heart now, with no Brown I'm afraid they'll pack it in.




Quick win: Sign a bonafide reciever. If you want Orton and Hester to develop, a reliable reciever will fill the need. The draft will not offer this type of quick help. A WR should also be added day one of the draft.


Quick win II: Sign St Clair to start at RT and move Tait to back or cut him.


Long term win: Draft an OG early and make him a pile driver. Our OL lack road graders and I have no clue why. If we get off the bus running and can't get a yard when we need it. Draft some pushers. Also, if we cut Tait loose. draft and OT day one as well. This will leave us with Williams, Beekman, St Clair, Kruetz and Garza. Lets pray Buenning gets healthy as well.


One more thing, draft a beast at FB! I don't give a shit if this guy can catch or carry the ball. I want a guy that will give somebody a concussion. Nuf said.


Lastly, at QB. Don't confuse this for Orton love, but I leave that position alone for one more year, as I don't see an availible fix anywhere. If Orton and Hanie develops further we win big. If not, we are no worse than last year. IMO - Orton did well with the talent he had. Sure he locked onto recivers and missed some deep balls. I honestly think the deep ball had to do with his plant foot. I also think the staring t recievers can be alleviated with confidence that more than one can get separation and time from the OL. Orton will never be all-pro, but he can be servicable. Winter in Chicago, that's all you need.


The big roadblock= Lovie. While I think it is very doable to get the missing peices in, I also feel that Lovie is living in a dream world. Hopefully he de-inserts his cranium from his rectal cavity and finds his motivation. I think he should have fired Babich before anyone, but since that has not happened, I hope he spends everyday with Babich working on the psyche and scheme of our largest investment. I have more thoughts, but type slowly so I'll stop now. Your thoughts...

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Yes, great read. Agree with most, except I just don't think Hanie is ready to be our no. 2 QB. So we need a competent backup for Kyle.


I like Hanie and for him to develop he needs to progress to the #2 spot to get increased reps in practice. There are journeymen QB who will sign cheap and be a #3 to collect a Paycheck. I want Hanie as a #2 going into next season, or at least be given a fair shot at competing for the spot with a vet.

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I like Hanie and for him to develop he needs to progress to the #2 spot to get increased reps in practice. There are journeymen QB who will sign cheap and be a #3 to collect a Paycheck. I want Hanie as a #2 going into next season, or at least be given a fair shot at competing for the spot with a vet.

From what we've seen from our staff in "developing" young talent, I beleive you are dreaming Pix. Though I agree, if Kyle can stay healthy.

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