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Disconnect between Angelo and Turner?


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Read the following comments from Turner in the Sun Times,


Turner told his boss in no uncertain terms that Orton is the man to run the Bears' offense.


''I feel great about Kyle,'' Turner said. ''Get him a good supporting cast, some people around him, and he can be a really great player. He played that way a lot this past year. If there is a veteran out there that can come in and provide some depth and possibly provide some competition, fine. But we feel good about Caleb [Hanie], too.''


Contrast that w/ comments Angelo made earlier. Angelo gave everyone the impression he was far from satisified w/ Orton, and was actually looking to replace him. Angelo said it is not about the OL or WRs, but all about the QB, leading most to believe Angelo felt our offensive issues were due to Orton, and not the other units. These are not just my interpretation of Angelo's comments, but what most came away w/, and in fact, Angelo has since had to try and backpeddle and clarify.


But you really have to wonder. Turner saying, "get him a good supporting cast" seems to highlight his believe that our "weapons" are frankly, lacking. Turner in another article stressed the teams need to get a playmaker. Turner seems to believe the Bears have a legit QB in Orton, but also feels we lack weapons at WR. That comes as little shock to any here, but how much are Turner and Angelo on the same page.


I don't know, but I do think it will be interesting to see how this offseason plays out. How much pull does Turner have? If our moves to upgrade the offense are minimal, or if we draft a QB relatively high, while not addressing WR, it would seem to me Turner has absolutely no sway w/ Angelo or Lovie. If however, we make a big spash on offense, whether that be in FA or the draft, maybe Turner does have some clout.


Maybe this is simply the norm in the NFL, but since the end of our season, it just doesn't really feel like Angelo, Lovie and/or Turner are on the same page. Turner is screaming for playmakers and to surround Orton w/ a good supporting cast. Angelo says its all about the QB, and implies our offensive problems begin and end there. Lovie turns around and seems to backup Orton. Maybe this is just me reading too much into "offseason BS talk, which is quite possible, but it just doesn't feel like our coaches and GM are on the same page. Felt the same way some years ago w/ Angelo and Jauron, but that was supposed to be fixed w/ Lovie. Now I wonder if we are not yet again in a situation where the GM and coaches vision fails to matchup.

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Read the following comments from Turner in the Sun Times,


Turner told his boss in no uncertain terms that Orton is the man to run the Bears' offense.


''I feel great about Kyle,'' Turner said. ''Get him a good supporting cast, some people around him, and he can be a really great player. He played that way a lot this past year. If there is a veteran out there that can come in and provide some depth and possibly provide some competition, fine. But we feel good about Caleb [Hanie], too.''


Contrast that w/ comments Angelo made earlier. Angelo gave everyone the impression he was far from satisified w/ Orton, and was actually looking to replace him. Angelo said it is not about the OL or WRs, but all about the QB, leading most to believe Angelo felt our offensive issues were due to Orton, and not the other units. These are not just my interpretation of Angelo's comments, but what most came away w/, and in fact, Angelo has since had to try and backpeddle and clarify.


But you really have to wonder. Turner saying, "get him a good supporting cast" seems to highlight his believe that our "weapons" are frankly, lacking. Turner in another article stressed the teams need to get a playmaker. Turner seems to believe the Bears have a legit QB in Orton, but also feels we lack weapons at WR. That comes as little shock to any here, but how much are Turner and Angelo on the same page.


I don't know, but I do think it will be interesting to see how this offseason plays out. How much pull does Turner have? If our moves to upgrade the offense are minimal, or if we draft a QB relatively high, while not addressing WR, it would seem to me Turner has absolutely no sway w/ Angelo or Lovie. If however, we make a big spash on offense, whether that be in FA or the draft, maybe Turner does have some clout.


Maybe this is simply the norm in the NFL, but since the end of our season, it just doesn't really feel like Angelo, Lovie and/or Turner are on the same page. Turner is screaming for playmakers and to surround Orton w/ a good supporting cast. Angelo says its all about the QB, and implies our offensive problems begin and end there. Lovie turns around and seems to backup Orton. Maybe this is just me reading too much into "offseason BS talk, which is quite possible, but it just doesn't feel like our coaches and GM are on the same page. Felt the same way some years ago w/ Angelo and Jauron, but that was supposed to be fixed w/ Lovie. Now I wonder if we are not yet again in a situation where the GM and coaches vision fails to matchup.



Which brings up the question is the GM listening to the coaches needs to put together a team or is he so arrogant he thinks his sh*& dont stink and what he feels must be right period. Which opens a whole nother can of worms...

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Read the following comments from Turner in the Sun Times,


Turner told his boss in no uncertain terms that Orton is the man to run the Bears' offense.


''I feel great about Kyle,'' Turner said. ''Get him a good supporting cast, some people around him, and he can be a really great player. He played that way a lot this past year. If there is a veteran out there that can come in and provide some depth and possibly provide some competition, fine. But we feel good about Caleb [Hanie], too.''


Contrast that w/ comments Angelo made earlier. Angelo gave everyone the impression he was far from satisified w/ Orton, and was actually looking to replace him. Angelo said it is not about the OL or WRs, but all about the QB, leading most to believe Angelo felt our offensive issues were due to Orton, and not the other units. These are not just my interpretation of Angelo's comments, but what most came away w/, and in fact, Angelo has since had to try and backpeddle and clarify.


But you really have to wonder. Turner saying, "get him a good supporting cast" seems to highlight his believe that our "weapons" are frankly, lacking. Turner in another article stressed the teams need to get a playmaker. Turner seems to believe the Bears have a legit QB in Orton, but also feels we lack weapons at WR. That comes as little shock to any here, but how much are Turner and Angelo on the same page.


I don't know, but I do think it will be interesting to see how this offseason plays out. How much pull does Turner have? If our moves to upgrade the offense are minimal, or if we draft a QB relatively high, while not addressing WR, it would seem to me Turner has absolutely no sway w/ Angelo or Lovie. If however, we make a big spash on offense, whether that be in FA or the draft, maybe Turner does have some clout.


Maybe this is simply the norm in the NFL, but since the end of our season, it just doesn't really feel like Angelo, Lovie and/or Turner are on the same page. Turner is screaming for playmakers and to surround Orton w/ a good supporting cast. Angelo says its all about the QB, and implies our offensive problems begin and end there. Lovie turns around and seems to backup Orton. Maybe this is just me reading too much into "offseason BS talk, which is quite possible, but it just doesn't feel like our coaches and GM are on the same page. Felt the same way some years ago w/ Angelo and Jauron, but that was supposed to be fixed w/ Lovie. Now I wonder if we are not yet again in a situation where the GM and coaches vision fails to matchup.



I see what you are saying and I am kinda wondering the same thing. I am on board with Turner on this one although I don't know about Orton being a "great player." I think with good weapons though he can be a very solid to very good QB leader. He showed some leadership this past year especially in the 4th quarter when he finally came alive. Hester IMO is starting to settle into the WR role and actually put up good number this past year. We finally have a multi threat RB in Forte as he can catch and run very well. I also think that we have the best TE group in the NFL. Everything IMO comes down to the depth at WR and OL. The OL played extremely well last year considering how bad we all thought it would be. I like Beekman and Williams but need to see more. And don't get me started at WR. I would rather see Hass out there.

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I realize you were speaking in relative terms when you said the OL played "extremely well" this past year, but regardless, I disagree. Were they as bad as expected? No. But I would not say they were good, and I am not sure I would go so far as to even say decent.


Run blocking was awful. It is a miracle Forte made it through the season alive, much less w/ good numbers. But as good as Forte is, his YPC was often poor, which is IMHO due to the OL simply failing to open holes. Heck, many of his big runs came fromt cutting back against the grain when the OL failed to make a hole. In other words, Forte did so much on his own. When there was a hole, it was freakishly small, and closed very fast. If Benson were still on the team, he would have never gotten through the holes Forte did, or at least not before they closed.


Many said our OL may not have looked good in run blocking, but did well in pass protection. Sorry, but I again disagree. Did you know St. Clair led the league in sacks given up by an OT? And many here felt St Clair did better than Tait, who did his best Fred Miller impression in 2008. And as bad as the OTs were, I am not sure the interior was much better. IMHO, the OL flat out stunk, but the difference to me is, Orton was simply able to more quickly get rid of the ball. If we still had Rex behind center, IMHO, no one would be talking about how the OL did better than expected. Rex would have better shown the OL's deficiencies. Orton simply did a better job of masking those deficiencies. Look how Orton played toward the end of the season. After the injury, he never looked the same. Frankly, he looked very Rex like. Suddenly, it once again appears our OL can not block. I realize it isn't all the OL, but at the same time, I simply believe our OL sucks, and that Orton (when healthy) did a better job masking that.


Again, while I realize you made your comments speaking relatively, the reason I bring it up is, I fear this is how Angelo truly sees things. I honestly fear Angelo believes the OL performed well, and that adding Williams to the group will make our OL great. I think he believes Tait is not yet done. Garza is solid. Kreutz still has it. And while I am not sure he believes in Beekman, he likely thinks we have enough depth for a starter to emerge. That opinion is my fear.


What I see? We may well have a solid/big upgrade in Williams, but he is a total unknown, and Clady aside, not every young LT develops instantly. Beekman played well considering, but was not solid. I like him in depth, and think he could be our eventual starting center, but I just didn't see the consistency in his game, and felt his pass protections was just the other side of weak. Kreutz is looking closer and closer to done. Maybe if he had a pair of legit OGs oposite him, he would look better, but he is no longer a player who can hold the center w/ our OGs are not good. Garza sucks IMHO, and it baffles me how our staff can think so highly of him. Tait was awful, and IMHO, the weakest link to our OL last year, which is just flat out sad as I think he likely had the highest expectation moving back to RT.


While I am a realist enough to know it will never happen, my dream would be to add Gross to start at RT. Also, using some of the money saved by cutting Tait, re-sign St. Clair to inside. Draft Duke Robinson.


Williams - St. Clair - Kreutz - Duke - Gross. That is a starting OL I believe can protect the QB, and blow open holes for Forte.


I see what you are saying and I am kinda wondering the same thing. I am on board with Turner on this one although I don't know about Orton being a "great player." I think with good weapons though he can be a very solid to very good QB leader. He showed some leadership this past year especially in the 4th quarter when he finally came alive. Hester IMO is starting to settle into the WR role and actually put up good number this past year. We finally have a multi threat RB in Forte as he can catch and run very well. I also think that we have the best TE group in the NFL. Everything IMO comes down to the depth at WR and OL. The OL played extremely well last year considering how bad we all thought it would be. I like Beekman and Williams but need to see more. And don't get me started at WR. I would rather see Hass out there.
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I'm pretty much with you on this one....


I see what you are saying and I am kinda wondering the same thing. I am on board with Turner on this one although I don't know about Orton being a "great player." I think with good weapons though he can be a very solid to very good QB leader. He showed some leadership this past year especially in the 4th quarter when he finally came alive. Hester IMO is starting to settle into the WR role and actually put up good number this past year. We finally have a multi threat RB in Forte as he can catch and run very well. I also think that we have the best TE group in the NFL. Everything IMO comes down to the depth at WR and OL. The OL played extremely well last year considering how bad we all thought it would be. I like Beekman and Williams but need to see more. And don't get me started at WR. I would rather see Hass out there.
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I realize you were speaking in relative terms when you said the OL played "extremely well" this past year, but regardless, I disagree. Were they as bad as expected? No. But I would not say they were good, and I am not sure I would go so far as to even say decent.


Run blocking was awful. It is a miracle Forte made it through the season alive, much less w/ good numbers. But as good as Forte is, his YPC was often poor, which is IMHO due to the OL simply failing to open holes. Heck, many of his big runs came fromt cutting back against the grain when the OL failed to make a hole. In other words, Forte did so much on his own. When there was a hole, it was freakishly small, and closed very fast. If Benson were still on the team, he would have never gotten through the holes Forte did, or at least not before they closed.


Many said our OL may not have looked good in run blocking, but did well in pass protection. Sorry, but I again disagree. Did you know St. Clair led the league in sacks given up by an OT? And many here felt St Clair did better than Tait, who did his best Fred Miller impression in 2008. And as bad as the OTs were, I am not sure the interior was much better. IMHO, the OL flat out stunk, but the difference to me is, Orton was simply able to more quickly get rid of the ball. If we still had Rex behind center, IMHO, no one would be talking about how the OL did better than expected. Rex would have better shown the OL's deficiencies. Orton simply did a better job of masking those deficiencies. Look how Orton played toward the end of the season. After the injury, he never looked the same. Frankly, he looked very Rex like. Suddenly, it once again appears our OL can not block. I realize it isn't all the OL, but at the same time, I simply believe our OL sucks, and that Orton (when healthy) did a better job masking that.


Again, while I realize you made your comments speaking relatively, the reason I bring it up is, I fear this is how Angelo truly sees things. I honestly fear Angelo believes the OL performed well, and that adding Williams to the group will make our OL great. I think he believes Tait is not yet done. Garza is solid. Kreutz still has it. And while I am not sure he believes in Beekman, he likely thinks we have enough depth for a starter to emerge. That opinion is my fear.


What I see? We may well have a solid/big upgrade in Williams, but he is a total unknown, and Clady aside, not every young LT develops instantly. Beekman played well considering, but was not solid. I like him in depth, and think he could be our eventual starting center, but I just didn't see the consistency in his game, and felt his pass protections was just the other side of weak. Kreutz is looking closer and closer to done. Maybe if he had a pair of legit OGs oposite him, he would look better, but he is no longer a player who can hold the center w/ our OGs are not good. Garza sucks IMHO, and it baffles me how our staff can think so highly of him. Tait was awful, and IMHO, the weakest link to our OL last year, which is just flat out sad as I think he likely had the highest expectation moving back to RT.


While I am a realist enough to know it will never happen, my dream would be to add Gross to start at RT. Also, using some of the money saved by cutting Tait, re-sign St. Clair to inside. Draft Duke Robinson.


Williams - St. Clair - Kreutz - Duke - Gross. That is a starting OL I believe can protect the QB, and blow open holes for Forte.


Love that post! 100% spot on.


As far as a disconnect with JA and Turner, I really don't see it. Remember, we can't believe a thing we hear from the coaches and GM this time of year. Another point would be that coaches are never going to let on anything but confidence in their players, especially important with the QB position. Lovie and Turner are saying the right things.

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When Turner talks about needing to get a "good supporting cast" and "getting players around him", it sounds to me like he is in fact offering a vote of NON-confidence in our WRs. He all but said our WRs suck and Orton had nothing to work w/. So while Turner may be supporting Orton, the fact that he is at the same time knocking the WRs shows he is not "just" offering confidence in a player.


I understand you take everything w/ a grain of salt this time of year. If Angelo came out and said our #1 priority was this or that, I would tend to believe that was way down our list of priorities. At the same time, listening to Angelo's press conference the other week, it really felt more like he was doing more than throwing out BS. He was being very critical of numerous players, and not seeming to hold back. If he truly had the confidence in Orton that Turner does, it seems like he went out of his way to slap him in the face.


Maybe you are right, and it is all part of a sandbagging plan. Maybe Turner is not as high on Angelo as he is leading on, while Angelo likes him more than his comments indicate. I just not so sure. I think Angelo truly believes (a) the key problem w/ our defense (other than maybe past assistant coaches) is the lack of a premier DE (B) our OL was solid © while our WRs didn't step up, lacking a good QB held them back and if we upgraded at QB, our WRs would look good and (d) DM is still our FS of the future. Personally, I disagree w/ all these ideas. Maybe they are not what Angelo believes, but at this point, I lead toward believing it is how he views things.


Love that post! 100% spot on.


As far as a disconnect with JA and Turner, I really don't see it. Remember, we can't believe a thing we hear from the coaches and GM this time of year. Another point would be that coaches are never going to let on anything but confidence in their players, especially important with the QB position. Lovie and Turner are saying the right things.

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If that's what he beleives, I believe we will see a new GM soon... I moreso, I hope...


When Turner talks about needing to get a "good supporting cast" and "getting players around him", it sounds to me like he is in fact offering a vote of NON-confidence in our WRs. He all but said our WRs suck and Orton had nothing to work w/. So while Turner may be supporting Orton, the fact that he is at the same time knocking the WRs shows he is not "just" offering confidence in a player.


I understand you take everything w/ a grain of salt this time of year. If Angelo came out and said our #1 priority was this or that, I would tend to believe that was way down our list of priorities. At the same time, listening to Angelo's press conference the other week, it really felt more like he was doing more than throwing out BS. He was being very critical of numerous players, and not seeming to hold back. If he truly had the confidence in Orton that Turner does, it seems like he went out of his way to slap him in the face.


Maybe you are right, and it is all part of a sandbagging plan. Maybe Turner is not as high on Angelo as he is leading on, while Angelo likes him more than his comments indicate. I just not so sure. I think Angelo truly believes (a) the key problem w/ our defense (other than maybe past assistant coaches) is the lack of a premier DE (B) our OL was solid © while our WRs didn't step up, lacking a good QB held them back and if we upgraded at QB, our WRs would look good and (d) DM is still our FS of the future. Personally, I disagree w/ all these ideas. Maybe they are not what Angelo believes, but at this point, I lead toward believing it is how he views things.

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When Turner talks about needing to get a "good supporting cast" and "getting players around him", it sounds to me like he is in fact offering a vote of NON-confidence in our WRs. He all but said our WRs suck and Orton had nothing to work w/. So while Turner may be supporting Orton, the fact that he is at the same time knocking the WRs shows he is not "just" offering confidence in a player.


I understand you take everything w/ a grain of salt this time of year. If Angelo came out and said our #1 priority was this or that, I would tend to believe that was way down our list of priorities. At the same time, listening to Angelo's press conference the other week, it really felt more like he was doing more than throwing out BS. He was being very critical of numerous players, and not seeming to hold back. If he truly had the confidence in Orton that Turner does, it seems like he went out of his way to slap him in the face.


Maybe you are right, and it is all part of a sandbagging plan. Maybe Turner is not as high on Angelo as he is leading on, while Angelo likes him more than his comments indicate. I just not so sure. I think Angelo truly believes (a) the key problem w/ our defense (other than maybe past assistant coaches) is the lack of a premier DE (B) our OL was solid © while our WRs didn't step up, lacking a good QB held them back and if we upgraded at QB, our WRs would look good and (d) DM is still our FS of the future. Personally, I disagree w/ all these ideas. Maybe they are not what Angelo believes, but at this point, I lead toward believing it is how he views things.

Turner wasn't speaking about any one particular player, especially, the QB. That's the difference. I'm sure they have all evaluated the season by now and placed a stamp on the path forward. JA was just lighting fires and blowing smoke.


The whole DM thing... I can only pray he's not serious.

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It's unfortunate Orton getting hurt seemed to coincide with defenses figuring out that pressuring our WR's at the line throws of their route running and timing with the QB (moreso than other team's WR's). Was it Orton's reduced mobility hurting his rhythm or the WR's getting flustered and not getting open?


Here's what I do know. Save for Beekman, our starters on OL are 29-33 years old. We can't reasonably expect to replace that all at once (Williams hopefully will help). In contrast, considering Marty Booker out of the equation as a probable starter, every one of our WR's are under 30. And the oldest, Rashied Davis at 29 years, has only been in the NFL for 4 years. The problem is that it's much easier to dramatically improve the WR corps. with just one signing than it is the offensive line, where there's 5 of them and they have to work together as a team to be good.


If I had to pick one, I'd nevertheless rather have a blue chip player come in at OL than WR. (Time/no time in the pocket...it can turn a mediocre QB into a near pro-bowler or turn Peyton Manning into a interception machine. A single WR having the impact that Randy Moss had 2 years ago is uncommon in comparison, IMO. Plus, let's not squander having Forte.) The exception is if we could find a blue chip WR whose could make CB's pay for getting too aggressive at the line. Hester's speed should theoretically keep the CB's at a cushion, except he unfortunately has such a slight build for an NFL player. You'd think Marty Booker could hav filled that role with his size, experience and NFL knowledge, and having developed his route running over the last 10 years.


But then, when's the last time we successfully brought in/drafted a blue chip WR or OL? Tait back in the day and not in recent history with respect to a WR (I don't think Graham/Conway or Booker back in the day quite qualify)? All our debate about roster improvements may be moot if we're being realistic. But maybe a slight improvement will nevertheless make a big difference.

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I see what you are saying and I am kinda wondering the same thing. I am on board with Turner on this one although I don't know about Orton being a "great player." I think with good weapons though he can be a very solid to very good QB leader. He showed some leadership this past year especially in the 4th quarter when he finally came alive. Hester IMO is starting to settle into the WR role and actually put up good number this past year. We finally have a multi threat RB in Forte as he can catch and run very well. I also think that we have the best TE group in the NFL. Everything IMO comes down to the depth at WR and OL. The OL played extremely well last year considering how bad we all thought it would be. I like Beekman and Williams but need to see more. And don't get me started at WR. I would rather see Hass out there.




Hass? He is long gone!

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Of course there's a disconnect between Angelo and the coaches. How else could you possibly explain Bennett not seeing the field this year? Fellas, somebody is sending somebody MAJOR messages here. Bennett was a 3rd rd pick, wasn't injured and our WR corps SUCKED. There is not one legitimate reason for him to be sitting when we were so starved for production at that position. If I was Angelo, I would have demanded that Bennett see the field and I would have had Smith AND Turner in my office drafting plays for the guy to make sure, but by God he would have seen that field. Obviuosly, this is only one example but look at the guys that have gone elsewhere and done better than anybody we have, like Justin Gage. In his first yr at TN he damn near caught for more yardage than his first yr than he had his first 3 combined here.


Yeah, I know Angelo likes smokescreens but I do believe that these guys are on different pages. To me, each of them is trying to protect their territory and position. Smith made that dumshit comment about Marinelli making this line dominant without a new DE. Angelo and his brilliant, "it all starts with the QB" statement. Hey Jerry, you've been here how long and you wait till now to say it all begins with the QB? Sure it does and THAT QB will be successful if he has better line performance and better WR performance than we did. I agree with NFO, our run blocking sucked and our pass blocking was only helped by going no huddle and short routes that were working early. So, before you give orton his walking papers, give him a good line and WRs who can actually run routes and catch the phuckin ball.


To all you naysayers out there who believe the bears are gonna stand Pat with this crew because of their contracts. You will be pleasantly surprised if the Bears don't win this year and go to the playoffs, THIS coaching staff will be gone. Now, for Jerry Angelo, the key will be his first pick. It better be the right one because I believe that might be the only thing that saves him from the woodchipper. The honeymoon is over at Halas Hall folks.

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Nice rant BigDaddy, but Angelo wasn't about to put himself in a bad situation by trying to bully Smith. He can (and maybe did) request that Lovie give Bennett or Rideau some playing time. However, to demand it puts him in a position of maybe having to answer a simple question from lovie, "And if I don't?".


Jerry's only leverage would have been to threaten to fire him. He damn well better be prepared to follow through if he says that, and he damn well better have the backing of Phillips and the owners first. There's way too much money on the line.


Could Smith be gone after the '09 season? It's possible, but I think it would take a pretty bad year. Far worse than '08. It's easy for us fans and the media to throw a possible $11M away when it's not our money. However, I think Virginia and Mikey might be a little more hesitant. LOL



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Of course there's a disconnect between Angelo and the coaches. How else could you possibly explain Bennett not seeing the field this year? Fellas, somebody is sending somebody MAJOR messages here. Bennett was a 3rd rd pick, wasn't injured and our WR corps SUCKED. There is not one legitimate reason for him to be sitting when we were so starved for production at that position. If I was Angelo, I would have demanded that Bennett see the field and I would have had Smith AND Turner in my office drafting plays for the guy to make sure, but by God he would have seen that field. Obviuosly, this is only one example but look at the guys that have gone elsewhere and done better than anybody we have, like Justin Gage. In his first yr at TN he damn near caught for more yardage than his first yr than he had his first 3 combined here.


Yeah, I know Angelo likes smokescreens but I do believe that these guys are on different pages. To me, each of them is trying to protect their territory and position. Smith made that dumshit comment about Marinelli making this line dominant without a new DE. Angelo and his brilliant, "it all starts with the QB" statement. Hey Jerry, you've been here how long and you wait till now to say it all begins with the QB? Sure it does and THAT QB will be successful if he has better line performance and better WR performance than we did. I agree with NFO, our run blocking sucked and our pass blocking was only helped by going no huddle and short routes that were working early. So, before you give orton his walking papers, give him a good line and WRs who can actually run routes and catch the phuckin ball.


To all you naysayers out there who believe the bears are gonna stand Pat with this crew because of their contracts. You will be pleasantly surprised if the Bears don't win this year and go to the playoffs, THIS coaching staff will be gone. Now, for Jerry Angelo, the key will be his first pick. It better be the right one because I believe that might be the only thing that saves him from the woodchipper. The honeymoon is over at Halas Hall folks.

I think you are confusing disconnect with disfunction. Disconnected is where they are not working together for a common cause or simply disagree how to go about things. Disfunctional would be they are trying to work together and think things are working when they are not.


Nice rant BigDaddy, but Angelo wasn't about to put himself in a bad situation by trying to bully Smith. He can (and maybe did) request that Lovie give Bennett or Rideau some playing time. However, to demand it puts him in a position of maybe having to answer a simple question from lovie, "And if I don't?".


Jerry's only leverage would have been to threaten to fire him. He damn well better be prepared to follow through if he says that, and he damn well better have the backing of Phillips and the owners first. There's way too much money on the line.


Could Smith be gone after the '09 season? It's possible, but I think it would take a pretty bad year. Far worse than '08. It's easy for us fans and the media to throw a possible $11M away when it's not our money. However, I think Virginia and Mikey might be a little more hesitant. LOL

JA has no reason to bully Smith when it comes down to on the field descisions. It is simply not his job. Lovie is in charge of the players and coaches. JA is in charge of getting the players and managing the cap. I do think that JA doesn't have the authority to fire Lovie without the approval of the family.


We also need to be careful what we wish for. With the way the family like to go cheap with new coaches and GM's, we could be in for a roller coaster ride if we are looking for new leadership next season. For every John Harbaugh, there is a Bobby Petrino.

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