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Housh was on Waddle and Silvy today

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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I didn't see/hear it that way at all. The interview is available on podcast, which I listened too myself.


- Starts out being asked basically who he might be looking at, and he gave a very broad and generic answer of not narrowing it down before he FA begins and teams show interest. Basically, he said there was no point in looking at 32 teams in only a handfull are going to show interest. Said he "just wants to win" which was basically the theme of the interview.


- Asked about Chad Johnson, and how much of a distraction he was this year. Kind of laughed and said CJ was actually less of a distraction this season than in most previous. Mentioned some distractions in the offseason, but said he was fine once the season began.


- Asked about Benson, and bear fans would likely laugh at his response. Said he doesn't know why he had the rep he did in Chicago, but in Cincy, he was a very hard worker who went all out everyday. Even talked about how Benson would run over players in basic walk throughs to make the point how Benson was always a hard worker, whether practice or actual game.


- Asked about his style of WR play, he talked about how he felt he had been pigeon holes somewhat as an inside or possession WR, yet feels he is far more. Said the team has lacked others who could play the inside, and thus he was forced to play that role, but feels he can, and will, be much more for his next team. The key thing I got out of this was, he wants to be a main guy and not a compliment. He talked about how he can go downfield, and go up and make a play on the ball, even if covered.


This is where Brian gets his "asked Waddle if he played in the NFL". TJ was trying to make his point, and began by asking Waddle and Silva, "Do you know football, did you play football". The interview began w/ TJ being told (I think it was a generic intro) that Waddle was a 6 year NFL player. Anyway, TJ went on to talk about, if you watch him play, you would understand he isn't just an inside WR, but has the tools to play the outside position as well. You can say it was a bad way to "set up" his point, but I did NOT get the impression he was being a jerk. Also, it was Waddle who said he (waddle) wasn't very good and not as good as TJ. TJ NEVER said Waddle was not very good, which is the impression Brian is giving w/ his comments.


- He did say he liked Rex, though he doesn't know him personally. Said he knows Rex is not the QB anymore, but basically was making the point he likes Rex' aggressive style of play. Also said he felt Hester might have had a better year if Rex were the QB as Rex would have taken more deep shots. Did go on to talk about Orton some, though he said he didn't know as much about him. He did know Orton played a few years ago as a rookie and did decent, and said he looked better this year. Talked fairly positive about Orton, but I did get the impression he might prefer a QB who is aggressive.


- Had to laugh, as Waddle did, at one point. He was asked if he would sign w/ a team if provided a good offer day one of FA, or wanted to be "wined and dined" for a while while he checked out all offers. Said if a good offer was made out of the gate, he would take it, and went on to say he wasn't a women and didn't need to be wined and dined. Pretty funny.


- The interview was being wrapped up, and he threw something out there unasked. Talked about Lovie coming from Dungy's system and coaching roots, and spoke glowing of Dungy, and basically said anyone who learned under Dungy and followed similar principles ran a team he would want to play for.


Maybe not the greatest interview, but did not come off as a jerk or ass, as you stated. Just seems you went into this looking for reasons to attack him, and found them, whether they were there or not.


He wasn't good at all. He said he liked Rex, but that was about it. He was a total jerk and asked Waddle if he played in the NFL and pretty much said he wasn't any good.


I don't want this ass on our team, sorry.

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I'd never thought about it before, but almost all other things being equal, why wouldn't a reciever want the more aggressive QB? Those picks don't go on his record. The deep ball plays make the highlight reels. Of course an overly aggressive QB may give the team a worse chance to win, but I can see a WR being able to convince himself that there's not really a difference between the two other than he gets bigger stats with the aggressive QB.

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