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Furrey released by Lions


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Read an article that said our future interest in Lloyd may come down to how much sway Turner has. The impression is Turner may not have much of an issue w/ Lloyd, but Lovie does. So whether or not we make a player for Lloyd may come down to whether or not Turner can convince Lovie he has value for the team. Personally, I think we simply take a pass on him. To me, it just seems like Lovie really soured on him. The article mentions his injury and how long it took him to return from it, also saying most player w/ the same injury would have returned in half the time. Combine that w/ his bonehead comment about not returning before he is 100%, and I just think Lovie is ready to see him leave.


Whether or not we keep Booker may, IMHO, come down to what our plans are at the WR position. If we add a veteran in FA, I think Booker is gone. If we add a WR through the draft, I can see the staff keeping Booker. If we add a rookie, our experience level at WR will be very low w/o Booker. I can see us simply letting him walk, but if we have so little at the position, both in talent and experience, I can simply see the staff giving him another year to show he has something left in the tank.

I liked what I saw from Lloyd on the field, but have to leave his fate to the staff, as they know what he's really like. Man he has the ability to make some great grabs.


On Booker, you must think the staff are idiots (as I do :wacko: ) to think they feel he may have something left in the tank. We saw what he had already and so did Miami in letting him walk.

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I liked what I saw from Lloyd on the field, but have to leave his fate to the staff, as they know what he's really like. Man he has the ability to make some great grabs.


On Booker, you must think the staff are idiots (as I do :wacko: ) to think they feel he may have something left in the tank. We saw what he had already and so did Miami in letting him walk.



I think we've seen enough of Booker to know he simply doesn't have anything of value left. It's time we move on. With regards to Lloyd, I think based on what I saw when he played, he fared well. He had an opportunity here to actually be the #1 WR based on Booker, Davis and Hester's production but his injury and subsequent idiotic ramblings about not playing till he was 100% healed basically took him right out of the running. Now, does that mean he would be our #1 if we kept him? Absolutely not but, if somebody could bash some sense into him and let him know that the pathway leading from his thoughts to his mouth needs to be repaved and at the very least, traveled carefully, he could definitely be a good #2 WR with upside.

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Leopards tend not to change their spots...


With regards to Lloyd, I think based on what I saw when he played, he fared well. He had an opportunity here to actually be the #1 WR based on Booker, Davis and Hester's production but his injury and subsequent idiotic ramblings about not playing till he was 100% healed basically took him right out of the running. Now, does that mean he would be our #1 if we kept him? Absolutely not but, if somebody could bash some sense into him and let him know that the pathway leading from his thoughts to his mouth needs to be repaved and at the very least, traveled carefully, he could definitely be a good #2 WR with upside.
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I wanted to cut Booker after camp last year and was voted off the island. I certainly don't want him around this year. There's no benefit. Give the reps to Bennett we need to know if he can play or not and go get someone else to fill out the roster. Lloyd can go too IMO but depending on who we pick up this offseason I can see us giving him another 1 year deal with no bonus and seeing if he ends up in our top 5 WR.

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