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PFT's Cap Numbers


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Profootballtalk.com listed what they have projected for team's cap numbers:



They have the Bears listed at 104 million, meaning we're 20 million under the 124 million cap. Which sounds great, until you realize that 15 other teams have as much or more money to spend then the Bears. Twenty-five teams have at least 10 million to spend. Our capmeister LT projected we'd have 27 million to spend, and I believe that completely. But I'm guessing that many other teams are like the Bears with more money to spend.


I mainly point this out because it appears to be a seller's market. ESPN has a nice list of available free agents at all positions & their rankings:



It appears to me there's more money to go around then there are players to earn that coin.


I just think that players like Gross & Peppers will get deals that exceed 100 million. The Bears aren't quite desperate enough that we need to spend "crazy money" on any position.


I guess I'm predicting we won't do much in free agency.

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While the cap may be going up yes...I wonder how the actual financial situation of these teams currently looks. It's all but guaranteed that their owners have taken beatings in the markets in the last year.


Also noted...these #'s are all pre-cap-shuffling. The Bears won't be tagging anyone, the Bears don't really have anyone they need to extend other than possibly Orton and I think it looks like they're going to wait on him until next season, the Bears might well be able to save a little more by renegotiating a contract or two (Vasher?) or by making a cut or two as well.

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While the cap may be going up yes...I wonder how the actual financial situation of these teams currently looks. It's all but guaranteed that their owners have taken beatings in the markets in the last year.


Also noted...these #'s are all pre-cap-shuffling. The Bears won't be tagging anyone, the Bears don't really have anyone they need to extend other than possibly Orton and I think it looks like they're going to wait on him until next season, the Bears might well be able to save a little more by renegotiating a contract or two (Vasher?) or by making a cut or two as well.


Exactly right, we do not have to spend big bucks to keep any of our players turning free agents this year, some of those teams with more cap space will have to spend big bucks to resign their own free agents. If they do not sign them, it increases the depth of FA for us.

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Agreed w/ both of you.


While teams may be loaded w/ cap space, most teams owners are also dealing w/ harsh financial times, and thus may not be as willing to fork over the massive bonus dollars. You use up your cap space w/o giving up a ton of upfront bonus money to a player. There will be some teams out there still willing to fork over the cash upfront, but I think the market may be lower than players would like, and deals simply may not be as massive as some think.


Also, as already said, we have $20m (or so) in space, but also few in-house FAs to sign, or players due for an extension, as in the past. That means the entire amount of cap space can be used on FAs. For example, Baltimore has the same amount of cap space as well, but they are a very long list of players hitting the market, including many starters and FAs. They will be hard pressed to bring back a portion of their own players, much less be players in the FA market.


A team I am going to be very interested in is Detroit. They have as much as $40m in cap space. They have MANY holes, but I have heard their names mentioned for numerous big name FAs. I read they could make a play for Haynworth, for example, among others. On the other hand, you have to believe the Fords are not exactly wanting to spend massive cash on bonuses right now, so it will be interesting to see how the approach FA.


Exactly right, we do not have to spend big bucks to keep any of our players turning free agents this year, some of those teams with more cap space will have to spend big bucks to resign their own free agents. If they do not sign them, it increases the depth of FA for us.
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Agreed w/ both of you.


While teams may be loaded w/ cap space, most teams owners are also dealing w/ harsh financial times, and thus may not be as willing to fork over the massive bonus dollars. You use up your cap space w/o giving up a ton of upfront bonus money to a player. There will be some teams out there still willing to fork over the cash upfront, but I think the market may be lower than players would like, and deals simply may not be as massive as some think.


Also, as already said, we have $20m (or so) in space, but also few in-house FAs to sign, or players due for an extension, as in the past. That means the entire amount of cap space can be used on FAs. For example, Baltimore has the same amount of cap space as well, but they are a very long list of players hitting the market, including many starters and FAs. They will be hard pressed to bring back a portion of their own players, much less be players in the FA market.


A team I am going to be very interested in is Detroit. They have as much as $40m in cap space. They have MANY holes, but I have heard their names mentioned for numerous big name FAs. I read they could make a play for Haynworth, for example, among others. On the other hand, you have to believe the Fords are not exactly wanting to spend massive cash on bonuses right now, so it will be interesting to see how the approach FA.

Detroit is going to have to "overpay" to attract any top free agents. They are going have to "earn" a reputation as a team that players want to play for before they can be competitive in FA. As of now Detroit has been the toilet of the league for years and winners will not go there. On the other hand, Detroit has to be very careful who they spen on, as they may continue their string of bad luck by signing money grubbers.

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Agreed that few FAs are likely looking at Det as a 1st option. IMHO, most players will interview w/ Detroit, if for no other reason than to bump up the offers from other teams. Still, I can see Det making a play for a player like Haynsworth, who is already on record saying he will go to the highest bidder.


Detroit is going to have to "overpay" to attract any top free agents. They are going have to "earn" a reputation as a team that players want to play for before they can be competitive in FA. As of now Detroit has been the toilet of the league for years and winners will not go there. On the other hand, Detroit has to be very careful who they spen on, as they may continue their string of bad luck by signing money grubbers.
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Agreed that few FAs are likely looking at Det as a 1st option. IMHO, most players will interview w/ Detroit, if for no other reason than to bump up the offers from other teams. Still, I can see Det making a play for a player like Haynsworth, who is already on record saying he will go to the highest bidder.

Haynesworth is a huge wildcard as a FA. GM's are very leary, as they are unsure of his performance being FA related. If he's saying that he's going to top bidder, it is a mistake that may cost him $$. Detroit has a chance to get a beast or a guy that goes totally complacent with cash in hand. If Detroit signs him, of course the latter will happen. :D

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Those were not his "exact" words, but basically what he has said. He said he was not going to give his team a hometown discount. He has said that he has been looking forward to FA to get was he has earned. He has made several other comments, all pointing to money. He has also said he wants to be the highest paid defensive player in the NFL, which means he is looking for a deal that tops Freeney.


If he knew you were going to get the Haynsworth of 2008, I think numerous teams would give him that deal. But there lies the rub. He has always had weight issues, and only this year, a contract year, did he seem to put all the work ethic and character issues behind him. What happens when he signs and gets paid. Personally, I think he goes back to being fat and lazy.


W/ that said, I can see Detroit being desperate enough to give him what he wants and taking the chance.


Haynesworth is a huge wildcard as a FA. GM's are very leary, as they are unsure of his performance being FA related. If he's saying that he's going to top bidder, it is a mistake that may cost him $$. Detroit has a chance to get a beast or a guy that goes totally complacent with cash in hand. If Detroit signs him, of course the latter will happen. :D
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