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This statement from Angelo kinds Ticks me off....


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Angelo feels attitude, coaching will key defense's resurgence


This part of the item on the CB site irritates me, how about you?


Do we want to infuse it with more talent? Yes, we do, and we’re going to be looking at some positions to do that. But I certainly feel like we have a pretty good nucleus and there’s no reason to believe that we can’t play good defense this year and be the defense maybe not that we were a few years ago but certainly be a more consistent defense and a more opportunistic defense.


I'm sorry, but that seems to be a negative that I would not expect to be said by a GM or HC.

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Angelo feels attitude, coaching will key defense's resurgence


This part of the item on the CB site irritates me, how about you?




I'm sorry, but that seems to be a negative that I would not expect to be said by a GM or HC.


I wanted to throw my computer through the window about that whole interview. He is basically saying that he put all the necessary talent out there, and its the players and coaches that aren't getting it done.


Seriously Jerry? You think we had enough talent at WR last year? You think you did a good job keeping up with the offensive line? You think you made good draft choices outside of Forte? You think you made good decisions on which defensive players to extend?


He's talking like a man who either has no clue about how much trouble his roster is in, or has been told he can't spend $ and he's trying to put lipstick on the situation.

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I wanted to throw my computer through the window about that whole interview. He is basically saying that he put all the necessary talent out there, and its the players and coaches that aren't getting it done.


Seriously Jerry? You think we had enough talent at WR last year? You think you did a good job keeping up with the offensive line? You think you made good draft choices outside of Forte? You think you made good decisions on which defensive players to extend?


He's talking like a man who either has no clue about how much trouble his roster is in, or has been told he can't spend $ and he's trying to put lipstick on the situation.


I think you guys are reading into it.


Pix - All he's saying is that this defense was really special a few years ago and that they have the ability to get close to that again. If the players take that as a negative and decide to prove him wrong, well then so be it! ;)


Milwaukeebear - Dude, the article is about the defense exclusively. Geez - talk about reading anything in the paper and using it to bitch about whatever pisses you off whether it pertains to the subject or not.

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i know this could be angelo posturing before free agency and the draft but if this diatribe rings true or means anything at all i find it very disturbing.


By: Larry Mayer - http://www.chicagobears.com/news/NewsStory.asp?story_id=5609


“Two things—attitude and coaching,” Angelo said during a 45-minute session with Chicago media Saturday at the NFL Scouting Combine in Indianapolis. “I think both of those things could get our defense back and going and being a very good defense.


where were attitude and coaching last season? or the season before? are the designated positions (defense, offense, special teams) on this team so compartmentalized that there is no input from the head coach in any aspect at all? did the head coach even realize the team needed some serious hands on input or just didn't want to interfere with his staff? in other words if lovie could have made it better over the last TWO + years why didn't he?


"attitude"? what attitude is this clown talking about? do you mean to tell me that unless lovie is holding the specific reins in his hand on the defense that they have attitude or motivational problems??? is lovie an inanimate object during practice or in the film room that he couldn't inject this as a head coach? or that until this so called defensive line savior's arrival we would flounder as a defense because lovie doesn't have a clue?


“Do we want to infuse it with more talent? Yes, we do, and we’re going to be looking at some positions to do that. But I certainly feel like we have a pretty good nucleus and there’s no reason to believe that we can’t play good defense this year and be the defense maybe not that we were a few years ago but certainly be a more consistent defense and a more opportunistic defense.


“I feel very strongly about that, and it starts with the front. There’s no reason to believe that we don’t have the talent up front to do that, and we know that the front drives the train, particularly in our scheme.”


a "pretty good nucleus"? with the money this guy has spent and draft picks he has wasted we certainly should have more than "pretty" good players. no reason we can't play good defense "this year"? why couldn't we play good defense LAST year angie? it's the same core. or does a freakin defensive line coach make more of a difference than than your bloody head coach? and just what in the HELL makes him think this years defense will be more "opportunistic" than last?? if we "have enough talent upfront" then what is the reason we failed so miserably over the last 2+ years? and for god's sake angie at least get your metaphors correct. you don't "drive the train".


“Rod’s an excellent football coach. I think he’s going to get the most out of the players and hopefully they can take another step collectively as a group and individually. I don’t feel any reason why they can’t. Some have higher ceilings than others, but I feel that will be an improved group.


“I like the way our defensive staff is shaping up, and I’m counting on the fact that we’re going to do a better job of coaching. That in itself is going to make us a better football team, irrelevant of what [new players] we infuse in our football team this year.”


Many believe that Marinelli’s arrival will provide a boost for Harris, a three-time Pro Bowler who didn’t perform as consistency well last season as he had in the past. Harris has spent the past few weeks regularly watching tape in Marinelli's office at Halas Hall.


“My opinion on any player is this: If he wants to be great, there shouldn’t really be anything outside of injuries to keep him from being great, and with a coach like Rod, if Tommie wants to be great, he can be great,” Angelo said.


explain why the past coaching staff didn't "get the most" out of their players angie. or is it the players fault as you infer?


just who is going to run this circus? in fact explain why marinelli shouldn't BE the head coach if he does all you say and is the reason this team will be "better" because he showed up.

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I think Angelo knows the D doesn't have the talent it did a few years ago. Looking at it through the draft and free agency, he probably doesn't see anyone out there that will get us back to that level. Every stud on our D was 3 years younger then. When it comes down to it, I like the edge the staff is showing this off season. I wish they would have been calling it out the last 2 years. Anyway, we still can't believe a word said this time of year.

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I think you guys are reading into it.


Pix - All he's saying is that this defense was really special a few years ago and that they have the ability to get close to that again. If the players take that as a negative and decide to prove him wrong, well then so be it! ;)


Milwaukeebear - Dude, the article is about the defense exclusively. Geez - talk about reading anything in the paper and using it to bitch about whatever pisses you off whether it pertains to the subject or not.

I agree with Angelo on the defense (other than FS). The offense is a whole different situation.


Peace :dabears

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I don't understand the problem. JA and Lovie are basically saying the coaching was a big part of the problem and they are taking steps to correct it. They aren't saying we have the same talent level we did a few years ago but they are saying we should have gotten more out of the talent we had. That's the same thought that's been posted about over and over since the middle of the season.


We fire coaches, demote Babich and hire a proven stud Dline coach and folks are upset that JA and Lovie are creating expectations for the coaches to do a better job with the players they have? I'll stand out here because I totally agree with JA and Lovie.


As far as throwing players under the bus I don't think it's something they need to be doing all over the media but they came out and stated that Nate has to play better. Beyond that, it's draft and FA time why should they show everyone all their cards on player evaluations?

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Good points Lucky...your questions need answering by this team...


i know this could be angelo posturing before free agency and the draft but if this diatribe rings true or means anything at all i find it very disturbing.




where were attitude and coaching last season? or the season before? are the designated positions (defense, offense, special teams) on this team so compartmentalized that there is no input from the head coach in any aspect at all? did the head coach even realize the team needed some serious hands on input or just didn't want to interfere with his staff? in other words if lovie could have made it better over the last TWO + years why didn't he?


"attitude"? what attitude is this clown talking about? do you mean to tell me that unless lovie is holding the specific reins in his hand on the defense that they have attitude or motivational problems??? is lovie an inanimate object during practice or in the film room that he couldn't inject this as a head coach? or that until this so called defensive line savior's arrival we would flounder as a defense because lovie doesn't have a clue?




a "pretty good nucleus"? with the money this guy has spent and draft picks he has wasted we certainly should have more than "pretty" good players. no reason we can't play good defense "this year"? why couldn't we play good defense LAST year angie? it's the same core. or does a freakin defensive line coach make more of a difference than than your bloody head coach? and just what in the HELL makes him think this years defense will be more "opportunistic" than last?? if we "have enough talent upfront" then what is the reason we failed so miserably over the last 2+ years? and for god's sake angie at least get your metaphors correct. you don't "drive the train".




explain why the past coaching staff didn't "get the most" out of their players angie. or is it the players fault as you infer?


just who is going to run this circus? in fact explain why marinelli shouldn't BE the head coach if he does all you say and is the reason this team will be "better" because he showed up.

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This staff showed a similar attitude after the SB, and they blew it.


But I agree that, you can't trust what they are saying.


I think Angelo knows the D doesn't have the talent it did a few years ago. Looking at it through the draft and free agency, he probably doesn't see anyone out there that will get us back to that level. Every stud on our D was 3 years younger then. When it comes down to it, I like the edge the staff is showing this off season. I wish they would have been calling it out the last 2 years. Anyway, we still can't believe a word said this time of year.
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