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Here it is the list of FA Guards & Tackles


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Pos Player Name FA Status Previous Team Current Team


OT Stacy Andrews UFA Cincinnati Bengals Free Agent

OT Cody Balogh Signed Free Agent Chicago Bears

OT Khalif Barnes UFA Jacksonville Jaguars Free Agent

OG Joe Berger UFA Dallas Cowboys Free Agent

OT Mike Brisiel ERFA Houston Texans Free Agent

OT Wesley Britt RFA New England Patriots Free Agent

OG Elton Brown UFA Arizona Cardinals Free Agent

OG Milford Brown UFA Jacksonville Jaguars Free Agent

OL Rashad Butler RFA Houston Texans Free Agent

OG Cooper Carlisle UFA Oakland Raiders Free Agent

OG Kirk Chambers UFA Buffalo Bills Free Agent

OG Tyson Clabo RFA Atlanta Falcons Free Agent

OT Richard Collier RFA Jacksonville Jaguars Free Agent

OT Willie Colon RFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

OG Damion Cook UFA Detroit Lions Free Agent

OG Harvey Dahl RFA Atlanta Falcons Free Agent

OT Anthony Davis UFA Tampa Bay Buccaneers Free Agent

OL Damane Duckett UFA San Francisco 49ers Free Agent

OT Jon Dunn UFA (Cut) Detroit Lions Free Agent

OT Trai Essex RFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

OL Jahri Evans RFA New Orleans Saints Free Agent

OG Jason Fabini UFA Washington Redskins Free Agent

OT Dan Federkeil RFA Indianapolis Colts Free Agent

OG Kynan Forney UFA San Diego Chargers Free Agent

OT George Foster UFA Detroit Lions Free Agent

OL Renardo Foster UFA Atlanta Falcons Free Agent

OT Wayne Gandy UFA Atlanta Falcons Free Agent

OG Justin Geisinger RFA Washington Redskins Free Agent

OG Mike Goff UFA San Diego Chargers Free Agent

OT Adam Goldberg UFA St. Louis Rams Free Agent

OT Brandon Gorin UFA St. Louis Rams Free Agent

OG Chris Gray UFA Seattle Seahawks Free Agent

OT Kwame Harris UFA (Cut) Oakland Raiders Free Agent

OG Russ Hochstein UFA New England Patriots Free Agent

OT Scott Jackson UFA Houston Texans Free Agent

OT Marcus Johnson RFA Minnesota Vikings Free Agent

OT Adrian Jones UFA Kansas City Chiefs Free Agent

OG Chris Kemoeatu RFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

OG Pete Kendall UFA Washington Redskins Free Agent

OG Matt Lehr UFA New Orleans Saints Free Agent

OT Daniel Loper UFA Tennessee Titans Free Agent

OG Evan Mathis UFA Cincinnati Bengals Free Agent

OG Seth McKinney UFA Cleveland Browns Free Agent

OT Fred Miller UFA Chicago Bears Free Agent

OL Chris Morris RFA Oakland Raiders Free Agent

OG Edwin Mulitalo UFA (Cut) Detroit Lions Free Agent

OG Chris Naeole UFA Jacksonville Jaguars Free Agent

OT Frank Omiyale UFA Carolina Panthers Free Agent

OT Mike Otto RFA Tennessee Titans Free Agent

OL Tony Palmer RFA Green Bay Packers Free Agent

OG Erik Pears RFA Denver Broncos Free Agent

OT Donald Penn RFA Tampa Bay Buccaneers Free Agent

OL Duke Preston UFA Buffalo Bills Free Agent

OL Cory Procter UFA Dallas Cowboys Free Agent

OL Tyler Reed Re-signed Chicago Bears Chicago Bears

OT Jon Runyan UFA Philadelphia Eagles Free Agent

OG Blaine Saipaia UFA Detroit Lions Free Agent

OG Mark Setterstrom RFA St. Louis Rams Free Agent

OT Marvel Smith UFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

OT John St. Clair UFA Chicago Bears Free Agent

OT Max Starks FFA Pittsburgh Steelers Free Agent

OT Jon Stinchcomb UFA New Orleans Saints Free Agent

OG Barry Stokes UFA New England Patriots Free Agent

OL Zach Strief RFA New Orleans Saints Free Agent

OT Will Svitek Signed Free Agent Atlanta Falcons

OT Mark Tauscher UFA Green Bay Packers Free Agent

OT Tra Thomas UFA Philadelphia Eagles Free Agent

OG Fred Weary UFA Houston Texans Free Agent

OT Chris L. White UFA Houston Texans Free Agent

OG Jason Whittle UFA Buffalo Bills Free Agent

OT Ray Willis UFA Seattle Seahawks Free Agent

OG Floyd Womack UFA Seattle Seahawks Free Agent

OG Tony Wragge RFA San Francisco 49ers Free Agent

OG Billy Yates UFA (Cut) New England Patriots Free Agent

OT Eric Young UFA (Cut) Cleveland Browns Free Agent

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Wow, that's one hell of a long list. I sure hope Lovie and JA are doing their due dilligence on this and sign the right guys to solidify the line. It looks to me like it could be done, with the right FA and some solid draft selections. But then again, this ain't no perfect world and the Bears don't fill me with confidence about their ability to get this done right.

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Wow, that's one hell of a long list. I sure hope Lovie and JA are doing their due dilligence on this and sign the right guys to solidify the line. It looks to me like it could be done, with the right FA and some solid draft selections. But then again, this ain't no perfect world and the Bears don't fill me with confidence about their ability to get this done right.

IMHO I would look at Dahl from the Falcons, Britt from the Patriots and Willis from the Seahawks to help out our line.

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