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Even in offseason, It's a marathon not a sprint...


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Even in offseason, it's a marathon not a sprint


I was surprised the Bears were not listed as one of the five teams who have been very quiet in FA. Instead it centered on GBP, MIN, SDC, KCC & ATL. Still, it is interesting that the article sort of supports JA's approach to FA. I have no doubt our needs will be addressed. There are a good number of players who will be signing on the cheap who will be good additions. JA like many are just unwilling to overpay for a FA that once he gets his fat check will disappear. Once we have our March mini camp (when is it?) and evaluate our team, see who we pick up in the draft, we will make the necessary moves. Also let's not forget how many players are cut loose by teams later on in the summer.

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Even in offseason, it's a marathon not a sprint


I was surprised the Bears were not listed as one of the five teams who have been very quiet in FA. Instead it centered on GBP, MIN, SDC, KCC & ATL. Still, it is interesting that the article sort of supports JA's approach to FA. I have no doubt our needs will be addressed. There are a good number of players who will be signing on the cheap who will be good additions. JA like many are just unwilling to overpay for a FA that once he gets his fat check will disappear. Once we have our March mini camp (when is it?) and evaluate our team, see who we pick up in the draft, we will make the necessary moves. Also let's not forget how many players are cut loose by teams later on in the summer.

It may not come at the pace the fans like, but if we make some moves before the draft that helps then that is all that matters.

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Thanks for the post Pix!


Although it doesn't prevent my anxiety!


Even in offseason, it's a marathon not a sprint


I was surprised the Bears were not listed as one of the five teams who have been very quiet in FA. Instead it centered on GBP, MIN, SDC, KCC & ATL. Still, it is interesting that the article sort of supports JA's approach to FA. I have no doubt our needs will be addressed. There are a good number of players who will be signing on the cheap who will be good additions. JA like many are just unwilling to overpay for a FA that once he gets his fat check will disappear. Once we have our March mini camp (when is it?) and evaluate our team, see who we pick up in the draft, we will make the necessary moves. Also let's not forget how many players are cut loose by teams later on in the summer.

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Thanks for the post Pix!


Although it doesn't prevent my anxiety!


Diddo. JA must have really wanted Omiyale. Now he's just waiting for the FA frenzy to settle and, I hope, I hope, gets back in with players that can actually help.

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Diddo. JA must have really wanted Omiyale. Now he's just waiting for the FA frenzy to settle and, I hope, I hope, gets back in with players that can actually help.

By the way, does anyone remember when we signed Lloyd and K. Jones last year?

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From a quick search of the net, I found an article on 3/7/2008 about the signing of B Lloyd and an article on July 15th 2008 on the signing of K Jones.

Thanks Pix. So KJ was one of those late pickups. He could prove to be valuable for us.

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I generally agree with this philosophy and stand by it. IMO - this year is an abnormality. We have gaping holes at OT, WR and safety. Free agncy could have eliminated 2 out of 3 concerns without affecting our cap space much, especially with not needing to re-sign much of our own. IMO part II, is I honestly feel we were in the catbird seat, this off season, to seriously improve on our weaknesses without having to break the bank, even though that was possible. The core is established, the fire has been lit, but I'm afraid they feel that's enough. I just didn't see the talent.

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I haven't posted on here or been to this forum for quite a while, I try to avoid the offseason anxiety as much as possible at least till we get closer to the draft. Mainly cause it can get me worked up and anxious lol.


It's easy to get caught up in why we're not after this guy or that guy or making more of a splash, and I agree with the idea of being more cautious about who we look at and when. At the end of the day what really matters is if you signed and went after the guys who can help your team in FA and the draft. They aren't always the big name free agents or top 10 picks. Sure it does raise the blood pressure a little to see established players get signed elsewhere and thinking why didn't we go after him. Or knowing of someone who may become available and hope that we do and we don't.


FA can be as much a crap shoot as the draft, sure the odds are slightly better as you have something to gage from as they have experience in the NFL as opposed to college, but the same issues can rear their heads in the FA market. A successful WR FA could fail at his next stop due to being a product of the system he was successful in, benefitted from talent around him (solid QB, other solid receivers, solid run game, solid line, etc.). Put in the wrong system he fails. At the same time the opposite can hold true a solid wr in a bad situation can flourish in a good situation. We're not the only NFL team to get players who were supposed to be good that failed here. Though it sometimes seems like we have had more than our fair share of flops. We've also had players that flourished here. Thomas Jones revitalized his career here in Chicago, we've also had guys like Moose who were good came here and did nothing.


The key of any GM is finding the right mix of talent to make the team successful. As a fan it's not always easy when it may seem like the GM of your fav team is sitting on his hands doing nothing when you know the product on the field the previous season was well below expectations or performed poorly.

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