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Compensatory Picks


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Monday 23, the NFL owners will meet in California. Usually they award the compensatory picks during the second day of the meetings, so it won't be long until we find out if we get a 3rd or 4th from Berrian. We will possibly get 2 extra 7th's also from the loss of Gilmore and Ayebadajo.


This meeting will also be interesting to see if any info leaks out about how the owners will deal the the CBA and possible work stoppage. From what I've heard, they are planning on gaining more control that was lost to the players union in the last CBA. Hopefully out of it all, we have football and the put a cap on rookie contract.

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All I care about is what we get for Berrian. Seriously, I just do not care too much about a 6th or 7th at this point. What "will be sweet" is if we get a 3rd for Berrian.


It'll be sweet if we get a 6th for Ayanbadejo. IIRC, he made the pro-bowl again... that's gotta count for something.
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