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Cutler officially available

Ed Hochuli 3:16

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The Denver Broncos stopped playing games with their unhappy quarterback. Jay Cutler is available in a trade.


The team announced Tuesday night that they will start trade talks for Jay Cutler. Cutler continues to stay away from the team and refuses to respond to their calls or text messages.


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Can we please try to get him? If JA pulls it off, I promise not to criticize anything he does for a year. Well, okay, that's a bit much.

IF we pull off this trade I can only guarantee that there will be people on here pissed off because it one way or another. Its only nature of the board. lol

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Can we please try to get him? If JA pulls it off, I promise not to criticize anything he does for a year. Well, okay, that's a bit much.

So what do you guys think it will take? I think offering 2 #1s, this year and next and Orton, may not be enough. Detroit can give them there #1 and whatever, so that have there qb of the future, there wont be one there at our pick.

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(ASHKUM BEAR @ Mar 30 2009, 08:41 PM)

This tells me we may be preparing to trade if we sign Pace and Lucas. Maybe we trade our 1st and Tillman/Graham/Vasher to Denver for Cutler. Signing Pace would bolster the Oline, adding a leader who may step up his game if he knows his team has a chance. Lucas has been one of the better CB's in the NFC lately and would give the Bears even more flexiblity at the CB which hasn't been stellar or even solid which the Bears thought when they handed cash over to Tillman/Vasher. The news is now flowing and the sky is no longer falling, now just find a way to get Cutler.


Can people just not give up on this? Were not going to trade for Cutler.


Not going to give up just yet, not until it's clearly off the tables for the Bears.


1- The Bears were one of ten teams who called Denver showing interest.

2- Jerry Angelo stressed he needs to make a better effort at securing the QB position and that it all comes down to the QB. And if you think Baseanez was JA's answer, JA is smarter than that.

3- JA's interiew on Sirius radio said he was a little upset about not getting the $$ or blessings to go after a certain player, which IMO was Kurt Warner b/c it came down to having the $$. This also could have been about Cutler, but in all reality Cutler would only cost the Bears draft picks as he is still under contract, so I'm thinking Cutler wasn't on are radars yet.

4- Out of the 10 teams interested, the teams with the most ammo for Cutler go: 1-Detroit, 2-NY Jets, 3-Chicago in that order. If Detroit selects Stafford, you can cross them off, leaving NYJ vs CHI. The Jets have been "secretly" vocal about there desire for Cutler. (secretly b/c it's against NFL rules to mention his name and interest in him together)

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So what do you guys think it will take? I think offering 2 #1s, this year and next and Orton, may not be enough. Detroit can give them there #1 and whatever, so that have there qb of the future, there wont be one there at our pick.

If Detroit is going to offer the # 1 pick, you can't beat them in terms of total value on the draft charts. If I were Denver though, I really don't know if I'd want that pick.

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Well for me personally, we have Nathan Vasher who's a pro-bowler CB. Caleb Hanie who's going to be Tony Romo . . . along with our first round pick, is there any other crap we can throw onto the pile and hope Denver wants?


I'd love to see it happen, but it ain't going to happen.

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Well for me personally, we have Nathan Vasher who's a pro-bowler CB. Caleb Hanie who's going to be Tony Romo . . . along with our first round pick, is there any other crap we can throw onto the pile and hope Denver wants?


I'd love to see it happen, but it ain't going to happen.

I am afraid to get it done, it might be 2 #1s, and maybe Briggs, and Orton.

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What I'd offer:


Our 1st and 3rd round pick this year, Kyle Orton, Corey Graham, and a conditional pick in 2010 that is for sure a 2nd rounder that can become a 1st rounder depending on how Cutler does.


I wonder if that would interest the Broncos at all. Orton would just be a stop gap/competition, and Corey Graham is a decent man cover guy (probably the best CB we have in man coverage), and it'd most likely be 2 1st's and a 3rd as well. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd prefer Hanie over Orton.


Also, it'd give us a leg up on Shanny if we do fire Lovie after this year.

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So what do you guys think it will take? I think offering 2 #1s, this year and next and Orton, may not be enough. Detroit can give them there #1 and whatever, so that have there qb of the future, there wont be one there at our pick.


I've seen where it will take our 1, 2, 3 this year. This was out of a NY newpaper listing the teams with enough ammo to make it happen. NYJ edges ahead of CHI b/c there a couple of spots ahead of them in the order. Detroit has the most ammo, they have to decide if they need those extra picks to rebuild and select Stafford or Cutler and some later round picks. Det will probably go w/ Stafford. Tampa is also in the running, but don't have as much ammo as NYJ/CHI.


So would it be worth it? Giving up our draft dreams of Britton/Nicks for a potential franchise QB?


possible look:




3b-Fenuki Tupou OT 6-5 315 5.28

4-David Bruton FS 6-2 219 4.46

5-Johnny Knox WR 6-0 185 4.34

6-Aaron Kelly WR 6-5 204 4.49

7-Jamaal Westerman DE 6-2 257 4.78

7-Russell Allen OLB 6-3 230 4.63

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What I'd offer:


Our 1st and 3rd round pick this year, Kyle Orton, Corey Graham, and a conditional pick in 2010 that is for sure a 2nd rounder that can become a 1st rounder depending on how Cutler does.


I wonder if that would interest the Broncos at all. Orton would just be a stop gap/competition, and Corey Graham is a decent man cover guy (probably the best CB we have in man coverage), and it'd most likely be 2 1st's and a 3rd as well. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd prefer Hanie over Orton.


Also, it'd give us a leg up on Shanny if we do fire Lovie after this year.

Everybody can stop figuring it out, I just did. If you were Denver your going to get good valve from probably everybody, so I would trade him to the worst team I got the offer from, Detroit.

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What I'd offer:


Our 1st and 3rd round pick this year, Kyle Orton, Corey Graham, and a conditional pick in 2010 that is for sure a 2nd rounder that can become a 1st rounder depending on how Cutler does.


I wonder if that would interest the Broncos at all. Orton would just be a stop gap/competition, and Corey Graham is a decent man cover guy (probably the best CB we have in man coverage), and it'd most likely be 2 1st's and a 3rd as well. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they'd prefer Hanie over Orton.


Also, it'd give us a leg up on Shanny if we do fire Lovie after this year.

If we plan on getting Shanahan, we may as well include Forte in the deal and make it Forte, Orton, and our 2nd for Cutler because Shanahan can make any RB into a 1000 yard rusher.

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Sorry guys. I am not sold on Cutler at all. When I hear the name Jeff George brought up in comparison, it scares me. I know he has a big arm, but I'm not sold his being able to be a leader. Especially with how he has acted during this whole deal. Look how Orton acts when rumors about Cutler are brought up. He doesn't act like a little b*tch. He takes it in stride and with some class.


The most I would give up is our first this year.


There is no way I give up a 1, 2,3.


And if you want to ship Forte away I think you are insane.

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One of the things that made Cutler such a great quarterback is that he had recievers to throw to. We have Hester and tight ends. Not much else. Remember that Denver is on the hook to get rid of him. My question would be, how much say will Cutler have to where he goes? I imagine none. I wouldn't think Detroit because, with no concensus number one, Denver might not want the financial burden of trying to sign a first round pick. New York is on equal ground as Chicago with only a slight edge to Chicago due to the fact that we are in the NFC. My opinion is that Tampa Bay is the darkhorse. Warm place to play and they have shown more of a tendency than Chicago to go after players. Not to mention, I wouldn't know how to function as a bears fan if we had a true stud for a quarterback and not just Trent Dilfer clones

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Sorry guys. I am not sold on Cutler at all. When I hear the name Jeff George brought up in comparison, it scares me. I know he has a big arm, but I'm not sold his being able to be a leader. Especially with how he has acted during this whole deal. Look how Orton acts when rumors about Cutler are brought up. He doesn't act like a little b*tch. He takes it in stride and with some class.

Cutler has more clout than Orton. Actually, Orton has none. That's why he has to keep his mouth shut. That being said, Elway was the ultimate bitch when he publicly refused to play for the Colts pre draft. Do you think Cutler would get this trade if he didn't play the card the way he did? I personally would be livid if the 1st thing I got from my new coach is that he didn't want me. I think Cutler is somewhere between Elway and George. George being the greatest waste of talent in the history of the league. (zero leadership) I'm sure the Bears have a pretty good insight on the level of turd Cutler may be. Bennett would be a good start.

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I said it before and I'll say it again: there isn't a single player on the Bears roster that is off-limits when it comes to making this deal. That includes Hester, Forte, Harris, Urlacher, and Briggs, Tillman, whoever. I don't look at this solely as a draft pick bonanza because proven players put fans in the seats just as well and they play better right away. That might be a bigger factor for McDaniels and Bowlen in helping them to save face.


I really think this all comes down to two things: Who do they get to play QB this year followed by who plays the position down the road. Right now it appears Sanchez will be gone by the time Denver picks in the draft. At least that's a big enough risk I don't think they'd trade Cutler and take a chance on not getting him. That leaves one other guy...Josh Freeman




If Denver has decided that either Freeman or Sanchez will be successful in their system then a deal is on. This is the week scouts were supposed to return home and teams begin building their draft board. Now today Denver confirms they'll trade Cutler. I'll act like I can read tea leaves and say they'll take one of these two to be their QB of the future.


That leaves this year's QB up in the air. I think this is key with either Sanchez or Freeman as both have limited experience. I doubt they'd rely on Simms this year. If they think Orton can step in and run their system then it might help our cause.


Beyond Orton I have no idea what players Denver might have interest in. In a past thread many felt they wouldn't be interested in Hester. Their defense has been bad for years so I could see us giving up a CB or DT or both plus some picks all depending on the talent of the players we give up.

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Apparently the Bucs, Jets and Lions will be going after him the hardest. I doubt we get him. Were talking about Jerry Angelo here. His last big offseason aquisition was Moose. The funny thing is, Moose was good for 2 seasons and he helped us get to a superbowl. When we take risks, it often works. We just dont take enough of them....


His first preference would be Chicago or Tennessee. Tennessee seems to be sticking with the Collins/Young duo. That leaves DA BEARS! Don't blow it JA. You preached fixing the qb situation during the offseason. Well now is that chance for Chicago to get Bear fever for the first time since SBXLI.

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Last year Orton had a guy learning to be a WR, a rotation at the other starting spot, a bad line and coach to deal with. Hopefully, Hester has learned the position more and they will upgrade the other starting spot either through the draft, Holt, or an emergence of Bennett.


With Orton going into camp with another year as starter under his belt, first time the unquestioned starter, I'm actually looking forward to seeing what kind of strides he can make this year. This is actually the first time I've been happy with the Bears QB situation in years, Orton as starter and Hanie's potential.


Now I wouldn't be "Mad" if they traded for Cutler. I've been wanting the Bears to find a QB for years. I'm just not sure it's the right move to pursue him. Let's not forget what got Denver in the situation they are in. They alienated their QB. He wants to get the F out now.


There's been plenty of times in JA's history that the Bears had got in talks with players but didn't have what it took to pull it out, Plummer, Kearse and so on. If the Bears get involved and it leaks that they tried and failed to get Cutler, it could have major repercussions. Orton is on the last year of his contract and that could be enough to chase him off.


I think you also have to consider the needs on the offense. I know there are band aid's available in Pace and Holt if they pursue and sign them. Sooner or later they will need to be addressed in the draft and those players will need time to develop. If neither are landed, Cutler might have a hard time succeeding with no other viable options available and less draft picks.

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I would offer Tommie Harris, Orton and this years number 1 pick. This would allow Denver to trade up in the draft for Sanchez if they felt he was their QB of the future. Chris Sims is a very capable stopgap and he and Kyle could battle it out.


But like someone esle already stated you make evryone available and make it happen! We are not expecting this team to have a great year but if we added Cutler and built up the OL than next year we could add a few more players on "D". This is the perfect storm in Denver and I hope that JA and the Bears can get this done! This team will not win a superbowl until we have a modern offense mainly because the SB is played in warm weather cities or domed stadiums. There are no more championship ice bowls!

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John Clayton thinks the Bears will be in the final 3 in the running for Cutler. He thinks the Browns will somehow be involved in a 3-way deal as Denver wants Brady Quinn. Start putting together your trade packages....




How about Harris to Cleveland and Quinn to Denver with Cutler going to Chicago as a starting point?

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How about Harris to Cleveland and Quinn to Denver with Cutler going to Chicago as a starting point?

thats a good starting point....


Harris to Cleveland


Quinn to Denver


Bears first round (#18 pick) to Denver.


Cutler to Chicago




Denver gets Bears #18 pick and Brady Quinn


Chicago gets Cutler


Cleveland aqcuires Tommy Harris


This would be one of those situations where every team wins. Bears finally get there franchise QB. Cleveland upgrades there D-line and Denver has a new QB who can run the new system and gets another first round pick. Denver would then have the #12 AND #18 picks in this years draft providing them with a new core who will make an imediate impact. The Bears could go ahead and sign Holt and Pace instead of drafting offense this year in the first round.

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As much as I hate to see a good defender leave in Harris. He does have commitment issues and was bit a little by the injury bug. Why not role the dice. JA has shown to get good talent in the later rounds. And let's see just how good of a d-line coach Marinelli is. Point is we are not respected offensively.

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Cutler has more clout than Orton. Actually, Orton has none. That's why he has to keep his mouth shut. That being said, Elway was the ultimate bitch when he publicly refused to play for the Colts pre draft. Do you think Cutler would get this trade if he didn't play the card the way he did? I personally would be livid if the 1st thing I got from my new coach is that he didn't want me. I think Cutler is somewhere between Elway and George. George being the greatest waste of talent in the history of the league. (zero leadership) I'm sure the Bears have a pretty good insight on the level of turd Cutler may be. Bennett would be a good start.



So if Cutler is so good why did the first thing McDaniels try to do is trade for Cassell?

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I've seen where it will take our 1, 2, 3 this year. This was out of a NY newpaper listing the teams with enough ammo to make it happen. NYJ edges ahead of CHI b/c there a couple of spots ahead of them in the order. Detroit has the most ammo, they have to decide if they need those extra picks to rebuild and select Stafford or Cutler and some later round picks. Det will probably go w/ Stafford. Tampa is also in the running, but don't have as much ammo as NYJ/CHI.


So would it be worth it? Giving up our draft dreams of Britton/Nicks for a potential franchise QB?

Yes, absolutely. Not only is nothing is guaranteed in the draft, but more importantly, Cutler is a young, pro-bowl QB. Before playing one game he'd immediately become the best QB to ever play for the Bears in the modern-era of football.


It's even more worth it if we manage to sign Pace, further solidifying the O-line allowing us to get by at least another year or two without drafting an OT in the 1st or 2nd round. Meanwhile, we can always take a OT with our 1st or 2nd next year, allowing ample time for that prospect to develop while still having a good offensive line.

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