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Imagine if our training camp QB battle came down to Kyle Orton vs Chris Simms. Simms was the QB a lot thought JA would pursue to push Kyle along. Who would of won? Most likely Orton without a doubt, there wouldn't have been a real competition.


Now, we get to see this competition for real. Denver will most likely not hand this job over b/c of favorites. It'll come down to a real battle and we'll get to see if Kyle is actually a decent QB or not. What are the odds? Does our homerism already convince us that Kyle is the better QB? This may also show us that we've been wearing the koolaide goggles. What do you guys/gals think?

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Chris Simms has his work cut out for him. Kyle isn't trying to redeem his career like Chris. Nor has he been tiptoeing around, just hoping not to screw up. He's been steadily working towards this moment in his career and it's going to be fun to watch it all go down. ...just as long as it's not against us.

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Chris Simms has his work cut out for him. Kyle isn't trying to redeem his career like Chris. Nor has he been tiptoeing around, just hoping not to screw up. He's been steadily working towards this moment in his career and it's going to be fun to watch it all go down. ...just as long as it's not against us.


Plus, Kyle's on the last year of his deal, so he's playing for a contract AND to stick it to the Bears. Should be interesting.

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