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Cutler setting the expectations already


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Cutler isn't wasting any time taking the reins of our offense. I'm not used to hearing this type of stuff from any Bears QB. From all I've read in the last two days the offensive players are lining up behind him too.





Much has been made about the Bears' lack of weapons at wide receiver, and certainly the team needs improvement. The team still has a second-round pick, and it should be used on a wide receiver. But rookies can't be counted on for immediate impact. The Bears learned that last year when third-rounder Earl Bennett never saw the light of day. Bennett is a close friend of Cutler from their days at Vanderbilt. Cutler values the receiver so much, he went back to his old school for Bennett's pro day before the draft last year so the receiver had a chance to show off his stuff.


''I know what Earl is capable of doing, and I will be able to get it out of him,'' Cutler said. ''I am 100 percent sure of that. That is not going to be a problem. You are obviously going to see a different receiver this year because I think everyone is a little down on him right now.''

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Another article same topic.





"He knows how to get all of his guys up," said Bears offensive tackle Chris Williams, who played with Cutler at Vanderbilt. "He doesn't overreact. But if someone needs to be yelled at to get it going, that's what he will do."


It creates a compelling dynamic on the Bears. For the first time in the 11 years Olin Kreutz has been in town, the player behind center is a bigger star than the center. Kreutz polices everything from locker-room code to sideline demeanor but never has had a quarterback with Cutler's combination of skill and swagger lead a huddle. And lead Cutler will.


If an impressive first day at Halas Hall proved anything, it was how natural of a leader Cutler is and Bears players will have to adjust to him more than he will to them.


This isn't an experiment, guys. This is a culture change.

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Another article same topic.





"He knows how to get all of his guys up," said Bears offensive tackle Chris Williams, who played with Cutler at Vanderbilt. "He doesn't overreact. But if someone needs to be yelled at to get it going, that's what he will do."


It creates a compelling dynamic on the Bears. For the first time in the 11 years Olin Kreutz has been in town, the player behind center is a bigger star than the center. Kreutz polices everything from locker-room code to sideline demeanor but never has had a quarterback with Cutler's combination of skill and swagger lead a huddle. And lead Cutler will.


If an impressive first day at Halas Hall proved anything, it was how natural of a leader Cutler is and Bears players will have to adjust to him more than he will to them.


This isn't an experiment, guys. This is a culture change.


I am ready for a culture change. We need vocal leaders who have no problem yelling at teammates if that is what it takes to get them back up. It is the 1 thing I don't like about Lovie and also Url. They both lead by example but neither of them are vocal leaders. Our 1 true leader on D last year is gone(mike brown)we will all miss him but who will step up this year and be that Leader. I am kinda hoping its Briggs or Harris.

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I am ready for a culture change. We need vocal leaders who have no problem yelling at teammates if that is what it takes to get them back up. It is the 1 thing I don't like about Lovie and also Url. They both lead by example but neither of them are vocal leaders. Our 1 true leader on D last year is gone(mike brown)we will all miss him but who will step up this year and be that Leader. I am kinda hoping its Briggs or Harris.

Maybe Brian Url will get the idea and step up on D. I really doubt it, though. Briggs could be the man, but our D seems to be loadede with guys who are great individual players who also like to playwith other individual players. None have yet to stand out as a leader who rallies the rest of the team when necessary.

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I don't think either are leaders. They are great players, and some would argue the sort that leads by example, but is that being a leader? To an extent, maybe. But just because you are playing as best as you can, I just am not sure I would call that in itself being a leader. I think there is more to leadership than that.


I am talked about this before, but for whatever reason, I just do not think our team has leaders.


On defense, once we had Mike Brown, but even he talked about how it was difficult to be a vocal leader when missing so much time, or at least that was the way he felt. Of the rest of the D, I am just not sure any are real leaders.


On offense, the one player we always here about is Kreutz. Maybe he was, but is he still today? As Brown said, it is hard to be a vocal leader when you are not playing great, and Kreutz has not played great for some time. It's hard to preach to another teamate about assignments when you are constantly blowing your own assignment. He may still be somewhat of a leader, but I doubt he is a leader today like he once was.


Hope for leadership.




It all starts w/ Cutler, who has always been a bit cocky (in a good way IMHO). Many in the media question his leadership due to recent events, but I do not recall his field leadership ever being questioned prior. While many players talk about how difficult it is to be a leader joining a new team, I do not think Cutler will feel that way, especially as a QB. I think he is more the type to take the reigns from day one and not let go.


Pace - I still have my personal issue w/ his being a LT, but that aside, he is w/o question a player I see others looking to for leadership. I think R.Brown provided some leadership a few years ago, and see the same from Pace, if not more so. While he too is new, I think future HOF players are an exception to the rule.




Honestly, I still do not see one. Briggs, Urlacher and Harris are our best players, and yet none have shown field leadership IMHO. If they have gone this long w/o, I question why we should suddenly expect different. That is one aspect I think is huge in the draft. I really want to see players w/ leadership qualityies added. While they may not provide instant leadership, my hope is more down the road.


Briggs is 100 times more of a leader than Brian, however, Brian is a quiet leader that commands respect. I'd just argue that he's failed the past years to step up and be vocal when it was necessary.
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I don't think either are leaders. They are great players, and some would argue the sort that leads by example, but is that being a leader? To an extent, maybe. But just because you are playing as best as you can, I just am not sure I would call that in itself being a leader. I think there is more to leadership than that.


I am talked about this before, but for whatever reason, I just do not think our team has leaders.


On defense, once we had Mike Brown, but even he talked about how it was difficult to be a vocal leader when missing so much time, or at least that was the way he felt. Of the rest of the D, I am just not sure any are real leaders.


On offense, the one player we always here about is Kreutz. Maybe he was, but is he still today? As Brown said, it is hard to be a vocal leader when you are not playing great, and Kreutz has not played great for some time. It's hard to preach to another teamate about assignments when you are constantly blowing your own assignment. He may still be somewhat of a leader, but I doubt he is a leader today like he once was.


Hope for leadership.




It all starts w/ Cutler, who has always been a bit cocky (in a good way IMHO). Many in the media question his leadership due to recent events, but I do not recall his field leadership ever being questioned prior. While many players talk about how difficult it is to be a leader joining a new team, I do not think Cutler will feel that way, especially as a QB. I think he is more the type to take the reigns from day one and not let go.


Pace - I still have my personal issue w/ his being a LT, but that aside, he is w/o question a player I see others looking to for leadership. I think R.Brown provided some leadership a few years ago, and see the same from Pace, if not more so. While he too is new, I think future HOF players are an exception to the rule.




Honestly, I still do not see one. Briggs, Urlacher and Harris are our best players, and yet none have shown field leadership IMHO. If they have gone this long w/o, I question why we should suddenly expect different. That is one aspect I think is huge in the draft. I really want to see players w/ leadership qualityies added. While they may not provide instant leadership, my hope is more down the road.




Agree on both counts.


We have already witnessed some of Cutler's leadership. He has talked about how good Bennett will be and he is putting in calls to Plax.


Pace I look for to bring back some accountibility to the oline. Kruetz gets in peoples faces, but when you play like crap and you do that, the other players will ignore you since you dont practice what you preach.



On defense, when you have no vocal "leaders" the leadership must come from the coaches. So I think this aspect will change with Marinelli and Lovie being more hands on. Or so I hope.

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Briggs is 100 times more of a leader than Brian, however, Brian is a quiet leader that commands respect. I'd just argue that he's failed the past years to step up and be vocal when it was necessary.



Yeah I saw that when he ran away form his leased Lamborghini on the expressway. That was very leader-ish of him. All kidding aside, though I think Briggs and his infamous forearm is a much needed enforcer on the field.

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