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Vanderbilt Coach Defends Cutler


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Vanderbilt Coach Defends Cutler

Posted by Aaron Wilson on April 17, 2009, 11:25 a.m.

During Jay Cutler’s messy divorce from the Denver Broncos, his reputation took a major hit as he was widely portrayed as a spoiled, petulant brat in NFL circles.


In the wake of Cutler receiving a mountain’s worth of bad publicity during the process of being traded to the Chicago Bears, Cutler’s Vanderbilt coach Bobby Johnson spoke out this week during a conference call to defend his former star player, according to Maurice Patton of the Tennessean.


“I saw him (painted) as a whiner, spoiled, things like that,” Johnson said. “That’s the furthest thing from Jay Cutler you could imagine. … During his career here at Vanderbilt, he never whined, never whimpered. He was a trooper for us.


“He did everything we could ask him to do. To see him labeled like he was, was really disappointing to me. I did get the chance to talk to him and he told me exactly what happened. I’m still a huge Jay Cutler fan.”

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