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I've been talking Bears and football with you guys for aprox. 6 years on 2 sites and know that I would follow you guys to the end of the internet LOL.


For the past 5 years during draft time I have been producing a little generic draft guide based on what I can see on my TV during games and workouts that I can view. Thats why my partipation on this site during draft time has dwindled. I'm busy compiling my unscientific research typing it into my computer and then printing up a few copies for my co workers so they can follow the draft a little better than they would be able to through the newspapers they find in our lunchroom.


So what I'm asking is why not all of us who like this site and love evaluating talent each start contributing to a draft prospect thread at this time of year every year. Though we may not agree on every aspect of a prospects ability we can have some much more informed debates and we can have the satisfaction of doing are own evaluations. I always take you guys tips and comments under consideration when I produce my free guide. The way I do this is unique because I just type it like the guy sitting on the bar stool who loves football btu I clean up the language. LOL Let me know what you guys think about doing this.

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I've been talking Bears and football with you guys for aprox. 6 years on 2 sites and know that I would follow you guys to the end of the internet LOL.


For the past 5 years during draft time I have been producing a little generic draft guide based on what I can see on my TV during games and workouts that I can view. Thats why my partipation on this site during draft time has dwindled. I'm busy compiling my unscientific research typing it into my computer and then printing up a few copies for my co workers so they can follow the draft a little better than they would be able to through the newspapers they find in our lunchroom.


So what I'm asking is why not all of us who like this site and love evaluating talent each start contributing to a draft prospect thread at this time of year every year. Though we may not agree on every aspect of a prospects ability we can have some much more informed debates and we can have the satisfaction of doing are own evaluations. I always take you guys tips and comments under consideration when I produce my free guide. The way I do this is unique because I just type it like the guy sitting on the bar stool who loves football btu I clean up the language. LOL Let me know what you guys think about doing this.


Sounds like a good idea and I think it would even be cooler if we can produce a mock draft that would be submitted to hailed redskins mock draft board. I'll be honest, I only watch a handful of college games mainly Notre Dame and Illinois. Then a game here or there when I'm bored on Sat. afternoons. If you get something going, I wouldn't mind chipping in.

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Agreed. That is something I have always loved at draft time on this board. We have posters spread out across the country, and w/ many different college fans. I see a lot of Texas, Texas Tech and Oklahoma games, and watch a few other teams from the region, but do not see a ton of games from other conferences. Further, I would add that (as this would be true for most) living here, I also hear on the local sports talk quite a bit about prospects from the area.


So if everyone chipped in, it could make for an interesting collection.


Sounds like a good idea and I think it would even be cooler if we can produce a mock draft that would be submitted to hailed redskins mock draft board. I'll be honest, I only watch a handful of college games mainly Notre Dame and Illinois. Then a game here or there when I'm bored on Sat. afternoons. If you get something going, I wouldn't mind chipping in.
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Agreed. That is something I have always loved at draft time on this board. We have posters spread out across the country, and w/ many different college fans. I see a lot of Texas, Texas Tech and Oklahoma games, and watch a few other teams from the region, but do not see a ton of games from other conferences. Further, I would add that (as this would be true for most) living here, I also hear on the local sports talk quite a bit about prospects from the area.


So if everyone chipped in, it could make for an interesting collection.

Great idea lemonej. And Nfo's right, wehave guys here from all over the college grid and could gain great insights on players.

Personally, not being able to see any college games, this would give me some interesting info leading up to the draft, from guys that I know are not BSing. :headbang (well, maybe not)

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Back in 2004 when I was restricted to my apartment do to health reasons and had tons of time on my hands SportsInfinity.net (the group that was our host for Bearstalk.com) started a draft site and asked me to be the lead publisher for the site's player profiles. I had several others helping to give me some views on players around the country which I would edit and publish along with a picture of the player in action. By the end of the draft I had slightly over 800 players written up and published on their site. With only appx 250 players being drafted, I thought I weould succeed in having a write up on every player drafted. Not to be, there was a dozen or more players drafted I never heard of and failed to have writeups on. I was totally pissed. LOL


I think it would be a great idea. The trick is how to compile the entries from our posters to give us an accessable database for all to view instead of just a lengthy thread without any form of orgainization.

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Guys thanks for the positive response because unlike some of you I didn't play organized football and have actually played baseball and ran track in high school but have been a football fan since the mid 60's. Since the 70's I have been a big fan of the draft and now I'm obsessed with it. I have a job that has me clocked in at 4am and home by noon most of the time so on Saturdays after work I would slumped in front of the TV watching the college games from that time until I fall asleep at night. Some Saturdays I have viewed parts of 8 games from various networks from CBS, ABC, ESPN,FSN,BTN(Big 10) and VS. A lot of these players I have actually seen play live but I'm not going to lie and say I saw a Johnny Knox or a Jarron Gilbert play but guys like Big Ben, Byron Leftwich,Tony Schefler,Chad Pennington,Greg Jennings and even PJ Pope. I saw play because this area gets quite a few MAC games.


What I have in mind has to be totally from eveyrone's perspective for example: I consider myself a couch potato so my guide that I have been giving my friends has been titled The Couch Potato Scout's Draft Guide. My whole concept is that I make some football related comments but most are like I'm sitting in a room full of guys drinking beers saying man dis guyz pretty good. This way I get to follow something I love and talk about it in my language. I could careless if a 300 lb lineman can run 40 yards. Just get in the way of someone for about 5 and1/2 and let the RB shoot past you.


Here's what I say about the number one overall pick:

Matthew Stafford 6-2 230 Georgia

He is the best in a weak group and he is an underclassman. He can make all the throws and is a great leader. he is very confident and tends to think his arm will win every challenge. Underclassman QBs tend to struggle in the NFL. Buyer Beware!


I say we do this with no regards to grammar, sentence structure or whatever just say what you feel about a player. I always start my intense research around bowl game time and cap things of with the Combine and internet reports from the pro days. I'm a big advocate of watching Senior Bowl practice because it is conducted by NFL teams and I like watching the East-West Shrine game also. I avoid putting 40 times in because theris sometimes tremendous differences between Combine times and pro day times so I took that out of my guide but I do make reference to a guy if he ran the fastest time at the Combine or if he had a blistering time at his pro day with the comment his stock rose after he ran a xyz at his pro day or at the Combine.


Guys I think we can do this and it will be a lot of fun.

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Sounds good! Would you be in theory looking for posters to pick a guy per se, and then do the bio like your Stafford Example? Maybe have something close to a sign up sheet?


Guys thanks for the positive response because unlike some of you I didn't play organized football and have actually played baseball and ran track in high school but have been a football fan since the mid 60's. Since the 70's I have been a big fan of the draft and now I'm obsessed with it. I have a job that has me clocked in at 4am and home by noon most of the time so on Saturdays after work I would slumped in front of the TV watching the college games from that time until I fall asleep at night. Some Saturdays I have viewed parts of 8 games from various networks from CBS, ABC, ESPN,FSN,BTN(Big 10) and VS. A lot of these players I have actually seen play live but I'm not going to lie and say I saw a Johnny Knox or a Jarron Gilbert play but guys like Big Ben, Byron Leftwich,Tony Schefler,Chad Pennington,Greg Jennings and even PJ Pope. I saw play because this area gets quite a few MAC games.


What I have in mind has to be totally from eveyrone's perspective for example: I consider myself a couch potato so my guide that I have been giving my friends has been titled The Couch Potato Scout's Draft Guide. My whole concept is that I make some football related comments but most are like I'm sitting in a room full of guys drinking beers saying man dis guyz pretty good. This way I get to follow something I love and talk about it in my language. I could careless if a 300 lb lineman can run 40 yards. Just get in the way of someone for about 5 and1/2 and let the RB shoot past you.


Here's what I say about the number one overall pick:

Matthew Stafford 6-2 230 Georgia

He is the best in a weak group and he is an underclassman. He can make all the throws and is a great leader. he is very confident and tends to think his arm will win every challenge. Underclassman QBs tend to struggle in the NFL. Buyer Beware!


I say we do this with no regards to grammar, sentence structure or whatever just say what you feel about a player. I always start my intense research around bowl game time and cap things of with the Combine and internet reports from the pro days. I'm a big advocate of watching Senior Bowl practice because it is conducted by NFL teams and I like watching the East-West Shrine game also. I avoid putting 40 times in because theris sometimes tremendous differences between Combine times and pro day times so I took that out of my guide but I do make reference to a guy if he ran the fastest time at the Combine or if he had a blistering time at his pro day with the comment his stock rose after he ran a xyz at his pro day or at the Combine.


Guys I think we can do this and it will be a lot of fun.

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Sounds good! Would you be in theory looking for posters to pick a guy per se, and then do the bio like your Stafford Example? Maybe have something close to a sign up sheet?

No since all this would be about guys in your region we would be gathering data about certain players and then like Pix posted we would need someone to edit our data. For instance I can't remember if you were a Purdue fan or not but I can see you maybe being a little more focused on that programs pro prospects.

I for example attended Western Illinois for a couple of years so I always keep an eye on the Leatherneck prospects like this year Jason Williams the fas LB the Cowboys drafted and RB Herb Donaldson who to this point I'm not sure who he signed with. This program has produced Steelers Safety Mike Wagner in the 70's, Bryan Cox and Aaron Stecker.

I would want you to do a bio of as many guys you wish and there may be more than one bio about a player and we could do a Kiper-McShay type of thing and list the bio from both guys or even a few guys. Generally you know there may be a slight difference of opinion from two perspectives of someone you have a gauge on. But in most cases the difference could be resolved with the an impartial party(editor) who can make an assessment based on the information provided by whoever. In my case I didn't have to edit anything because it was my point of view.

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Gotcha. I live in LA, and many of my local freinds are USC or UCLA guys. In turn, I get to know their players a lot. I went to Cal Poly SLO, so I can handle the rare few from there as well. With my dad an Illini alum, I follow them a bit. Additionally, there's a few OSU guys at work that keep me posted. I'm happy to contribute with what I can!


Sounds like we'll just pool it all together at the end...


No since all this would be about guys in your region we would be gathering data about certain players and then like Pix posted we would need someone to edit our data. For instance I can't remember if you were a Purdue fan or not but I can see you maybe being a little more focused on that programs pro prospects.

I for example attended Western Illinois for a couple of years so I always keep an eye on the Leatherneck prospects like this year Jason Williams the fas LB the Cowboys drafted and RB Herb Donaldson who to this point I'm not sure who he signed with. This program has produced Steelers Safety Mike Wagner in the 70's, Bryan Cox and Aaron Stecker.

I would want you to do a bio of as many guys you wish and there may be more than one bio about a player and we could do a Kiper-McShay type of thing and list the bio from both guys or even a few guys. Generally you know there may be a slight difference of opinion from two perspectives of someone you have a gauge on. But in most cases the difference could be resolved with the an impartial party(editor) who can make an assessment based on the information provided by whoever. In my case I didn't have to edit anything because it was my point of view.

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They do something similar over on the SOXTalk for players in the minors. I think they have one person per prospect to follow and give a farm report thread for each player. Very cool idea. You could organize like scouting personell director and have members assigned into different college football conferences and or by position and they will post specific prospects updates and reports regulary. Then you can coordinate a hot list before next year draft and then see whom the Bears actually draft.


Just some ideas to build onto yours!

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Trust me guys I will not let this die and I really like everyones input. This makes me feel like we can get this accomplished and I really like the fact that we have someone like Pix who has tried this and can give us some good sound advice. If I had to pick an area that I would like to focus on it would be the Midwest and I like watching the MAC conference games because they come on a couple of networks here on my cable provider. I also get quite a few PAC 10 and SEC games on various networks so there are players in those conferences that I may get to see and have a "Fans" opinion of.


I hope I made it clear that I am not to technical with things like hip movement and really focus on if someone passes the eye test in pads in games.

For example: I can remember when Pix was singing the praises of a guy the Bears signed to the practice squad out of Canada named Israel Idonije. The way Pix had done the research was so impressive that I had to follow this guy just because the way Pix spoke so highly of this unknown prospect.

Another example was Nfo speaking highly of Devery Henderson when he was coming out of LSU. He recently has posted a follow up about Henderson I think comparing Bears' draft pick Johnny Knox to Henderson and said that Henderson hasn't developed into anything more than a deep threat.


These are the kind of tid bits that everyone here adds to our conversations that leads me to believe that we could do something that would be very exciting.

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Here is some ammo for your project.


There are many sites issuing top lists for the 2010 NFL Draft. I think listing projections at this point is a bit silly. I do not think one can determine that until at least near the end of the season. Many lists height & weights, again, they are typically inaccurate for many reasons this early. Some even lists 40 times, again, what is the rush. The main thing is to identify the top prospects to date and then add additional prospects as they emerge during the season and then of course Juniors as they declare. 40 times, height, weight, etc can be filled in as the season goes along and confirmed with the combine and individual workouts.


Here are some lists to ponder and use if you wish to start things off. 3 are htm files and one if the excel database I created for you today. I hope you find them useful to give you ideas as to possibilities. We could possibly have a major listing(s) and then hyperlink each player to a thread or page created for each player where we can accumulate viewpoints of posters on each player as well as links to bios & articles & photos.


Alphabetical Listing of Top 750 Players in 2010 Draft


Top 750 Players by Position in 2010 Draft


Top 750 Players in 2010 Draft Sorted by Schools


2010 NFL Draft DataBase

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Here is some ammo for your project.


There are many sites issuing top lists for the 2010 NFL Draft. I think listing projections at this point is a bit silly. I do not think one can determine that until at least near the end of the season. Many lists height & weights, again, they are typically inaccurate for many reasons this early. Some even lists 40 times, again, what is the rush. The main thing is to identify the top prospects to date and then add additional prospects as they emerge during the season and then of course Juniors as they declare. 40 times, height, weight, etc can be filled in as the season goes along and confirmed with the combine and individual workouts.


Here are some lists to ponder and use if you wish to start things off. 3 are htm files and one if the excel database I created for you today. I hope you find them useful to give you ideas as to possibilities. We could possibly have a major listing(s) and then hyperlink each player to a thread or page created for each player where we can accumulate viewpoints of posters on each player as well as links to bios & articles & photos.


Alphabetical Listing of Top 750 Players in 2010 Draft


Top 750 Players by Position in 2010 Draft


Top 750 Players in 2010 Draft Sorted by Schools


2010 NFL Draft DataBase

Thanks Pix I was just getting started for next year with QBs.
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