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Does Anyone Remember The World Football League?


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I can remember a at least 2 teams in Chicago The Fire coached by Jim Spavital and the Chicago Winds coached by Abe Gibron.

The Winds sucked and maybe lasted one year but the Fire had former Bear and Cincinatti Bengal QB Virg ( Chicken Bleep)Carter as their QB and at WR former NFLers James Scott, Jack Dolbin and Trumaine Hawkins. At RB they had Cyril Pinder and Tim Spencer(Bears RB Coach).


This league was in the 70's and netted the Bears coach Jack Pardee and quite a few players like James Scott, Greg Latta, Dan Peiffer, Jeff Sevy and Fast Eddie Sheats. This was so long ago that my memory sometimes confuses this league with the USFL that was in the mid 80's if yo got some World Football league memories please share them with us.

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