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Former players rave about Bears line coach Rod Marinelli


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Former players rave about Bears line coach Rod Marinelli


I've read posts before from former players who were taught by Marinelli, but this one expands on it with even a quote from Ron Rivera. I can't wait to see how our D Line plays this year. If they produce like I think they are going to, Lovie's defense is going to be a top 5 defense and our team will rock and roll!

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Very cool to have a coach whose widely regarded as the best in the business at his respected position.



It sure is, we've had so many newbies and no names come through here. Granted D-Line coach isn't typically a high profile spot but Merinelli's name recognition and his reputation around the league as brought attention to the d-line along with the fact that the d-line over the last couple seasons has been disappointing.


IMHO the position he is in is where he belongs and fits best. I think head coach was over his head but being a defensive line or defensive coordinator is more in his wheel house. I'm a very effective production artist where I work (have to be I'm the only one left) but if I were to be put in charge of a large portion of the company I'm sure the results would be disappointing too. Not everyone is cut out to be a head coach. Defense is Rod's area of expertise and where he can be most effective. Not to say that some day he wouldn't be capable of being a head coach at some point.


I'm thrilled we have him here and that he's working with our D-Line. I've always had a deep respect for his tough, high energy, high expectation mentality. I'm looking forward as much to the season to see how the D-Line does as much as I am Cutler and the offense. The D-Line needed some new life and new energy. When you have a coach like Marinelli I have to think his attitude will rub off on the players. The whole defense could use a boost. But it all starts in the trenches if you don't stop the run, or get pressure on the QB it makes it that much harder for the DB's to maintain solid coverage. As the saying goes give a QB all day to throw and he'll pick you apart. The longer a pass play is alive the harder it is to maintain coverage. If the D-Line play improves dramatically it will have a very positive effect on our defense and create more opportunities for INTs. If the line play does play at a high level and provide good pass rush and run defense we may find that our question marks arent' as glaring. When your line doesn't get pressure and is getting it's butts handed to them in the trenches the pressure on the secondary increases dramatically and the margin of error all but disappears. It doesn't matter if you play good coverage for the first part of a play but make a bad choice when the play is extended.

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One thing that sort of struck me as odd was a comment from Rivera.


"Refined the details, which in talking to some of the players in Chicago, that's what they are doing now. He's going back to step one with them."


Does it strike anyone else as odd that Ron Rivera, a SD coach, is speaking w/ our players? Isn't that actually against league rules? I know players often speak w/ each other after switching teams, but I didn't think coaches spoke w/ players from former teams.

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I'm not sure it's against the rules... Even if so, I imagine it happens quite frequently.


I don't really find it odd in the least. I imagine players and coaches keep relationships they fostered in previous scenarios. Not all, but some that are closer than the norm.


I can't locate any exacts, but hasn't Mr. Favre kept in contact w/ his old QB coach now in Minny? As one example... I also got the vibe parcells and a few other guys did similar.





One thing that sort of struck me as odd was a comment from Rivera.


"Refined the details, which in talking to some of the players in Chicago, that's what they are doing now. He's going back to step one with them."


Does it strike anyone else as odd that Ron Rivera, a SD coach, is speaking w/ our players? Isn't that actually against league rules? I know players often speak w/ each other after switching teams, but I didn't think coaches spoke w/ players from former teams.


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