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Real Good Article on Burress


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Trading for Jay Cutler was simple. Whether the Bears would benefit from acquiring talented and troubled Plaxico Burress is more complicated.


The one thing Jerry Angelo shouldn't have to concern himself with as he mulls the potential ramifications is public opinion. Just because off-the-field issues prompted Angelo to cut ties with Tank Johnson and Cedric Benson doesn't make the Bears' general manager hypocritical for pursuing Burress.


java script:dc_popup_win( However small, there is a chance Plaxico Burress could be catching passes for the Bears this season.

(AP) That the Bears have been burned by bad behavior in the past doesn't mean they should quit doling out second chances.


Every situation is different. Angelo was justified in ridding himself of two players whose on-field performance didn't outweigh their personal woes. Benson was a bust before his career ran aground on the rocky shoals of Lake Travis. As for Johnson, anyone who leaves loaded guns around young children deserves to be fired.


Both players displayed poor judgment again and again, leaving Angelo no choice but to release them. Burress is different for a lot of reasons. He wasn't drafted by the Bears. The team likely will not have to invest in him long-term. He is a balloon on a string. He can lift the offense to new heights or Angelo can cut the cord.


Acquiring Burress means the Bears also must acquire the baggage of a man who shot himself in the leg with an unregistered handgun at a Manhattan night club in November. Burress' trial on federal gun charges has been delayed. He also faces a possible suspension from NFL commissioner Roger Goodell.


The 6-5 ex-Giant would give Cutler a can't-miss target and an ideal compliment to Devin Hester's speed.


Having twice been suspended for violating team rules, Burress and his legal woes could be the kind of distraction the Bears don't need.


This is as much about the locker room than the field. Burress hasn't always been the best teammate. With so many new players needing to come together for the Bears offense not to disappoint, however, the question becomes whether Burress will make a positive or negative impact. Cutler hasn't taken a snap yet. The offensive line has been reshuffled. The receiving corps is raw. How these pieces fit together will in large part determine the success of the Bears next season.


One bullet in their pocket Leaders must emerge. Roles must be embraced. Whether Burress will help or hinder the critical chemistry experiment is the biggest question that must be answered before Angelo makes the biggest decision of the offseason.


Unlike Browns receiver Donte Stallworth, who killed a man in a drunken-driving accident, Burress was the only victim of his crime. He branded himself a clown for life by discharging his gun into his thigh. Cue the Barney Fife jokes as Burress approaches the most important season of his career.


If he acknowledges how important this season is for him, it could work out for the Bears. Burress most likely will sign an incentive-laden contract that he hopes will set him up for a multiyear deal before the 2010 season. That means he'll be motivated to make an impression on and off the field.


There is still a potential for conflict. If he has a productive season, for example, there will be pressure to sign him to a long-term deal. What if Burress wants big money and Cutler goes public about wanting Burress to remain his favorite target? It could divide the town. It could divide the locker room.


Investment options Angelo invested two first-round picks, a third-round pick and quarterback Kyle Orton in Cutler. Acquiring a Pro Bowl-caliber receiver would help protect that investment. It is Angelo who keeps insisting that quarterbacks make receivers rather than the other way around. What if despite Cutler's presence and talent, the Bears only lead the league in dropped passes, blown assignments and the inability to get off the line of scrimmage against physical defenders?


The absolute worst-case scenario for Angelo and his theory would be for Orton to exploit the skills of Brandon Marshall and Eddie Royal in Denver and outperform Cutler. The ultimate irony has Orton earning a trip to the Pro Bowl while Cutler keeps the Bears' streak of 23 years without a Pro Bowl quarterback alive.


Nobody is suggesting building a team around players with character questions. Look how that has worked out for the Raiders and Bengals. If you believe you have a solid core group with the veteran leadership needed to be successful you can add a player or two who has made mistakes in the past. The Bulls didn't regret signing Dennis Rodman even though he was the generation's quintessential problem child. The result was three championships.


If Angelo believes Burress can make a similar impact, he shouldn't let Tank Johnson and Cedric Benson stand in his way.



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Out of the 3 teams interested in Plaxico (TB, NYJ and Bears), the Bears would be his best fit. It would take him out of the NY limelight and Tampa still has a question mark at QB. He would be the go to guy for the Bears. In Tampa he would be a third option as Winslow and Bryant would probably control most of the passes.


Its a low risk- high reward move for the Bears. If he signs on with us, he serves his 4-6 game suspension, serves his community service or even jailtime during that suspension, and come late October- Early November- he would be healthy and ready to go for our 2nd half surge. If it doesnt work out, then cut your loses, it was worth a shot. Esspecially with our lack of WR experience and depth.


Brandon Marshall will likely cost at least a first round pick and there is NO WAY Denver makes another deal with the Bears. I'm reading that Baltamore is going after him pretty hard.


So Mr. Angelo- were all about 2nd chances in life, give Plaxico that second chance he deserves, it could be the difference between reaching another Super Bowl. . .

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Its a low risk- high reward move for the Bears. If he signs on with us, he serves his 4-6 game suspension, serves his community service or even jailtime during that suspension, and come late October- Early November- he would be healthy and ready to go for our 2nd half surge. If it doesnt work out, then cut your loses, it was worth a shot. Esspecially with our lack of WR experience and depth.


I disagree 100%. I think he'll get an 8 game suspension and I think his court case will come up during the season and he'll then miss the rest of the season in jail. While his attorney gets points for trying to get him signed somewhere by suggesting that his court case won't come up this year, he loses points for pissing off the prosecutors.


I think that signing him will only accomplish setting higher expectations and create more distractions. So instead of low risk - high reward, we have high risk - low reward.


Don't get me wrong. I'd love to add a talent like that to the Bears, but simply saying he has some baggage is a complete understatement. He's got a long prison term hanging over his head. Don't underestimate the level of distraction that he'll cause. Every court date, every grand jury meeting, and every burp from the league office will inundate the players with questions on their take of the situation. I'd prefer that our young players be focused on - you know - football.



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I disagree 100%. I think he'll get an 8 game suspension and I think his court case will come up during the season and he'll then miss the rest of the season in jail. While his attorney gets points for trying to get him signed somewhere by suggesting that his court case won't come up this year, he loses points for pissing off the prosecutors.

This is America. When a wealthy individual wants his court date moved so that he can do something, it gets moved.


He may piss off some prosecutors, but he has enough money to make sure he serves whatever penalty is coming to him at a time that is totally convenient for him.


After watching this charade, I'm fully convinced that the only time he'll miss is whatever suspension Goodell hands down.

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This is America. When a wealthy individual wants his court date moved so that he can do something, it gets moved.


He may piss off some prosecutors, but he has enough money to make sure he serves whatever penalty is coming to him at a time that is totally convenient for him.


After watching this charade, I'm fully convinced that the only time he'll miss is whatever suspension Goodell hands down.


While I would agree with you to a certain extent, there is a limit even for wealthy individuals. Otherwise they would just keep getting things delayed forever and never face trial.


Burress has already gotten 2 continuances that have delayed the process 6 months already. If they can get a grand jury indeitment by the end of August, then I really don't think his attorney will be able to delay the process another 6 months. For that to happen, the prosecutors would have to be amenable to doing that and his attorney has already blown any goodwill he may have had by telling the press that another 6 months delay is a slam dunk.


Even if his attorney manages to get things continually delayed, Plaxico probably won't be allowed to not show up for court. That would mean that he would be missing team practices and meetings at different points during the season.


I understand your cynicism about our legal system and how the wealthy can get things done that others can't, but really there is a limit to what even the wealthy can do and I really don't think that getting an open and shut case like this delayed for over a year is within the realm of reality.

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