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Is there any way around the word code thing when ordering tickets on ticketmaster? Since they've added this feature I've lost out on many events due to getting some of the most illegible crap. Meanwhile knowing that every second I waste trying convince the system I'm real is a second that is lost while others are snagging tickets. If I try by phone won't I be put on hold indefinitely? How exactly does Ticketmaster determine best available does it start at the highest dollar tickets and from there closest to the 50 yard line? Haven't been to a Bears game since 2001.


I do know that my best strategy online is to pick one game and focus on that. Also to know which price level I want to be in and pick that out so if/when tickets available are well outside my budget I don't have to go back and try again. So I should select the highest price I'm willing to pay from the outset.


I'm shooting for the Monday Night game vs the Vikes. Kinda odd though to have a Monday night game that late in the season. In a way I hope that we have something to play for and will play our starters. The vikings at that point may be either out of it or desparately fighting for the last wild card spot. If I get tickets I'm hoping that it's an entertaining game, but no because we are resting starters and they are playing theirs. A blowout in our favor wouldn't bother me either. Can't believe I'm even talking about #1 or #2 seed.


Also due to the fact that neither me or my dad are at all interested in driving to the game we are planning on taking the southshore. Being that the last train that day that would go back to south bend leaves 20 min before kickoff we'd be spending the night in a hotel. Seems like the best option is the best western that's approx a quarter mile walk to and from the stadium. Question is is it in an area that we want to be walking at around 11 PM at night after the game? May be a silly question but I don't know this area of Chicago that well. Last game I went to we took the train and it was a noon kickoff and the train stops close to soldier field.

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I can't help you with TM, but I do think you can't go wrong with that game. It should prove to be a heck of a game. Don't worry, odds are it will mean something.


I think your right there, and being a Monday night game I would think we'd definitely want a good showing and our starters will be playing I know it's kind of obvious to say that it's possible either the Vikings or the Packers could be fighting us for the division because it obviously couldn't be the Lions. Just don't want to get out there and watch Jay Cutler stye ball cap on the sidelines lol. I figure by that time the Bears should be at the top of their game this year and the offense will be running as fluidly as it can. The vikings are literally a QB away from making some serious noise. The Packers are hard to figure. While I think there's enough talent there to be a good team. I think the season is more entertaining when there is competition in our division. IIRC back in 2001 we were fighting both the Pack and the vikings most of the season and still ended up with the #2 seed. I cannot wait for Aug 15, I'm itching for some Bears Football and the wait is driving me crazy. To see the first pass from Cutler, his first TD pass as a Bear. The crowd is going to explode when he steps on the field and will explode again when he completes his first pass, and erupt when he throws his first TD Pass. Gent's this is going to be a season to remember and hopefully the first of many :headbang)



I wonder if I should just use the best available anywhere option. Only looking for 2 seats. Only prob is I can't afford the club seats that are 245 - 350. Lower level seems to be spread out between sidline and end zone, upper has more sideline than end zone, 200 level has more end zone than sideline. The vast majority of seats falls into the upper level. All three areas are in my price range and I should just be happy to get tickets lol.

decisions decisions decisions.

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The whole ticket system is a scam and it is BULLLLLSH*T!!!! every game sold out anywhere any price for 2 tix and I get sorry no exact matches!....Oh wait, for the Bears Browns game it did give me the option of 2 tix for $1000. sure sign me up....Football is pricing itself out of the fans reach!


looks like it's highdef bigscreen for me! screw it.


thank you for listening to my rant! :)






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The whole ticket system is a scam and it is BULLLLLSH*T!!!! every game sold out anywhere any price for 2 tix and I get sorry no exact matches!....Oh wait, for the Bears Browns game it did give me the option of 2 tix for $1000. sure sign me up....Football is pricing itself out of the fans reach!


looks like it's highdef bigscreen for me! screw it.


thank you for listening to my rant! :)


Got my single ticket for the Lions game through ticketmaster. Although I paid to much (club seat) I don't care! I'm going to Soldier Field! And when I checked after I got my ticket, there were options left!

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I was able to log in quick enough to get tickets for the Giants preseason game as well as the December game agains the Rams!


The strategy for TM games: Go for the ones others don't want as much. I recommend non-division first, and then division bums like Detroit. I've always had better success with those than diving in for the Vikings or Packers.


As for avoiding the captcha thing, I don't think there is an easy way to do it. It's designed expressly for that reason: to make sure people cannot avoid it. I, for one, am happy as hell that it's there. It stops the computer farms from going and getting the tickets, and only the most enterprising of scalpers can get tons of tickets (i.e. have multiple people sitting at multiple computers to type in the captcha things). I've even heard of scalping companies employing a company full of out-sourced Indians to type those codes in. You gotta figure a scalper makes a lot more for each ticket than they do by paying someone $2.00 a day to type those codes in.

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Forgot to add one thing:

Don't worry about getting off the train late at night. There are very good chances that several other Bears' fans will be on that train as well, and at least a handful getting off at the same stop.

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Forgot to add one thing:

Don't worry about getting off the train late at night. There are very good chances that several other Bears' fans will be on that train as well, and at least a handful getting off at the same stop.



Well, I blew it I managed to get to the waiting list screen and decided to open another browser and and double my chances..... sadly that kicked me out of line and I had to scramble then I got back in line and thought well, what if I Just get to the screen where I"m entering text and it got kicked out of line again. I did eventually get a couple shots at some seats but they were 305 ea and 245 ea club seats. I simply can't afford that. Sucks too because they were great seats. near the 50.


I did however pick up a couple tickets in section 432, Row 33 at $145 each. Should be a decent view of the field. A little more than I'd like to pay but that was the best seats for the price. I wanted to stay out of the corners of the dish. I was tempted to buy 4 and sell two on ebay to recoup some of the over cost but didn't want to mess with that. The prices thru ticket exchange are much better than Ebay or Stub Hub.


I'm going to book a hotel room likely at the Best Western and we'll take the early train so we'll have time to check in and hang out in Chicago. Till it gets closer to game time. I hate rushing around. After the game we'll walk back to the hotel and then check out Tuesday morning and take the train back home. I'm so jazzed about going

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Like you, I got booted for the double browser (it didn't do that last year.) I tried again and snagged two to the Arizona game in section 429 for $68.00 each . . . although the total came up to $169.00. I immediately went back in and the only thing left were single tickets for $350.00. Wow. That means after 3 minutes, pretty much all double seats were sold out. Damn that's fast.


Last year I'd tried to by 4 seats and got assed out completely. I knew better this time.



Well, I blew it I managed to get to the waiting list screen and decided to open another browser and and double my chances..... sadly that kicked me out of line and I had to scramble then I got back in line and thought well, what if I Just get to the screen where I"m entering text and it got kicked out of line again. I did eventually get a couple shots at some seats but they were 305 ea and 245 ea club seats. I simply can't afford that. Sucks too because they were great seats. near the 50.


I did however pick up a couple tickets in section 432, Row 33 at $145 each. Should be a decent view of the field. A little more than I'd like to pay but that was the best seats for the price. I wanted to stay out of the corners of the dish. I was tempted to buy 4 and sell two on ebay to recoup some of the over cost but didn't want to mess with that. The prices thru ticket exchange are much better than Ebay or Stub Hub.


I'm going to book a hotel room likely at the Best Western and we'll take the early train so we'll have time to check in and hang out in Chicago. Till it gets closer to game time. I hate rushing around. After the game we'll walk back to the hotel and then check out Tuesday morning and take the train back home. I'm so jazzed about going


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Like you, I got booted for the double browser (it didn't do that last year.) I tried again and snagged two to the Arizona game in section 429 for $68.00 each . . . although the total came up to $169.00. I immediately went back in and the only thing left were single tickets for $350.00. Wow. That means after 3 minutes, pretty much all double seats were sold out. Damn that's fast.


Last year I'd tried to by 4 seats and got assed out completely. I knew better this time.



Yeah, live and learn I guess. The whole ticket system has me jaded a bit. Brokers have no issue getting gobs of tickets then turning around and selling at or more than double face value. While us true fans who are buying ticket because we want to go to the game have a tough go at it. All the fees are crappy too, surprised they don't have a fee fore the air you breathe while there.


I did make a goof though. I went back to exchange and somehow clicked on the giants preseason game and saw two tickets at 91 ea and immediately checked my brain at the door and bought them thinking I'd sell the others I bought on ebay. When I came to my senses I was at the "Thank you for your order" and to the right it said Bears vs Giants 8/22/09...... :( That game I can't go to..... so if anyone's interested in a couple tickets to that game they are 2 tickets in section 441 row 21. I may list these on Ebay but if anyone here's interested let me know. Wouldn't mind going it would be the first time to see Cutler in a Bears uniform.

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Yeah, live and learn I guess. The whole ticket system has me jaded a bit. Brokers have no issue getting gobs of tickets then turning around and selling at or more than double face value. While us true fans who are buying ticket because we want to go to the game have a tough go at it. All the fees are crappy too, surprised they don't have a fee fore the air you breathe while there.


I did make a goof though. I went back to exchange and somehow clicked on the giants preseason game and saw two tickets at 91 ea and immediately checked my brain at the door and bought them thinking I'd sell the others I bought on ebay. When I came to my senses I was at the "Thank you for your order" and to the right it said Bears vs Giants 8/22/09...... :( That game I can't go to..... so if anyone's interested in a couple tickets to that game they are 2 tickets in section 441 row 21. I may list these on Ebay but if anyone here's interested let me know. Wouldn't mind going it would be the first time to see Cutler in a Bears uniform.


Good luck selling the pre-season tickets. Is there a bigger hose-job anywhere then pre-season ticket prices? Not to mention the $50.00 to park, etc.. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go, but not for that much.


Don't feel too bad about buying the wrong tickets . . . last year I finally got through on Ticketbastard, and I was so excited I didn't both to check how much they were. It turned out to be $250.00 tickets in the Cadillac Club (or whatever club it is now.) It came to $560.00 total. I about shit. I wouldn't have minded paying that much for great seats, or for playoff tickets . . . but the seats were high in the back-corner. I sure as hell didn't have that much to spend. I sold them on e-bay and actually lost $50.00. While cheap seats go for double, nobody wants the damn club seats.

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I had 2 computers going and me and my roommate managed to get 2 tix to the Rams game and 2 tix to the Cardinals game, both are in the United Club and all 4 tix were 250 face. Im just happy to have gotten any. If this didnt work I would have ended up buying tix during the season and would more than likely had to pay more than that for bad seats in the top section on the corner. Ive never been in the United Club but reading about it, it seems pretty cool.

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Good luck selling the pre-season tickets. Is there a bigger hose-job anywhere then pre-season ticket prices? Not to mention the $50.00 to park, etc.. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go, but not for that much.


Don't feel too bad about buying the wrong tickets . . . last year I finally got through on Ticketbastard, and I was so excited I didn't both to check how much they were. It turned out to be $250.00 tickets in the Cadillac Club (or whatever club it is now.) It came to $560.00 total. I about shit. I wouldn't have minded paying that much for great seats, or for playoff tickets . . . but the seats were high in the back-corner. I sure as hell didn't have that much to spend. I sold them on e-bay and actually lost $50.00. While cheap seats go for double, nobody wants the damn club seats.


If I sell them to someone on this board I'd sell them at face value plus the shipping which would be around $140 or so for the pair. Even if I eat the extra markup and service fees, lesson learned. If I put them on eBay i'll let them go to the highest bidder with a likely reserve price of $136. I've never sold anything on eBay so that makes me a little nervous. Either way I'll have the tickets in hand by 7/31. Which is 21 days before the game should be enough time to sell and ship the tickets.

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Football is pricing itself out of the fans reach!



honestly its getting out of hand....


There was something in the Invesco field contract that said that the Broncs had to sell 2000 half priced tickets to each game at invesco this season (maybe others not too sure) So i got tickets to da bears vs.broncs preseason game this year for $30 (40 with ticketbastard charges) I am up in the upperdeck around the 30-40 yardline...to me 60 bucks for those seats is atrocious.

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