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Favre to sign with Vikings


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As long as he survives to week 16 so I can see see him put in his place in person lol. By week eight he will be winding back down to retirement mode and as the season draws to a close you'll here the "this might be the last game at.......... Now I have some ideas for some signs to make for the game lol

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I don't wish injury on any player but I am sick of this drill rod. He is a bigger drama queen than a 16 yr old girl.


Peace :dabears

Ever notice how erything remotely dramatic about Favre comes from someone not named Favre (revenge on Green Bay/old teammates, contract issues, injury status, ...)? He may be self-important and indecisive, but dramatic he is not.


Whether retiring, unretiring, or vaguely having no idea about retiring, he always does it in a fairly boring, matter of fact way. I guess he did do the crybaby routine the two times he claimed to retire. Otherwise, it's just you guys/media that are the dramatic ones! :pray :chair :o !


It's like hating Jon because you're so tired of hearing about Jon and Kate on the news. I get it, but the real question is...are we happy? or sad that Favre is back in our division? I want an interesting season, and Sage Rosenfels bores me. I don't think the Vikes will keep the Bears out of the SB, so I couldn't care less otherwise.

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Good question about whether or not I'm happy Farv is back in the division. I'm not sure. I just want him to go the F away. And like others in this thread, I don't normally wish injury on a player. HOWEVER, I'm fully crossing my fingers for some Joe Theismann shit to happen to Farv. Absolutely sick of this guy, his story, his flip-flopping, and the constant media fellatio he gets.

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Ever notice how erything remotely dramatic about Favre comes from someone not named Favre (revenge on Green Bay/old teammates, contract issues, injury status, ...)? He may be self-important and indecisive, but dramatic he is not.


Whether retiring, unretiring, or vaguely having no idea about retiring, he always does it in a fairly boring, matter of fact way. I guess he did do the crybaby routine the two times he claimed to retire. Otherwise, it's just you guys/media that are the dramatic ones! :pray :chair :o !


It's like hating Jon because you're so tired of hearing about Jon and Kate on the news. I get it, but the real question is...are we happy? or sad that Favre is back in our division? I want an interesting season, and Sage Rosenfels bores me. I don't think the Vikes will keep the Bears out of the SB, so I couldn't care less otherwise.


We see the retiring with news conferences, unretiring, and acting like a self-important prima donna as acting like a drama queen. I guess it's just a matter of what you consider to be drama, or how you define it.


The question you raise I agree is the more important one. He gives them a better chance to beat the Bears than Jackson or Rosenfels, but for some reason I think the whole comeback thing is pretty funny. Should be entertaining to see how it plays out. I highly doubt it will pay off for the Vikes in the end (playoffs), so I guess overall it's a wash from our perspective: Vikes are a bit more dangerous against us (at least on Nov 29) but will crash and burn in the end.

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okay... second post in a row from the newbie here. Interesting that Vikings Super Bowl odds went from 25-1 to 12-1. I guess Vegas disagrees with my last post, or more likely just figures there are enough people who like the Vikes now with Favre to take the shorter odds. And the "experts" on the world wide leader are proclaiming that the Vikes are the team to beat in the NFC.


Also after seeing his presser he did come off level-headed. for today at least.


October 5 monday night against the Packers will be a circus.


I still see crash and burn in December for the Vikes. Maybe early January.

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We see the retiring with news conferences, unretiring, and acting like a self-important prima donna as acting like a drama queen. I guess it's just a matter of what you consider to be drama, or how you define it.

Exactly and welcome aboard.


Peace :dabears


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The more I read, the more I actually like that Minny signed him.


I love the laughable image throwing its way at Minny, and the slap to the face of GB.


Beyond that though, I actually think Favre will, in the end, hurt Minny. One thing I didn't realize was the arm issue for Farve, or at least the extent of it. ESPN radio was talking about this last night. Said he has a tear in his labrum, throwing arm. Pointed to last season. He started out looking good, but as the season wore on, his arm strength went down hill as the tear became more and more of an issue. The guys last night were saying more of the same is very likely for him.


He will start out the season w/ arm strength, but at the same time, will be new to the system and players, and thus efficiency may not be there. But by the time he might form some chemisty w/ the team, his arm strength will have started going downhill, and he simply will not be an effective QB.


To me, Favre is like a fastball pitcher who dominates for a long time throwing 100mph fastballs past hitters. As his ages, his fastball begins to lose effectiveness. Some pitchers will then learn other pitches, and not rely so much on the heat, as it is no longer so hot. Those who continue to try and blow past hitters w/ the fastball that is no longer topping the guns in the high 90s see their ERA soar. I see Favre as the 2nd type. His arm strength is not what it was, and gets worse as the season goes on, yet he still believes he can thread the needle, into tight coverage, downfield. This mentality combined w/ a weaker arm simply doesn't get it done, and thus why he has not been as effective of a QB.


Favre may well look good early on, but I think as the season goes on, like last year w/ NYJ, his arm will deteriorate, as will his effectiveness, as will the offense. When the team needs him most is when he will simply not be capable of stepping up his play, and I will love it.




I have now lost all respect that I had for him. I hope he gets killed during a game.


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I basically agree.


I think he'll come out like gangbusters through mid-season, then tail off. Basically like the last season.


I think the bigger concern is still that which was around before his arrival. Are the Vi-queens good enough to goo the distance on rushing attack and defense? I fear their run game and their D. If that can be curtailed, so can the Vi-queens hopes...


The more I read, the more I actually like that Minny signed him.


I love the laughable image throwing its way at Minny, and the slap to the face of GB.


Beyond that though, I actually think Favre will, in the end, hurt Minny. One thing I didn't realize was the arm issue for Farve, or at least the extent of it. ESPN radio was talking about this last night. Said he has a tear in his labrum, throwing arm. Pointed to last season. He started out looking good, but as the season wore on, his arm strength went down hill as the tear became more and more of an issue. The guys last night were saying more of the same is very likely for him.


He will start out the season w/ arm strength, but at the same time, will be new to the system and players, and thus efficiency may not be there. But by the time he might form some chemisty w/ the team, his arm strength will have started going downhill, and he simply will not be an effective QB.


To me, Favre is like a fastball pitcher who dominates for a long time throwing 100mph fastballs past hitters. As his ages, his fastball begins to lose effectiveness. Some pitchers will then learn other pitches, and not rely so much on the heat, as it is no longer so hot. Those who continue to try and blow past hitters w/ the fastball that is no longer topping the guns in the high 90s see their ERA soar. I see Favre as the 2nd type. His arm strength is not what it was, and gets worse as the season goes on, yet he still believes he can thread the needle, into tight coverage, downfield. This mentality combined w/ a weaker arm simply doesn't get it done, and thus why he has not been as effective of a QB.


Favre may well look good early on, but I think as the season goes on, like last year w/ NYJ, his arm will deteriorate, as will his effectiveness, as will the offense. When the team needs him most is when he will simply not be capable of stepping up his play, and I will love it.


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Also agreed. Favre not being able to make it through 20 games without reduced ability is exactly why I don't see the Vikings as SB cotenders. If they were smart, they'd let him take it easy the first 8 games. It's only because he's been playing 18 years that he could get away with taking over a team that abruptly, but Favre would never stomach sitting, so it won't happen.


Just last weekend though my cousin prophetically said he wouldn't be surprised if Favre comes back right before the season. I honestly was expecting him back midseason after some team lost their QB for the year and he'd had an extended chance to rest his arm, but this soon is a surprise.

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I hear you. I've been saying that to freinds for a while. I thought he'd be with Minny by week 6. They'd just let the other QB's hold the fort, let the old man rest and sign him then. That would have worried me more. Now that he's got to play all the games or jeopardize his iron man stat, the odds are much better of a downward spiral...


Just last weekend though my cousin prophetically said he wouldn't be surprised if Favre comes back right before the season. I honestly was expecting him back midseason after some team lost their QB for the year and he'd had an extended chance to rest his arm, but this soon is a surprise.


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I basically agree.


I think he'll come out like gangbusters through mid-season, then tail off. Basically like the last season.


I think the bigger concern is still that which was around before his arrival. Are the Vi-queens good enough to goo the distance on rushing attack and defense? I fear their run game and their D. If that can be curtailed, so can the Vi-queens hopes...

We struggled last year against them because of our inability to throw the ball. We were hoping to run the ball to open the passing game. This year we have a QB who can and will take advantage of teams defenses.

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