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Anyone else getting down on Tommie Harris?


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Not just talking about the injuries, but the overall attitude.


I watched the game online this weekend, and prior to the game, I saw an interview w/ Harris. His entire demenor was just bad. His answers were arrogant as hell. I don't recall if it was the guy doing the interview, or the guys back in the office that made the comment, but Harris looked and sounded like he was ready to rip the reporters head off. This was a scheduled sit down w/ Harris. Not running up to him as he is trying to leave the field after practice or something like that. I don't know. Just the way he came off.


At one point, he was asked about his season last year, and he said he had a great season. Monday, he said he graded out very well from the NYG game in his 15 snaps. Um, is Tommie watching the same film we are?


I remember Harris in college, and the talk during the draft. Harris was supposed to be this upstanding christian family guy who's character was being question. Today, he really seems like a disconnected, arrogant thug.


I realize if he goes out and plays well, no one will care, but acting like this, at least IMHO for fans, doesn't help in the patience factor. I am not trying to start the, "all our players should be choir boys", and I realize not all our players love the media, but Harris' attitude today simply seems very different from the attitude he had a few years ago. People ask if we will get the "old Tommie" this year, and I sort of wonder if that only means his play.

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I was already there last year. I was somewhat hoping the team would package a trade for a Boldin w/ Harris.


I unfortunately feel his best is behind him. He's too unreliable, and as you so eloquently mention, his attitude is garbage.


He did start off as what I would think as an upstanding young man. Now, he seems to be just another a-hole jock.


Agreed that if he produces, all will be forgotten and forgiven. But if we get more dud than thunder, it'll be hard to like this guy.



Not just talking about the injuries, but the overall attitude.


I watched the game online this weekend, and prior to the game, I saw an interview w/ Harris. His entire demenor was just bad. His answers were arrogant as hell. I don't recall if it was the guy doing the interview, or the guys back in the office that made the comment, but Harris looked and sounded like he was ready to rip the reporters head off. This was a scheduled sit down w/ Harris. Not running up to him as he is trying to leave the field after practice or something like that. I don't know. Just the way he came off.


At one point, he was asked about his season last year, and he said he had a great season. Monday, he said he graded out very well from the NYG game in his 15 snaps. Um, is Tommie watching the same film we are?


I remember Harris in college, and the talk during the draft. Harris was supposed to be this upstanding christian family guy who's character was being question. Today, he really seems like a disconnected, arrogant thug.


I realize if he goes out and plays well, no one will care, but acting like this, at least IMHO for fans, doesn't help in the patience factor. I am not trying to start the, "all our players should be choir boys", and I realize not all our players love the media, but Harris' attitude today simply seems very different from the attitude he had a few years ago. People ask if we will get the "old Tommie" this year, and I sort of wonder if that only means his play.


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I was already there last year. I was somewhat hoping the team would package a trade for a Boldin w/ Harris.


I unfortunately feel his best is behind him. He's too unreliable, and as you so eloquently mention, his attitude is garbage.


He did start off as what I would think as an upstanding young man. Now, he seems to be just another a-hole jock.


Agreed that if he produces, all will be forgotten and forgiven. But if we get more dud than thunder, it'll be hard to like this guy.



Well, I don't listen to Harris anymore. Nothing he has to say aside from, "I'm glad I could contribute to our win" interests me. I don't care what his religious beliefs are. I only care about what I see from him on Sundays. Tommie harris needs to put up or shut up. Simple as that, and this year will tell us everything we need to know about him. Vacations over Tommie, get your ass back to work.

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tired of him as well


tired of waiting for him to be healthy

tired of him talking and failing to back it up

tired of waiting for him to be the player he says he is and has been billed to be.


Pre injury he was very good to great, looked like we'd found a gem and came off like a good guy.. fast forward to now and he's an injury prone, underachieving, player who despite his poor play acts and talks like the media and everyone else is to blame for his bad image... Well Tommie shut up, do your job, prove it on the field and let your game speak for it self... right now you are a walking contradiction. Time to put up or shut up.

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