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When are we drafting?


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For the keeper league, I got the email that we have moved the draft up to tomorrow "early afternoon". Can we set a time? I don't know if we are talking about noon or 3pm, or if we are going to do it earlier or later, or what. Family is wanting to do some stuff, and while they understand I have the draft, I would like to know when it is so I can plan around it.

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For the keeper league, I got the email that we have moved the draft up to tomorrow "early afternoon". Can we set a time? I don't know if we are talking about noon or 3pm, or if we are going to do it earlier or later, or what. Family is wanting to do some stuff, and while they understand I have the draft, I would like to know when it is so I can plan around it.


I just sent a PM to DB asking the same question. We need to get the time confirmed.

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I just got an email back from DB. He said he didn't think we had agreed on Monday, but I guess he received several emails about it, and now is saying it will be moved back to Monday. I did remind him though that we had also talked about (agreed?) to move the draft from 8pm to 6pm.


I just sent a PM to DB asking the same question. We need to get the time confirmed.


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I just got an email back from DB. He said he didn't think we had agreed on Monday, but I guess he received several emails about it, and now is saying it will be moved back to Monday. I did remind him though that we had also talked about (agreed?) to move the draft from 8pm to 6pm.



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What does?


It makes it very rough on Gary who has to get up at 1AM to go to work, it makes it rough on me as I get up very early in the morning to go to work, and I believe that means flea will start the draft at 2 AM. I did not know the draft time was firm at 8PM Monday night. If I had known this I would not have paid my $20 and would have withdrawn from the draft. Too late now, I guess I will have to live with it.

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It makes it very rough on Gary who has to get up at 1AM to go to work, it makes it rough on me as I get up very early in the morning to go to work, and I believe that means flea will start the draft at 2 AM. I did not know the draft time was firm at 8PM Monday night. If I had known this I would not have paid my $20 and would have withdrawn from the draft. Too late now, I guess I will have to live with it.

I guess I will have to live with it as well but that sucks big time if we have it Monday at 8pm. I thought we had agreed to move it to 6pm.

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I would not say it can't be tweaked or worked w/, but it does seem like there was agreement on Monday evening, though I think we had agreed to move the time from 8pm to 6pm, and that was done for Gary and Flea at their request.


Honestly, I would be fine doing it anytime Monday. I don't have to work. I know the friend I brought in doesn't have to work either. For that matter, I could probably still do it tomorrow. Honestly, for me, it is far more about getting a firm day and time. Especially if we are talking about drafting early afternoon tomorrow, I would really just like to get this planned.




It makes it very rough on Gary who has to get up at 1AM to go to work, it makes it rough on me as I get up very early in the morning to go to work, and I believe that means flea will start the draft at 2 AM. I did not know the draft time was firm at 8PM Monday night. If I had known this I would not have paid my $20 and would have withdrawn from the draft. Too late now, I guess I will have to live with it.


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Calling all Keeper FF players!!!!!!!!!


It seems we have a bit of an issue on draft time. I don't know how many owners are on the board now, but I propose we decide between one of two times.


Modany at 6pm CST. I realize the site still shows 8pm, but we had agreed to move it to 6pm, and I think most realize that. If this still does not work, we can try to move it to.....

Sunday at Noon CST. I am giving a time here as the "early afternoon" talk really does little to give us a hard draft time. Only concern I have here is whether or not we can get the word out to all the owners in time. I can get in touch w/ PapaBear. He will be stressed and cry he isn't prepared, but he would be available.


So what do you all say.


For the keeper league, I got the email that we have moved the draft up to tomorrow "early afternoon". Can we set a time? I don't know if we are talking about noon or 3pm, or if we are going to do it earlier or later, or what. Family is wanting to do some stuff, and while they understand I have the draft, I would like to know when it is so I can plan around it.


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Calling all Keeper FF players!!!!!!!!!


It seems we have a bit of an issue on draft time. I don't know how many owners are on the board now, but I propose we decide between one of two times.


Modany at 6pm CST. I realize the site still shows 8pm, but we had agreed to move it to 6pm, and I think most realize that. If this still does not work, we can try to move it to.....

Sunday at Noon CST. I am giving a time here as the "early afternoon" talk really does little to give us a hard draft time. Only concern I have here is whether or not we can get the word out to all the owners in time. I can get in touch w/ PapaBear. He will be stressed and cry he isn't prepared, but he would be available.


So what do you all say.

I would be thrilled with Sunday at Noon, however would be satisfied with 6PM Monday as that is what I thought was being agreed on with the exchanges we had. There is an email owners option on the yahoo team website.

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I know there is an email option, but didn't want to step on commish's toes.


Also, unless we have enough who know each other, I am a bit worried about getting word out to everyone. But if we do have enough who know each other....


We need to schedule a conf call :)


Okay, seriously. What do you think? I would lean toward Monday's 6pm, but only because I fear not getting a hold of everyone. Just spoke (text) w/ Papabear, and he is fine for whenever, but just wants to get something set.


I would be thrilled with Sunday at Noon, however would be satisfied with 6PM Monday as that is what I thought was being agreed on with the exchanges we had. There is an email owners option on the yahoo team website.


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I know there is an email option, but didn't want to step on commish's toes.


Also, unless we have enough who know each other, I am a bit worried about getting word out to everyone. But if we do have enough who know each other....


We need to schedule a conf call :)


Okay, seriously. What do you think? I would lean toward Monday's 6pm, but only because I fear not getting a hold of everyone. Just spoke (text) w/ Papabear, and he is fine for whenever, but just wants to get something set.


I agree that it is probably too late for the Sunday Draft. For that to have happened a decision probably should have been sent out yesterday, not the night before.


There is plenty of time to notify everyone of a 6PM draft on Monday and I can not believe anyone who was accepting the 8PM Monday time would have any reason to object to moving it up 2 hours.


Ultimately, it is DB's call.

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Two things.


One, I think we need a secondary commish. Someone who has access to the site and can make changes if we can't get ahold of DB.


Two. I think we need to (a) simply change the draft time to 6pm and (B) send all owners an email regarding the change. Going off our FF thread, I think we had a majority of owners who agreed to the 6pm change, and I can bring another vote (Papabears) who was on board w/ it.


I know flea said something about the time change, but I also thought he said 6pm would work for him. I also know Gary talked about work, as did you, but thought the 6pm would work for you guys. If that is the case, I say we do the above and simply make the change. We have a majority, and I think we would be good to go. Agreed?


I agree that it is probably too late for the Sunday Draft. For that to have happened a decision probably should have been sent out yesterday, not the night before.


There is plenty of time to notify everyone of a 6PM draft on Monday and I can not believe anyone who was accepting the 8PM Monday time would have any reason to object to moving it up 2 hours.


Ultimately, it is DB's call.


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Two things.


One, I think we need a secondary commish. Someone who has access to the site and can make changes if we can't get ahold of DB.


Two. I think we need to (a) simply change the draft time to 6pm and ( B) send all owners an email regarding the change. Going off our FF thread, I think we had a majority of owners who agreed to the 6pm change, and I can bring another vote (Papabears) who was on board w/ it.


I know flea said something about the time change, but I also thought he said 6pm would work for him. I also know Gary talked about work, as did you, but thought the 6pm would work for you guys. If that is the case, I say we do the above and simply make the change. We have a majority, and I think we would be good to go. Agreed?


Ok by me if it is ok by DB. I can't believe he would object if the majority was in agreement. I know flea wanted it earlier. So did Gary. I did. You did. Your friend is in agreement. That is 5 of the 10 there. DB PMed me earlier saying it was fine with him then he changed his mind about changing it to Sunday. That leaves 4 we are waiting to hear from. Whoever it was that complained to DB about moving it to Sunday should be (I Hope) agreeable to a 2 hour shift of start times.

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I may have been one who "complained," though it wasn't my intention. I think I did point out we had a prior agreement, but also said I could work it out for Sunday, and simply requested to know exactly what time as his email only said "early afternoon".


I'd be fine w/ tomorrow, but as I said before, my key concern is we have only heard from about 1/2 the league, which makes me fearful the other half is still under the impression we are drafting Monday evening.


Anyway, he shot me an email a bit ago and said 6pm Monday was fine w/ him. I asked him to change the time on the draft site and email everyone of the change.


Ok by me if it is ok by DB. I can't believe he would object if the majority was in agreement. I know flea wanted it earlier. So did Gary. I did. You did. Your friend is in agreement. That is 5 of the 10 there. DB PMed me earlier saying it was fine with him then he changed his mind about changing it to Sunday. That leaves 4 we are waiting to hear from. Whoever it was that complained to DB about moving it to Sunday should be (I Hope) agreeable to a 2 hour shift of start times.


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I may have been one who "complained," though it wasn't my intention. I think I did point out we had a prior agreement, but also said I could work it out for Sunday, and simply requested to know exactly what time as his email only said "early afternoon".


I'd be fine w/ tomorrow, but as I said before, my key concern is we have only heard from about 1/2 the league, which makes me fearful the other half is still under the impression we are drafting Monday evening.


Anyway, he shot me an email a bit ago and said 6pm Monday was fine w/ him. I asked him to change the time on the draft site and email everyone of the change.

Sorry about not getting on earlier, just got home from work. Pix knows me very well. Either day is great with me but I agree that Monday would be best because of not enough time to inform all the other owners.


On a side note does anyone know what happened with the BearsTalk 3 league. We had a full league and then I logged on yesterday to check a few things out and noticed that we only have 2 owners. I even got an email from yahoo about the draft time for that league.

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No idea from my end, and as I don't think too many non-keeper league owners are reading this thread, you may need to ask elsewhere to get your answer.


Sorry about not getting on earlier, just got home from work. Pix knows me very well. Either day is great with me but I agree that Monday would be best because of not enough time to inform all the other owners.


On a side note does anyone know what happened with the BearsTalk 3 league. We had a full league and then I logged on yesterday to check a few things out and noticed that we only have 2 owners. I even got an email from yahoo about the draft time for that league.


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