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Annual Tradition: During Rivalry Week


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Every year when the Bears line up to play the "cheese heads", the little kid in me likes to start the rivalry off right by asking all to give us your best packer fan insults or jokes and your fondest memory of a Bear- packer game.


I'll start with a couple of games I remember; the first one is of course the game after the Payton public memorial at Soldier's Field I can still feel goose bumps listening to Dan Hampton address the team sitting on the stage with tears in his eyes and then during the game Brian Robinson blocking a kick to preserve the victory. Actually choking up a little while typing this.lol


The second one is from the 70's during the Neil Armstrong tenure when the Bears pounded the packers 61-7, I can remember a quote from former Bear punter Bob Parsons saying that they could open up the offense every week but the coaching staff gets a tight arse.

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Every year when the Bears line up to play the "cheese heads", the little kid in me likes to start the rivalry off right by asking all to give us your best packer fan insults or jokes and your fondest memory of a Bear- packer game.


I'll start with a couple of games I remember; the first one is of course the game after the Payton public memorial at Soldier's Field I can still feel goose bumps listening to Dan Hampton address the team sitting on the stage with tears in his eyes and then during the game Brian Robinson blocking a kick to preserve the victory. Actually choking up a little while typing this.lol


The second one is from the 70's during the Neil Armstrong tenure when the Bears pounded the packers 61-7, I can remember a quote from former Bear punter Bob Parsons saying that they could open up the offense every week but the coaching staff gets a tight arse.

The game after Payton's death was actually in Lamblow. The memorial for Walter was a few days before at Soldier Field. I was at the game at Lamblow (happens to be the only time I have been there - I bought the tickets 3 months earlier on a whim). It was a horribly played game by both teams. The Packer fans were actually very nice except for a couple of drillrods behind us who disappeared right after the kick was blocked. The best moment of the day (other than the blocked kick) was when the Tuba section of the Wisconsin marching band came out after the end of the 3rd quarter. Each tuba had a letter and they all spelled out "Walter Payton #34". The crowd erupted. It was amazing.


Peace :dabears

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Of course you can't discuss this topic without bringing up the Ditka era. There was never a coach with the Bears who held this with more reverence. Some of the truly ugly events of the rivalry occurred during this time (Charles Martin, Mark Lee, Ken Stills) but some of the funniest also occurred. Using the Fridge in the backfield, embarrassing the Packers, and then using him again to catch a pass... It will live on forever. The hatred between Forrest Gregg and Mike Ditka was real.


Lovie is the first coach we've had in a while who understands this rivalry and he's actually got a solid record against the Packers. Say what you want about Lovie's "fire" but he's been on the right side of this issue from day one.

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In 2005, when the torch officially began to change hands in terms of who owned who in the rivalry. This was the Bears-Packers game in Chicago, when we were just hammering Favre. I remember being at the game and getting texts that Favre's hand was bleeding all over and his hand looked deformed. It was a 19-7 final IIRC, but the game was dominated by Mike Brown and the defense.

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Guest TerraTor
In 2005, when the torch officially began to change hands in terms of who owned who in the rivalry. This was the Bears-Packers game in Chicago, when we were just hammering Favre. I remember being at the game and getting texts that Favre's hand was bleeding all over and his hand looked deformed. It was a 19-7 final IIRC, but the game was dominated by Mike Brown and the defense.


I remember that nasty sack on favre from Mike Brown, that was awesome

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Cheesehead School teacher


A first grade teacher explains to her class that she is a Cheesehead.


She asks her students to raise their hands if they are

Cheeseheads too.


No one really knowing what a Cheesehead was, but wanting

to be like their teacher, their hands explode into the air like flashy



There is, however, one exception. A girl named Kristen

who has not gone along with the crowd. The teacher asks her why she has

decided to be different.


“Because I’m not a Cheesehead.”


“Then”, asks the teacher, “what are you?”


“Why, I’m a proud bear Fan,” boasts the little girl.


The teacher is a little perturbed now, her face slightly red. She asks

Kristen why she is a rebel.


“Well, my mom and dad are Bear Fans, so I’m a Bear Fan too.”


The teacher is now angry. “That’s no reason,” she says loudly. “What if

your mom was a moron, and your dad was a moron. What would you be then?”


A pause, and a smile. “Then,” says Kristen, “I’d be a Cheesehead”


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