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Well, we knew Cutler....


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would lose games for us as well. He did just that tonight. A fairly putrid performance.


Peace :dabears


Our WR's kicked his ass tonight though. At least 2 of those INT's were directly on them not running through routes, not to mention Clark in the End Zone. We need a real WR and very soon.

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Would we have won that game with Orton?? That's the question. Pathetic game from Cutler. 4 INT, only about 6 good throws all night. What's worse is we get to face the Pittsburgh Steelers next week so a chance for about 3 or 4 more picks! Just great..

Nope. We would have lost anyway. It wasn't our night. Need to regroup and get ready for Pittsburgh.


Peace :dabears

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Not defending Cutler but his recievers screwed him all night. If they weren't stopping routes they were dropping balls. Cutler made his share of bad decisions as well. He was scrambling on every play it seemed then rather than take what's there he was forcing things. He played better in the second half but you cannot dig yourself a hole in the first half like the Bears did. This was an ugly game from the get go. Offensive line had a rough night,


Manelly had the right idea on the direct snap but took way too long to do it, if you have 12 men on the field on defense you snap it before the guy can get off the field. even if the play is a stinker you still get 12 man penalty and repeat the down. We waited too long and end up giving them the ball in field goal range. Vasher is getting on my nerves. He isn't defending passes but just letting his guy beat him and then trying to make the tackle. Here's a thought.... try break up the pass that's what real corners do. We were in this game only because of Green Bay having their share of drops too and the safety. IF it turns out we lost Url and Pisa for any length that will add insult to injury. What a crappy crappy game. Play calling left much to be desired. Jay looked out of sync from the start but we kept doing what wasn't working. It's like we were determined to make it work as if we didn't have in mind a backup strategy in case the passing game wasn't working. In a hostile environment when things can quickly get out of hand you settle down with the run game There just was no continuity from the play calling to the guys trying to execute on the field. How the hell does a WR line up offsides??? This should not ever happen.


Thought the officiating sucked for the most part as well. Brad maynard gets taken out after a punt and no flag. GB players repeatedly piling on and hitting late, and so much for protecting the QB the one play where Cutler is tackled and the play is over it sure looked like the GB defender trying to snap Jay in two. There was the play we got away with an illegal formation and instead benefited from a bogus illegal contact call but other than that the Packers were allowed to take repeated cheap shots all game long. This is not by any means why we lost it just angered me more to watch that on top of the crap that the bears were trying to pass off as pro football.


The Bears need to get their act together quickly if the expect to make any noise this year. We could easily start out in a deep hole record wise. If we go into game 3 of the season and are at the bottom of the division looking up at the queens, pukers, and the friggin lions I know I won't be the only Bear fan that will be pissed. It's clear that we do in fact need receivers.... real receivers. Right now this team is proving the doubters right. The few bright spots tonight are completely overshadowed by the mass of dark clouds. It is one game but that's not the way you want to play out of the gate two weeks to prepare for the game and this is what we get. I'm trying to find the silver lining but there ain't one we sucked big time today and deserved to loose. I don't think anyone can hold their head high other than Hester and maybe Forte.

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Guest TerraTor
I just can't believe we played that bad and it took a 50 yard TD tlo beat us.


anyone else have that gut wrenching feeling every time he dropped back to pass like when orton and grossman used to? I had it after the 2nd pick. Really deflating feeling how terrible of a game that was. Everyone was miserable. Hester probably the only one doing much of anything. Good lord.

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anyone else have that gut wrenching feeling every time he dropped back to pass like when orton and grossman used to? I had it after the 2nd pick. Really deflating feeling how terrible of a game that was. Everyone was miserable. Hester probably the only one doing much of anything. Good lord.


Knox looked good in limited time.

Wolfe looked good in limited time.

Manning didn't look too bad on kick returns.

Afalava looked alright.

Wale looked pretty damn awesome.

Bennett looked pretty good.

Most of the defense looked good the entire game.

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Would we have won that game with Orton?? That's the question. Pathetic game from Cutler. 4 INT, only about 6 good throws all night. What's worse is we get to face the Pittsburgh Steelers next week so a chance for about 3 or 4 more picks! Just great..


Ya right. Orton would have been sacked 5 or 6 times given the pressure Cutler saw. And I actually like Orton, he turned into a solid, but not great QB. I love Cutler and while he played the worse game of his career he still did a lot of good things, including a 4th quarter drive to put the Bears up.

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See, this is why some players HATE playing in Chicago. 1 bad game and some are ready to throw him under the bus and run him out of town. My god can we just get real for a second. In the first half he played like crap but the Oline didn't help much the either. In the past we have complained very vocally about the inability to make half time adjustments. Cutler in the first half was 8 of 22 with 3 INT's, and then in the 2nd half he came back and help lead the team down the field and get us the lead with less than 2 minutes to go. He ended with 277 yards passing. In the past we would have gladly taken this. Also with the QB's we have had in the past like Grossman once he throws a couple of picks the game is over with and we would get trounced. Cutler throws 3 picks however still showed the ability to put things behind him and help lead. I don't like that in the first half we got away from running the football and then we got to running the ball in the 2nd half. This I will blame on the coaching, however like someone stated before you can blame the coaching staff about something in every game. I have heard some people just chastize our WR's and TE's. Lets keep in mind that GB did an excellent job at constantly double teaming Olsen. He was never open. Of course I do wish that Clark would have ran through his route in the end zone, then the ball doesn't get picked. Our WR's could have done better, however Bennett finished the game with 7 receptions. If this continues he will end the year with 112 receptions(holy crap that would be amazing). Also Knox had 2 catches for 82 yards, right there he is showing the big play threat and his ability that he could have an impact season this year, while most of us agreed that it would be in the future and not this year. Now I get to Devin Hester, he is looking more and more like that impact player and WIDERECEIVER. Thats right I said Wide Receiver. He had a good game with 4 rec for 90 yards and a TD. Oh yeah that was a great through where Hester never slowed down and he made a perfect catch. Makes things a lot easier knowing that your QB has the ability to actually put that ball in front of you and "let him go and get it" I believe was the words that Cutler used after the 1st preseason game. Also just something that I saw and even the Packer fan that was over at my house saw it as well. I also have a small case of diabetes although Cutler's is worse than me. In the 1st half we saw that Cutler looked very pale and very sick looking and I believe that he need an insulin shot. When they came back out after HalfTime he had color back in his face and didn't look so sick anymore. For those who don't know an insulin shot can start helping almost immediately after administered. Sorry about my rant but this is just a few things that I just had to get off my chest.

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See, this is why some players HATE playing in Chicago. 1 bad game and some are ready to throw him under the bus and run him out of town. My god can we just get real for a second. In the first half he played like crap but the Oline didn't help much the either. In the past we have complained very vocally about the inability to make half time adjustments. Cutler in the first half was 8 of 22 with 3 INT's, and then in the 2nd half he came back and help lead the team down the field and get us the lead with less than 2 minutes to go. He ended with 277 yards passing. In the past we would have gladly taken this. Also with the QB's we have had in the past like Grossman once he throws a couple of picks the game is over with and we would get trounced. Cutler throws 3 picks however still showed the ability to put things behind him and help lead. I don't like that in the first half we got away from running the football and then we got to running the ball in the 2nd half. This I will blame on the coaching, however like someone stated before you can blame the coaching staff about something in every game. I have heard some people just chastize our WR's and TE's. Lets keep in mind that GB did an excellent job at constantly double teaming Olsen. He was never open. Of course I do wish that Clark would have ran through his route in the end zone, then the ball doesn't get picked. Our WR's could have done better, however Bennett finished the game with 7 receptions. If this continues he will end the year with 112 receptions(holy crap that would be amazing). Also Knox had 2 catches for 82 yards, right there he is showing the big play threat and his ability that he could have an impact season this year, while most of us agreed that it would be in the future and not this year. Now I get to Devin Hester, he is looking more and more like that impact player and WIDERECEIVER. Thats right I said Wide Receiver. He had a good game with 4 rec for 90 yards and a TD. Oh yeah that was a great through where Hester never slowed down and he made a perfect catch. Makes things a lot easier knowing that your QB has the ability to actually put that ball in front of you and "let him go and get it" I believe was the words that Cutler used after the 1st preseason game. Also just something that I saw and even the Packer fan that was over at my house saw it as well. I also have a small case of diabetes although Cutler's is worse than me. In the 1st half we saw that Cutler looked very pale and very sick looking and I believe that he need an insulin shot. When they came back out after HalfTime he had color back in his face and didn't look so sick anymore. For those who don't know an insulin shot can start helping almost immediately after administered. Sorry about my rant but this is just a few things that I just had to get off my chest.


get it out brother. all every true. On my facebook friends were freaking out. I literally posted that everyone was being stupid. it was 1 game.


also along with your post the WR's are very young and that was their first NFL game experience with Cutler. who moves around the field alot and when blocking breaks down. i feel the WR's will adjust to Cutler and learn to not quit on routes. Clark a vet is not used to this either. He is used to Orton and Grossman standing in the pocket and not extending plays. The WR's and TE's are going to have to get used to Cutler extending the plays and keep moving through the routes. Everyone questioned our WR's being so green in playing time. This is something that is going to take time. I think there are alot of good to take from the game.


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get it out brother. all every true. On my facebook friends were freaking out. I literally posted that everyone was being stupid. it was 1 game.


also along with your post the WR's are very young and that was their first NFL game experience with Cutler. who moves around the field alot and when blocking breaks down. i feel the WR's will adjust to Cutler and learn to not quit on routes. Clark a vet is not used to this either. He is used to Orton and Grossman standing in the pocket and not extending plays. The WR's and TE's are going to have to get used to Cutler extending the plays and keep moving through the routes. Everyone questioned our WR's being so green in playing time. This is something that is going to take time. I think there are alot of good to take from the game.

Good to see someone not screaming the sky is falling. Yeah, it sucks that our new star threw a career-high 4 interceptions, but the game was very close until the end. The O will learn from this and come out better at home theis Sunday. Oh, and there were also positives from the game--Deven getting a TD pass and Knox getting some much needed experience. Now, come on Ron and Cutler, get Olsen in on the fun!

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get it out brother. all every true. On my facebook friends were freaking out. I literally posted that everyone was being stupid. it was 1 game.


also along with your post the WR's are very young and that was their first NFL game experience with Cutler. who moves around the field alot and when blocking breaks down. i feel the WR's will adjust to Cutler and learn to not quit on routes. Clark a vet is not used to this either. He is used to Orton and Grossman standing in the pocket and not extending plays. The WR's and TE's are going to have to get used to Cutler extending the plays and keep moving through the routes. Everyone questioned our WR's being so green in playing time. This is something that is going to take time. I think there are alot of good to take from the game.

Exactly. I love all the casual fans on Facebook. "OMG CUTLER SUCKS", "REX IS BACK", and "HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL". Seriously, just shut the f*** up and relax. Those same people will be the ones who are on their knees for him when he throws for 300 yards and 3 TD's. He had an average first game but it wasn't as bad as every casual fan thinks. The WR's weren't finishing routes and were dropping passes, the TE's were nowhere to be found, the OL couldn't pass or run block, and we didn't get much out of our ST.

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Exactly. I love all the casual fans on Facebook. "OMG CUTLER SUCKS", "REX IS BACK", and "HE THROWS LIKE A GIRL". Seriously, just shut the f*** up and relax. Those same people will be the ones who are on their knees for him when he throws for 300 yards and 3 TD's. He had an average first game but it wasn't as bad as every casual fan thinks. The WR's weren't finishing routes and were dropping passes, the TE's were nowhere to be found, the OL couldn't pass or run block, and we didn't get much out of our ST.

The problem is that he plays in Chicago and I agree that the Chicago market is one of the worst to play for. It doesn't matter what sport we are talking about. The casual fan is all about "what have you done for ME lately" instead of looking at the big picture. Thank god Cutler doesn't let it get to him unlike several players for the other sports teams here in town. I will refrain myself for pointing out names since this is about football.

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Also, just think of the situation. You are playing in GB on national tv in the first game of the season in the biggest rivalry in the NFL, vs a new 3-4 defense with little tape to study. You also have a young group of receivers, a new O-Line, with the added pressure of the trade. Then add that we had no running game (Forte 2.2 yds per carry) and you are playing against some of the best corners in the game. Then your coaches burn all your timeouts over silly plays and your long snapper is giving the ball to your opponent. Then to put icing on the cake, your defensive leader is out and it is all on you.


Looking at that, it was amazing he did what he did given all that pressure. That was 2 weeks after dealing with the preseason game in Denver too.



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